The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, October 26, 1917, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    Unta Fi
lier Notice WE WILL ACCEPT
BONDS in payraétt of grocery bill
ic citizens
be called; it
dans afford, and wa cater to the beat fam ilies
w ho seek quality in their food at all times.
I f you buy here once you w ill trade here re g ­
buy these bonds and cany them yourself if you can
ularly, fo r there are none to compete w ith us
in garden staff at ad seasons o f the year.
First National Bank Building
The Lyceum course fo r 1B17-18 offers s most
pleasing program : all attractions are top notchers—
the very best of the high class entertainments o f E lli­
son-White talen t
The committee has secured a bet­
ter and more expensive coarse than was offered last
year, but the PR IC E remains the S A M E : $1.00 fo r a
S E A S O N T IC K E T ; reserved seats fifty cents extra.
A t the Scenic Theater.
The Course Includes:«
The Berkeley Quartette, Songs and Readings
in Costume
Robert Bowsuft, Character Portrayals
Arthur W. Evans, W ebb Wit and Hunor
Jean and Ord Bohannan, Magical Entertain*
Tickets on Sale Sat., Oct. 27,2f.m.
A t H. 0 . Anderson’s store.
You w ill receive the big­
gest dollar value in entertainment ever offered in Co­
Item s From Arago.
M h . Clarence Scnroeder ga ve1 a
fa rew ell p arty fo r David and N ettie
R oot and M rs. C aley Robison, who ac­
companied them to th eir home near
M ontagus, C alifornia, fo r the winter.
•Marion Clinton has traded his F oM
fo r a Buick from H enry Lorens and
Lester took M rs. J. 8. Root and child­
ren Saturday to their home in U ifo f-
M iss N ettie H alter rsmembartd
Jskie Moomaw’s sixteenth mrthdSy
w ith a fe w friands at dinner and a few
nice presents last Thursday. .Takie Is
attending the high school a t M yrtle
Point, this being his seepnd je a r there.
U riah Root, o f Chico, Cala is v is it­
in g his brother, Joel Root, and otbkr
relatives. He lived in Coquille about
tw enty y e a n ago.
Rev. Ernest Root preached at A rago
Sunday and w ill continue U do *o ev-
Stauff w ill go to her mother, -vho la
quite aged and ill.
Mrs.' B l r.gton
w ill continue her journey to Los An­
gels* fo r th * w inter.
Pedele A ram i is building a silo on
tho Ethan W oim sr place at Fiahu-ap.
Harold T yrrell, from C alifornia,
waa visitin g st the home p i Joe Rada-
beu glf last week and callin g on old
friends before leevn g fo r tho asmy.
bar tw o boys want to Pow ers Sunday,
tho sees com ing down on tho sarly
m oraine train in ttm o fo r school Mon­
Aunt Anna found h erself in
charge o f a m illin ery store end she
took fat plenty o f money. M rs. Abbott
returned the fo llo w in g day. Come wad
got your hats I
O. H . Gourley, one tim e a stockman
and butcher in this T alley but now
from H arrisburg, called on some o f
his old tim e M ends this week ss he
passed through to tho Bayside.
Prod M etgus was bore this week
from G old Bosch visitin g his brother,
Gua, who lives a t tho Club Cafe.
E lijah Culbertson, son o f Mr. and
M rs. J. D. Culbertson, o f G ravel Ford,
is attending college a t C orvallis this
year, takin g a strictly agricultural
M r. and M rs. Kennedy H. Hanson,
th eir daughter, Moth, and sister, Mrs.
M ary Culbertson, i f G ravel Ford,
made the round trip to Roseburg and
return last Sunday. They roes at 4 a.
m. and returned at 8 p. m. and had no
accidents except th at ho m et an auto
track coining down a h ill out o f con­
trol o f the driver. H e lost it in chang­
in g the gear on the slope and his
brakes would not w ork. M r. H inson's
car cams out o f tho collision with a
broken windshield anl a tw isted fen ­
der. Tho car was out n ext day as
good as now, thanks to the doctor*.
Lon g Chong, one o f the very popu-
lnr Chinamen o f M y itis Point, also o f
M arshfield, haa returned a fter a year’«
vis it w ith hi* good w ife in China and
is having a good tim e With our popular
“ Goo.”
The H fd Cross society, who occupy
the K. E. Shine room next to the
Pearce garage, is now supplied with
fu el. The fu el was ly in g about the
new bridge which is being built. Mrs.
3. O. Stem m ier s a w .it and M rs. Duff
said, “ Y e s !” M iss Barton, a teacher
in the gram m ar schools, conducted the
transportation which was accomplish­
ed by a lo t o f volunteers from that
school, who carried it up in potate and
bean sacks, the teacher leading with
the b iggsat sack.
L E. M illar, a rela tive o f tho M iller
brothers here, is en joyin g s v is it with
them. H is horns is a t Bogus river in
Curry county.
Tho Union M oat Co. is raprsssa tsd
hers this week and whan the grocery-
man tim idly asks him “ w hat’s the
price o f bacon n ow ?” the drummer
hold* his breath fo r a second but
whon he gets goin g the storekeeper
knows that he U lucky to g et it at
any price.
From slum bering suspicions that
th# Enterprise newspaper o f M yr-
tie P oin t was untrue to homo and
national interest the smoke began to
rise shortly a fte r the p im n i incum-
bent o f the editorial chair sufiooi ml.
and incrooaod in volum e until the
smouldering fire b u n t forth in flam es,
This occurred a t tho regu lar m eeting
o f tho Com m ercial Club o f M yrtle
Point a t which there wore a few in-
vited visitors.
Postm aster Fcnsler
stated the case before the Club, the
editor being a member and present.
C ity A ttorn ey G iles was the next
speaker and he endorsed the thoughts
expressed b y tho form er speaker end
gathered up the scraps that hang to
them putting a ll in a m ors concrete
form . Ho was tte n follow ed by tho
if you find later that you are unable to carry the amount
you have taken they will be accepted
payment of accounts
Front and C Streets
Coquille, Oregon
Phones 601 and 641
in g so.
M rs. D ora B ryant, o f Saw yer’s Bar,
C alif., is hero visitin g relatives and
friends. She is a niece o f tho late Or-
v il P od ge
Stephen a Reed, o f tho South Fork,
is in this week a fte r a strenuous fo r t­
n igh t fillin g silos. H o w ith his b m -
chine and same crow filiad 11 silos
w ith eorn. H o is w all pleased w ith
his fa n 's w ork and that he now has
tim e to come in and g e t the m aiL
The firs t yea rly installm ents on
sew er and street im provem ents are
now rollin g in to the city recorder,
went out to nlav.
A 10H lb boy is What D r. Psm bet-
ton presented to M r. and M rs. Ok-
ear Htm el a t Rock Crash station last
F rid a y morning— not y et named.
A piece o f em ery was rem oved from
on# o f the eyes o f John Carl W ednes­
day m orning by Dr. Pem bertea.
W ednesday soma o f oflr sid fts fo r­
g o t to d oes; So Jim , who knows, g it
a fte r those w ith usual vfm ; “ ju st lik e
our Jim ;” so a ll w ere closed.
M r. and M rs. W . J. Sabin, who h ats
been on a ranch near B ridge passed
through hare W ednesday an route to
P o rt O rford where M r. Sabin w ill h ate
charge o f tho Schutter and StB w dl
Laat F riday M rs. John G rant
brought her sm all daughter in w ith
an u gly gash in her fo o t which D r.
Pem berton treated.
The Honor Guard dug and turned
out th eir spuds on the Odd’ F ellow s’
lot. 8is# o f crop w e know not, but
oddfellow s looked on and hoped to ant
spuds dug by girls in “ sm art duds.*’
Dr. Pem berton fixed Up the fo o t o f
a good liv e ly man who had his fon t
crashed In the Rock crusher la st W ed­
nesday. He is Jack Dressier.
A ttorney J. 0 . Stem m ier, asezn-
tary-transuror o f M yrtle P oin t N a­
tional Farm Loan Association, se-
pnrta up to data ha has paid oat in ­
wards o f $68,000 and has other appli­
cations now pending which w ill bring
th * grand total to about $100,060.00
■ «h a rt nildo brant is dm now young
man in U ndo H enry’s stars. Ha to
J. W . C artile, one o f the workers m
the W hitaker saw m ill, allow ed a log
to fa ll on his hand. Dr. Pemberton
stitched him up.
Jim m y A rrin gton is kept a t home
by a troublesom e attack at eesema.
Z. T . Johnson is conducting his store
fo r him.
In a Summerlin and H enry Burr
w ere m arried Tuesday is a ll ws
know. Th ey know the rest.
D r. O. H . (B erks was in Coquille
yesterday afternoon assisting Doctor
Ham ilton In a m ajor operation.
M rs. M yers, sister o f Ed end Char­
lie Haines, is visitin g here w ith her
brothers and M rs. N ellie Bender w ith
whom she waa a little girt. She comes
from P o rt Townsend.
John B ayer, w ife and little son, and
M rs. L . E. R ay are here from P ilot
Rock to v is it U ncle Tom . Th ey came
in th eir Oakland.
Pursuant to th « call o f H. M. Fens-
lar, a m asting w as M id s t the C ity
H all in M yrtle Poin t fo r tho purpose
o f form u latin g plans to carry on the
cam paign fo r L ib erty Bonds on W ed­
The m eeting was called to
order by H . M. F easier and upon mo­
tion a H . N osier was elected chair­
man, and E. C. Roberta, secretary.
It was m oved that sigh t committees
consisting o f th ree members each be
appointed to taka charge o f the L ib er­
ty Loan d rive. T h ey w ere H. A . Fens-
ler, D r. O. H . C larke, L . M. Supple,
R. A . Annin, H. A . Sehroeder, E. C.
Roberts, F . D. Drake, L . M. Ander-
ron and J. H . Barklow.
The secretary w as instructed to re­
quest a ll business bouses to close from
8 till « . *
In addition to the captains above
named the fo llo w in g assisted in the
day’s d rive: W . B. Lundy, Dr. Masson,
J. O. Stem m ier, Dr. F . 0 . Bunch, Mrs.
N osier, W . C. Fensler, H . A . K irbs,
C. E. R u ling, J. A . Block, H . O. P loeg-
* ,
M .* Fancier, M rs. Laird, Mrs.
Dement, M rs. M . 0 . Stem m ier. The