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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1917)
A fter M W orld, the this critical period ] A t tills In our history our manufac turers are offering t their mills, and our young men are offering their servi< services to the United States Govern m ent ment. •. 1 . _ Would you like to do your share and help by put ting your money where wh< it will support the new Federal Reserve Banking System, w hich.the Government has Sy established to stand back o f our commerce, industry and agriculture? You can do this by opening an account with us, as -- ' port o f every dollar so de- m emuer posited goes directly into rederal reservc the new system, where it ■', « ystem will always be ready for you when wanted. •aid County. „ COUNTY COURT OF ren at coat. Tha menu trill be varied from day to day, an effort, being made to serve only light, nutritious idaehis. If they dee ire to do so the children may bring sandwiches, e tc , from home, buying only a cup o f hot choco late or a bowl o f soup in the lunch Bank • *r. NOTICE o r APPLICATION FOR ADMINISTRATION. . Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has applied to the County Court o f the State o f Oregon la and for the County o f Cooa fo r letters o f administration o f the aetete t é W il liam R. Hayter, a person presumed to . i - Bank g QUICK’S Second Hand STORE First and W illard Streets DRESSEES KITCHEN aa« DINING TABLES STOVES BED SPRINGS, N «w aad Old BOE8B COLLARS BEDSTEADS ^ * ; CREAM SEPARATORS SADDLES For several yuan Martin Lund, a diver, and his eon, have been search ing fo r the remnants o f the B ro th « Jonotban, and daim to have found CHURNS BABBY BUGGIES GREEN BONE CUTTERS GO-CARTS COMMODES SHEEP SHEARING MACHINE GARDEN TOOLS STANDS CARPENTER TOOLS and m any oth er New and Second Hand flood s W ill «ch a n g a Gana, Phan#graph«, aad Kadaka far a t o « aaa«en able geoda. val o f the apparatus, and with vial cue o f soon reaping their reward, they ac companied their outfit. But they and their belongings were on toe Quinnuft. There is where the ghost o f the Broth er Jonathan, ever watchful, played his p u t. The Quinanlt was lured on the rooks o f Point Garda, n total wreck, an4 her cargo lost. The Lunds escaped with their lives, but the apparatus for saving the treasure from the Brother Jonathan is gone. For Just fifty ym ra new toe ghost o f the Brother Jonathan has thrawted -U efforts to relieve ine wreck to» coveted treasure. Alna make .p ed a l atea SCREEN DOORS aad W IN DOWS. Call and See These Bargains Can I Do It By Telephone?: Call your bank and seel You will learn o f un heard o f terms on the best security in the world— a security which needs no expert to analyze. You take no chance in loaning Unde Sam your money. ’ lente—the earns troubles to evacuate. Serious-minded people think that ell boys are fu ll o f m ischief, and that an doge are unmitigated nuisant « . Thus boys and dogs have much ia common, and one o f their chief occupations *e keeping out o f the way o f people Mho don’t like them. It is too bad that Booth 'Tar king- ton’s “ Penrod Schofield” arrived « long after Mark Twain’s “Tom Saw yer.” Tom and Penrod would have been great chums. Then throw In “ Huck Finn’ for good measure and the picture is com plete . The Penrod étoffes in the Cocmo- politan are touching the high water mark o f boy literature, and Penred*e dog "Duke” is a sure enough heir’s dog without as much pedigree as a field dog. In November 'Cosm opolitan Tark- ton tells how Penrod and his side part ner, Sam, named Sam’s deg WaHar- John Carmichael— a sufficiently gaudy appellation fo r any mongrel. Anyway, if you love hoya^nd dogs, don’t m i« a fingle Penrod yam . Butter at the Sentinel W hy delay? Telephone your share today and do your duty. Coos and Curry Telephone Company a ___ ________ . Service First. THE ONE INDUSTRY IN COQUILLE Professional Cards Tl that has oparated continuously sine« its establishmant soma fourteen years sgo has bean your Laundry. . ;___£ ___ Rain or shine, good tin t« aad bad, it haa bean on the Job. W e have a number of euetomers that have patronised it continually ffem the beginning. Wa are grateful for this appreciation o f am service. Our aim is to im provs tbs service in «vary way possible, v Wa wash «varyth in g washable. J. A . RICHMOND PHYSICIAN aad SURGEON. Richmond-Barker Building. Coquille, Oro. COQUILLE LAUNDRY A ICE COMPANY Str. Elizabeth DR. Q. W . LESLIE Calling « n ia 100 tor $1.00. : . ' ; '■ \ r t.* Tv- a Bandon to San Francisco Fan, Pint class—$10. S ail, from C etera! W a re h e a « Caaapaay J. E. WALSTROM, Agate. Baadaa, Ore. DR. C. W . ENDICOTT P in t E V I Bank B’ld’ i # E.&E.T. Kruse, M*rs., 24 Calif. St, S. F. J. E. Norton, Agent, Coquille, Ore. Phone Male |I, Ooqaillv, Dragon. J. J . STANLEY A . J . SHERW OOD • •¡Does Yoor Subscription Date Need Changing?