The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, October 19, 1917, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    Im ilyi|i
ÇJkere it isr
'flu -lig h t th a t l*y$
tax money and received the biggsst I meaning the standard orchestra typo
chock over roeoivod by Lane county, led program at recent years. It has
whan he r sssip tsd to Oswald W est fo r bosa w ell said at thorn that thsp 'have
the rare facu lty o f m aking classical
S h eriff P ark er said that his office [m usic popular. One o f the moat soc-
Woald have the tax money ssgg r egsted easeful numbers o f the past tw o sea-
in about 10 days and ready to turn I sons has boon an instrum ental ar-
over to the county treasurer. . Mr. rangem ent o f operatic airs composed
Parker estim ates th at about 160 o f the I by Puccini.
And no less interesting
schesl districts o f the county and a lie th eir origin al interpretation o f the
la rge proportion o f the road districts fold popular com position, “ Th e Mosqui-
w ill participate in Urn distribution, to Parade,” which never fa ils to eon-
thay having gra n t lands within their raise the audience.
Th eir costume
I songs are as w ell roeoivod as are the
[instrum ental numbers. They are the
- Inqu iry a t th e ih eriiT s oAce here I most expensively costumed orchestra
oat for that tack!!
Don't flirt with fickla night
G o w h e re y o u w a n t to and g e t w h a t y o n
g o a fter, and d o it d ecen tly.
T a k e an E V E R E A D Y in to th e n igh t—
and m ake th in gs ea sy. Y o u ’ll m a d it
b efa re bad-tim e.
With that lamg limad TUNGSTEN Bmttary
and Jacksonville bafore visitin g Curry
end Cooe counties.
I t ia probeble that e li thè clericnl
work o f distributing thè gWMXK) Boa­
tta taxes and th is $160,000 caa be Ita-
iehed ta tim o to cali thè warrante thè
$310,000 w ill pay ss sarly as thè flrst Thank God W e C aa Pay Taxes.
( Saturday) m orali
H . O. Anderson’s ■
H aving sold his
A ll these w ar taxes th at are goin g
on sooa w ill make us a ll lots o f both­
er as w ell as expense; but that ia no­
thing to what it would cost to have
the Germans occupy our town and run
it fo r a weak or a day even. I t is fo r
insurance against such an aw ful fa ts
as has befallen the people o f Belgium
and northern France and Serbia that
w e must pay these w ar taxes.
Belgium there is said to be no g irl nor
woman between the ages o f tw elve
and 76 who has not boon mads the
plaything o f the Gorman soldiers and
suffered indignities w orse than death
—suffered Until she could no longer
stand on her feat.
It. is to protect ourselves against
such n fa te and against the death,
that befalls anyone, man or woman,
at the caprice o f a Gorman soldier,
that w c have gone to w ar, that our
LcaHc Sehroeder Badly H art. boys are train in g fo r the trenches, and
that w s have to pay w ar taxes. Don’t
Leslie Sehroeder, o f this city, who
grum ble about them. Th era are things
entered the S tate U n iversity a t K a­
a m illion tim es worse.
gans ta Septem ber, m et w ith a seven
ta fe ry ta th at gymnasium at that in­
M rs. T . B. Currie Entertains.
stitution Inst Monday. H o was just
The W ednesday “ 600” club was ele­
com ing out o f the shower room whore
he hud bean takin g u bath whan he gan tly entertained day before yester­
slipped on the cement floor sad ta fa ll­ day by M rs. T . B. Currie a t her lovely
in g t e n the ligam ents o f one o f his new bungalow homo on F ron t street.
The decoration scheme was autumn
legs, an accident which w ill probably
keep him laid up fo r the next two leaves ta the livin g room and carna­
E very on# w ill sym pathise tions in tbs dining room, where an
appetising repast was served.
The prise, a beautiful linen center­
piece, w as won by Mrs. Wickham.
Those preeent w ere: Meedamee Cur­
rie, C ollier, Neim an, W alker, Tu ttle,
Pierce, Gratton, Dobbina, Wickham,
Osmundson, Hartson and Misses Had­
man and Young.
easily be mistaken fo r him. Indeed
we should certain ly have thought his
picture was that at the president. M r.
Lyon was n gunner’s m ete on the
O lym pia nineteen years ago and play­
ed his part ta the B attle o f Manila
B ey, -where the Spanish fleet wae
wiped out. He enjoys to the fu ll the
things people say about him whwi
Lfyou looked into
there Ertablirimientr
you would find countless
places where properly ap­
plied electric power would
save time, labor and money.
Have you considered wheth­
er your business cannot be
helped by labor saving ma-
chinery ?
Phone 71
Subscribe for the Second Liberty Loan
W illiam M cAdos says:
Plen ty o f old newspapers now in
“ Shall ws be-m ors tender w ith our stock a t the Sentinel office and they
are s till sellin g a t s nickel n bundle.
dollars than w ith our son s?"
Pennies W inning Their W ay.
Pennies, or coppers, have never got
really naturalised in O regon; but BOND A T Y O U R N E A R E S T B A N K .
when it comes to paying one cent w ar
tax on every dime or nickel it costs
to got into a m oving picture show the
smallest coins W ill oe m demand ev­
A fte r N ov. 1 everyone who goee to
eryw here and the bars w ill be lifted
e picture shew w ill have to pay a w ar •oaal treatment. H air« Catarrh Medi­
so that they w ill circulate fre e ly
tax o f one cent on admissions charged cine, manufactured hr F. J. Cheney A
Ohio, le a constitutional
a t 10 cents or lees, 2 cents on a price rjmedy. le taken Internally and acta
Uncle Sam looks out fo r the kids.
above ten cents and leas than 21 cents, thru the Blood on tbe Mucous Surfacoa
Children under 12 years o f ago w ill
of the System. One Hundred Doliere re­
and so on, one cent fo r every ten cents ward Is offered for any case that Hall’s
have to pay only one cent w ar tax fo r
or fraction o f ten cents paid fo r ad- Catarrh Medicine falls to euro. Scad tar
circulars and testimoníala.
> J .c q g K x r a c a . rolado. Ohio.
Arthur Ellirigson w ill put the ca,
H ail’a Family WUs for constipation.
pen te n ut work en largin g the bal­
cony next Monday.
W e have added traps and drums to
our musk.
A w eekly program o f pictures.
G et a supply at coppers fo r your
wur tax.
SC E N IC tfE W S .
feel"j>utyou <ri
any jo b th a t i$
AJTO W M ca aearon.