The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, October 26, 1917, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Things to Find Out
Do you know what your cowa earn you? W hat it
has cost you in labor and m aterial to put your crop on
the market ? Have you at your hand information con­
cerning your business affairs that w ill enable you to
intelligently and readily guide your next year’s busi-
r •
ifsSf ffiiSfes; '< ■ -v,.
% Î% y '
This school conducts a Home Study course fo r the
fan n er and dairyman. Its purpose ia to teach you in
a rem arkably abort time by mail and personal contact
a brief, yet absolutely modern and complete system of
farm accounting. The cost ia very slight. The time
occupied by you in securing this knowledge would in
many instances be used to no particular advantage.
Drop us a line fo r particulars. This request will
not obligate you in any manner.
Simply ask about
Farm Accounting B y Mail.
A n d erso n ’s Practical Business C o lleg e
[odem and Scientifically Equipped with Every Con
venience that Any Automobile Can Posses«.
solved, it U put in hoopa made of
heavy tin or (teel. These hoops hsve
bandagm an the inner side of them
and the cord ia put Inside ot the bnnd-
• p . These hoops i n put in the press.
The next moraing the cheeee is tsken
out and look very much aa tbey do
when you buy them.
—Anna Moser ot Mgrtla Pont achoob.
You cannot comprehend its
real value until you ask to
see and have it demonstrated
to you.
F. C. PURSLEY, Coos County Agent
Coqnille, O regon
Miss Qobbe made her schedule to
Gold Beach and returned last night
and exchanged that
the required sheriff’s receipts, and it
is now in the strong box ia the new
building, which is of itself the strong­
est and biggest box ia southern Ore-
Just how soar this $139,00 and $60,
Everything b programing nicoly at
Tho iadtoa are
tag* quit« oxpart at the difficult task of
i amordiag to
Acatione. Thirty ouito a n not
pi«tad. Howovor, than a n various
othar articlm to*V> mate, which an
aasy aniraih for amateurs to attempt,
“ and avory lady b urgad to lay aside
her homo dutbo on«
w ««k and Join tho workars. You a n
aaadad, and If yon faal timid about
anyway and hoip with tho simple bod
Tho yarn tmt knitting has aat yst
arrived at MarahAaid, and until it
eomm tho ladbo a n urgad to make
surgeon ipongea and wash elotha for
hoapital me. Then a n knit from in­
expensive cotton and a n good prat­
tle* for beginning and a n much
ad. Thb work can bo don« at
at odd
Tha Rebekah lod ge donated $10 to
tho Rad Cram fund.
Tho Woman’« Relief Corpa of Co­
quill«, haa also given $10 to tha loasl
traaaury. wsv;
On Monday afternoon Mrs.
ick brought in n largo cak« in honor
• f bar atotar, M b« Ida C. Hebegar’«
birthday. Mbs Habagar, being a Rad
Cram nun* in Fmuoe, «wold aat b«
pme ant at bar party, but tha guasta
took can of tha birthday cak« in a
way that addad two dollar« to tha
general fund, aa wall, aa much en­
joyment of tho afternoon’« work.
Mrs. Ruth Caadlta haa bean ap­
pointed Superintendent of Sowing at
tha work rooms. It b largely dm to
Mrs. Candlin’« faithful services and
ability that tha work of tho chapter
so nicoly and tha la-
fortunate in having a super­
intendent who can and will devote aa
much time to the cause aa Mm. C. haa.
Holy Communion at 8 a. a .
Sunday School « t 10 a. m.
Morning Prayer, Litany and Sermon
at 11 a. m.
- Evening Prayer and Sermon at 7 JO
*• »•
Bov. Frederick O. Jennings, Vicar.
tract taxes for 1918 and 1914 came to
being a round $800,000 any one can
see. The amount available now for
paying «ff the $840,000 outstanding
county warrants cannot be much leas
than $160,000. And we are receiving
O b » Cant a W«r4 lack lamtim
intimations that the Southern Oregon,
which owes about $870,000 more may
settle without further Iggal proceed­
ings as the outcome of the O. A C.
case leaves scant prospecta of its be­
ing abb to evade any of its taxes.
, And besides, we hear from the Bay
the same old story about a company
FOR 8ALE—Two thoroughbred Sil-
being organised to pay off the $90,-
000 or more of Kinney taxes and re­
stock, $2 apiece. Mrs. Ed Cunning-
deem those lands. Everything b ap­
parently coming Coos county's way.
And the man above all others who has
Services next Sunday at 11:00 a. m.
worked long and painstakingly and in­
Wednesday evening meeting at 8
telligently and effectively to secure o’clock. -
these results is former District A t­
Sunday school at 9:80 a. m.
torney L. A. Liljeqvist, who b now
Free public feeding room open ev­
the special attorney for the county in ery day, except Sundays and holidays, FOR SALE—1000 pound Do Laval
Steam Separator and Boiler. $40.
these «Attaquent tax cases.
He b from 3 to 4 p. m.
• Inquire of C. C. Ohmen, Bandon.
still serving the people of Coos coyn-
Corner Third and Hall streets.
Want Ads
Mbs Hebba. who wtohto ta maka
her trip down ta Cold Bmcà and pay
Curry county its $8J00 of taxes and
trimmings while tha roads mrs good.
Amidad to lot tha aattlmmat wphCom
county wait until her return Thursday*
and continue her trip Wednesday
But aha arm good onougt to tot m
Treasurer af or seed to pay said county
the sum of $189,708J4.
It really
wasn’t as much satisfaction as we
thought it would be to hold la our
fore-get in our Angers.
The amount expected was M course,
$i$0,00, as the Sentinel has before
stated; but the $12,000 due on lands
to which grant was asado and which
ass still unsold and unpatented will
come a little btsr. It has been fre­
quently queetoned whether such lands
are subject to taxation; but the b w b
plain that after Anal proof and before
patent, taxes can be levied and Unde
Sam b going to give HOid Man Ore­
gon” the bsncAt, and pay taxes on
How Choose b Manufsetared-
FOR SALE—Shingle Mill. 16 h. p.
The full cream, sweet milk b
Atlas Steam Engine, 23 horse Boil­
brought to the factory each morning,
er. Perkins shingle machine, cut­
put in a tank, weighed, a sample tak­
off and Joiner. $32$. Wm. Burbeck,
en of it and b run into vats. Most of
the vats used here hold about six
thousand pounds. After the milk b FOR SALE the best and cheapest va­
cant lot in the city of Coquills.
heated to about 86 degress the color-
Speak quick if you want i t A t the
Sentinel office.
nett b used to thicken the milk. A f­
ter the milk b thict, two different
cubes. These cubes are called curd.
This b again heated, stirring it con-
tinually, until the curd fias become
quits Arm. The liquid on the curd b
blocks north and two oast of court
¿ones. Inquire of Matt Korrigan
on the place for terms.
Old age
reason for sailing.
FOR SALE— 1$ acres, all bottom, one
mile from Coquille postages; city
water. Inquire John Hickam. 9tf.
Wool A Mohair. Geo. T. Moulton.
A t a meant meeting of the Red
Cross association Mrs. C. J.
was elected a member o f the *
tive committee. Tha other asm
of tha committee are y follows:
Spos’n a Pump-kin pumped hot Aamm
From a place, you know, what nobody-------
Wall, spoe’n
Spoa’n the witchm began to witch
An’ you didn’t know which witch was witch
. Well, spaa*
Ruth Candlto—Vie«
T # A r g »# I »
A. K. Pack, af
mght tato «Abe in
rave last fall, where
general that it wm
S sear set of roll«
aid orna.
I all Urn af gettine
amt af tha O. A «.
H allow e’en N ovelties fo r Favors* H allow e’en
P arties and fo r thfc K iddie»:
L igh t S h a d e s ............... ................. ._16c and 25c
H allow e’en Party Caps fo r F av o rs. 10c 2 fo r 15c
. . . . . . ____ 15c
Jack O X an tern s...................5c 10c 15c ap to 35c
H allow e’en Candy B o xes__________ _______ ___ 15c
Pum pkins............................. 5c 10c 15c and 25c
M RS. B O N N IE W A L K E R , Prop.
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