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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1917)
UNION -*wf* l • 1 >.«**,.4 v«<*u?rh*> 1 i * i - *-< * ‘4 •* * t . * .* • i * a WASHINGTON* D . C . OCTOBER X , 1017 »»M . 0 vere, O vere e u he be? 1 eeiit him to Parte, at Christa coma, O vera, O rara eaa ha bat .* . * -* \ u ................ « ' - V \ * *■ -tV • 1 * ' XV TBE H ISTO RY OF OUR RATIO N HAS THE AMERICAN FARMER HAD TO F TU N IT Y TO REPEAT WHA* THE "EMBATTLED FARMERS" OF 1775 BN THEY " F i l g B fB B 'SH O T HEARD «ROUND THE WORLD" WHICH O Hetnia, O Heinie, vy don’t you qvickt TODAY THE "C A L L " 18 YOU TO BUY T O T n EW £ MONEY W ITH W H IC H T O ■ A ID L IB E R T Y . FOR WHli ■ ' I t 1 » 'T O * - j *• !'T vM*J A C ALL FOR T H IS C A LL AND W ill you be a U. S. batktr, i W91 you be a U. S. slacker?* What Wffl Be Yoar Reply? ee i t croes going to Coqnllle via Middle creek. When the road down toe Mast and North Porks to Myrtle Point to graded, then we may g# to Coquill* and not a mountain to ereea. Mr. Allessa, of too CoquiUo Hard ware Co., te camping in the canyon. A hard froat and same loo Wednes day morning, the first of the season. These are the days at “How do you like the teacher T” The more Impor tant question la, “ How does the teach er like you?” The dinner that Billie t was going to oat in Parte, must bo oold victuals. Hi* waiter has waited a long time for hi* tip. m opportunity to show your pat* Here la an opportunity for you to “ do your bit” and show to the world that the American Tamara art still the “backbone” of their country. Here is an opportunity to say to your nation's enemies, in language none can fail to onder- etand, that “ momg talk»”— that America known no defeat and that wu intend to wipe mMtartom end U K yowr horn* tod your liberty. Your country expects you to do yoer share toward that and by helping to maintain ita credit by taadh« it yanr money in this criticai hour. What Will Be Your Reply? The New Liberty Bonds will be issued in denominations of $30 and up. The total amount if $3,000,'X)0,000 or more. The interest rate is 4 # on Nov. 15th and May 15 th. New Liberty Bonds semi-annually r What Will Be Your Reply? « Do you know that the total value o f the 1917 crops to estimated by Government officiate at 117,000,- 000,000— nearly six times the amount o f "T h e Second redeemable hi ten years. • carry a conversion privilege! and can interest bearing bonds during the war. 1 know that the increase in the value “ d to to im d L ik rt6 and arrangements are being made to build more. Abe Higiey, who loft hero about 80 year* ago, returned to Marshfield last week team toe Willaaaette Valley, bringing his family with him. The new vessel, C. A. Smith, reesat- ly launched at the Kruse Banks’ shipyard, was towed to the Smith mill Sunday to load lumber for Ban Fran cisco. C. R. Pack, who is at the officers’ training school at too PresUio, San Francisco, has boon laid up for a cou ple of weeks, owing, it is said, to trouble resulting from vaccination. Portland papers pebHehad laat week that the Buehner Lumbar Ofc, of North Bond, bad sold their Internet* on Coos Bay to eastern parties. "The company says that the report* are ca A elmoet L4 o n u # • • • • • • • * • • • • » • w i t a n at t payment of til of Met »mount of n«M* have bond* Mat to followta .. iu 1 • 40* on Dec The subscriptions will start Monday, Qcto- tion by Mias McArthur’s parents, and for this reason it was asked that a re ceiver be appointed to taka possession of the automobile wen in the contest until legal proceedings should settle the matter. Both Miss Farrell and Miss McAr thur are under eighteen and for this reason »h eir parents are involved in the proceedings. Attorney Dwight 1» Hodge, of Stall A Hodge, represents toe plaintiffs. Mias McArthur is the daughter of E. D. McArthur and Mias Farrel, too daughter of C. A. Farrel. Farrell, whs was announced the win ner. According to report yaaterday, says the Times, “ the ssttlsmcat was made on a basis of the profit of the prise above what C. A. Farrell, father of M u Farrell, is said to have put in to get his daughter into first place. “ Mr. Farrell is said to have put up something like $400 cash in addition to what the girls are reputed to have secured in the canvass for collection* and subscriptions. * “The adjustment made today will probably terminate what threatened to cause more or less hard feeling.” What we are wondering la bow many more times girls wEQ be found to go into a snide game of this Sort in which the Mg prise goes to the long est purse, instead of to the on* who $4«fite cash out hie own peel in order to get the auto ha to «omo aerose w it» $200 i 7 - 1 FI 1 i