The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, October 26, 1917, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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booklet " SS Way, to S opo t o i ï ’ Mrtod t n o n ^ u e e t
directions. Th or* has boon no attem pt
in th i» fam ily, and there ought to bo
no attem pt in any fam ily, to reduce
the uae o f augar in preserves. Thera
> M cN ary thinks te a t the
m ilitary highw ay along the
set w ill be provided fo r in an
tion b ill at the n ext asesten
appreciate quite as intensely aa the
housewife who haa to be up betimes
to baths and dress young children with
one hand and g e t breakfast w i J i the
ether. W hat haa been done, ho 'over,
in this particular fa m ily has been e f­
fective in the saving o f wheat, as is
proved by the fa c t that w hereas the
household form erly used a barrel o f
w heat flour a month It now needs a
barrel o f wheat flour once in about
three months. P a rt o f this savin g is
due to the fa c t that the household is
sligh tly aasaUar, but m ost o f it is doe
to the method adopted .fo r saving the
w h eat The m ixture o f ry e and other
flours w ith the w heat jn the m ik in g
o f bread has had a grea t deal to do
w ith tide saving and has been w el­
comed by the fam ily. Th is par* cular
m other knows how to make bread, and
Quite as ssarfced results have been
obtained in this household in the sav­
in g o f moats. Cheese form s a la rger
item in the d iet o f the fam ily than be-
15. Blow ing up industrial estab­
lishm ents in neutral countries.
16. Poison gaaaa and Hamas
IT , Sinking feospital ships.
18. Starving and slaying prisoners.
IS. M urdering innocent people in
small boata.
20. A eria l w arfare on undefended
21. Bom barding hospitals.
22. Spreading disease through an­
thrax and glanders germ s.
28. C rim inal diplom acy based an'
treachery, falsehood, bribery.
24. Conspiracy against sovereignty
o f neutral nations.
25. C om plicity in Arm enian mas­
There are m ore to be added; but was
there ever such a record o f infam y
parature, and the resu lt is tw o pounds achieved by any other power, ancient
o f what loooka ani tastes lik e delicious or modem T— Oregonian.
“fresh ’* butter.
M ore o f this com­
pound butter and m ilk is used on the
table than was need o f bu tter before,
but not tw ice aa much. T h at means
a considerable saving in the consump­
tion o f butter. The third method fo r
the saving o f h o tter has been the use
o f substitutes, such as je llie s and pre­
serves (m uch to the pleasure o f the
b oys), peanut butter and a t least one
o f ite deri va tives, and a butter sub­
stitute which is very popular in this
household and which is made o f peanut
and cocoanut oil.
aa Coaa county haa ju st inverted in.
The boat the State H ighw ay Commis­
sion has been able to lo with m otor
trucka under sim ilar circumstances is
This household is also saving coal
by the use o f kerosene in cooking and
w ater-h eatin g.. The old coal range
has been sold fo r junk, and in its place
Anybody who likes cake w ith * aple-
are a kefesene cook stove and a kero­ FEEL LIKE G IVING UP?
sugar fillin g w ill relish the peaaut-
sene w ater heater o f the long-chim ­
M aay Ceqa’ De Peepte mi te s Varga
ney, wick variety. This, however, as
a f fn llep es
w ell aa the saving by preserving, is ’ A bad back makee yon m iserable a ll
another story.
the tim e—
Lam e every raom ing; sore a ll day.
It is w orth m entioning perhaps that
< It hurta to stoop— it hurte te
this food saving, undertaken as a part straigfctem
o f N ational service, has nvelved prac­
W hat w ith headache, diaay apella,
tically no sacrifice. On the contrary, urinary waaknees,
No wonder peo pie are discourmged,
it has resulted in new enjoym ent of
W ho do not know the Udnoys m ay
breakfast, dinner and supper.
be the cause o f it alL
G ivs the weakened kidneys nesdful
sar requirem ents fo r sugar so that
Use a testad and proven kidney
there is no need fo r the consumers to remedy.
Nona endorsad like Doan’e Kidney
hoard sugar w ith the idea that they
m ay not be able to obtain th eir re­ Pilla.
Mra. M. E. Piernón, 51» F ow ler St.,
quirements a t a later date.
Roeeburg, Ore., saya: “ Four yeara
Retention o f sufficient supply in ago, m y kidneys w ere in a p retty bad
this d istrict to m eet the d istrict re­
quirements is demanded. '
Abo a complete line
That a la rg e stock o f sugar at hand
And a grea t many people are o f the with the consumer w ill lead to unnec­
opinion that the law which prohibits essary^Erasts by the consumer is fe lt
a man from saving foodstuffs isn’t to be one danger in the hoarding ten­
w orth the paper on which it is w ritten. dency. A n adequate supply and fed ­ Kidney P ills. Four boxes in a ll stop­
ped the trouble w ith m y back and put
eral control o f p rices should alla y the my kidneys in good w orking order.”
- - stampede, which cannot fa il to be in­
P rice 60c a t a ll dealers.
Perhaps the reader had not thought jurious to general w elfare i f it pou- ■im ply aak fo r n kidney resnedy— g e t
Doan's Kidney P ilb — the same that
o f it, but the five billions o f dollars
M rs. Pierson had.
Foster-M ilburn
tho governm ent hopea to secure in the
Co., props., Buffalo, N . T .
second L ib erty Loan means $50 fo r
nan uuj child in the
When the indictm ent against G er­
United States, But at the same tim e man autocracy shall bo made up, it
it only means i
w ill ho found that it includes the fo l­
dollar ip fifty o f tho total wealth o f low ing trangresakm i against the laws
the United States. W e don’t aak n o f humanity, the recognized rules of
850 subscription from every person, civilised w arfare:
tor there are a grea t many who ara
V V iolation o f treaties, beginning
with invasion o f Belgium
ought to try to stake a sul
1 Execution o f hostel
equal to at least one-fiftieth o ’ his
wealth. Many a r t doing vastly m ote
than this. A re yon measuring up to
in g boys and girls.
» . E xploitation o f women fo r fn
¡fiestion o f soldiers.
Those who have boon reading about
8 Destruction o f churches and
the sugar shortage In the East, where .brarias.
it e s a a a t
purchases are lim ited to a - oilar’s
7. P illage.
e erotte b il l y p o s t e r
worth, and who have fa it like to ttin g
8. Frightfulness in many form s.
» . Poisoning wells.
Lumber, Dry Finish Rustic,
Mouldings, Boxes
and Crates
Urn Portland paper which says that
the CoquilU Commercial club is “ mak­
in g strenuous efforts” to g e t up a dis­
play fo r tho Portland Land Products
Show in Novem ber is a long w ays o ff
ite trolley. Coquillo has a show o f her
own— the Corn and P o tete producto
exhibition— to stage in Noqcm ber, and
besides our Com m ercial Club has de-
rided that one state fh lr a year is all
that we can do ju stice to, and oo w ill
keep continuously in mind dm rani
atete flair a t 8alem , doing all in its
»e w e r to help Corn county retain the
high position she secured there this