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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1917)
mm. "■c-or öS# - v ,. <17 oR. _ talks* By Ike as-* j a a '„ 'r . _ g a rsr* * poems from, “The Spell ei m," also starting a short Gar ry, “Dor Zwerg Nass." A ng^awarded to the best spall- I was warn by Laanna Curry. The pries, which was selected by Miss Newell, was a small German AsaL Rev. Mr. Rogers of the Mqtimdtat m all visited the high school on at this haU feel safe in placed la the is to have a of the I I of Mr. while in CoquiUe this weal Lhariy Loan business. Marjorie Fredrick is a new pupil in a first B dess this week. The class of 16*6 (otherwise the be ginners of this year) had their picture takqn by Supt Almack the surly part Of this week. Today was “Dollies’ Day" and all brought their dollies to school. Miss Kennedy’s pupils ate going to have a “Dollies’ Day" also. The gixls are leading in the boys’ and girts’-spalling contest in one of las Kennedy’s classes. In Art the second A is mnking var ious Hallowe’en novelties. In Miss Allen’s room there three pupils who were perfect in spell ing last month: Delores Lam er Margreiter, and Kathryn Wilnon. The visitors at the Primary build ing this weak were Mrs. Fredrick, Beryl Woodruff, Mrs. Baxter and Pau line Chase. — Liberty Loan Answers. r books rnwlsmntil w*r«~“The irioeity Shop," Pilgrim's Pro- "Tho Gold Bug,” T om Brown*. Don." Scottish Chiefs, Twice de.,” “The Loot of dio Mohi- Lorna D oom ," “David Copper- ‘Ivenboe,” “Ambimi Nights.” odano throughout wort that same age, thus “offering additional evidence of the truth of Kipling’s ae- Werfc Lares Bghth Grade Graduates. The psrcwitage of (Tadoatee from the eighth grade entering Ugh school this year in Coquille is considerably DENOMINATIONS — 660, $100, $500, $1,600, 96,000, $10,000. INTEREST—Payable May 16th and November 16th, each year at four par TERM8 OF PAYMENT—Two i cent with application (which must be before October 67th), 18 per cent on November 15,1617, 40 per cent on De cember 16, 1617; 40 per cent on Jan uary 16, 1618; or payments may ha made all down. So on n $60 bond you pey 81 down, $9 on November 16, 960 Mildred Norton’, birthday, Tueoday, December 16 and |60 January 16. October 16, was celebrated by a big DELIVERY—Promptly with cake at the noon boor; member, of the payment. faculty and the Senior class being in- A LOAN—You land your me at interest, you do not give i t A new flag is being displayed on EASY PAYMENTS—The Goveru- wnt payments are easy; if they are * easy enoagh, any banker will SUPERLATIVE SAFETY — The n m m in n to DAW hAf*lf « n u r m n n a w Cm signed by 110^00,000 people, incl uling aU oiy multi-millionaires. The bond is a mortgage on America. . SAFE KEEPING—Absolutely safe in any honest banker's vault Safer anywhere than currency. TAK FREE—Up to any am< from all state and local taxation up to 8M00 from say national taxa tion MARKET VALUK-Can be sold at par at any time, and after the war is certain to go up in value, $100 bonds probably going to $106 or 6106 in THE GOVERNMENT is you and L It aaeds the $60 and $100 of the aver- East Via California Ig * pleasant winter rout«. Travel in comfort through a land where it is always summer. There’s San Francisco, San Joee, Del Mnnt*, Monterey, Pacific Grove, San ta Barbara, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Venice and many other charming re sorts, and much beautiful scenery en- route. *■ Three Trains Daily Portland to San Francisco. Standard and tourist sleepers, dining cars, solid steel equipment, Particularly at- tractive at this se rn of the year. Ask you local agent for particulars. Agent, Portland John M. Scott, General ■ r-r- /■ SOUTHERN PACIFIC LIN ES Crackers, Dolly, y SH O W F L A K S Dorit ask for Children know that SNOW FLAKES are good to eat—and goodor them, tool Made of the purest and best materials in our big daylight factory. Sold in 3 sixes of packages and in bulk PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO. Portland, Oregon. FARMERS UNION STORE Hill Selected Seed Potateee To increase your yield -next year pupil in Mrs. Mulkey’s room. % try doing soma hill selection in The fourth add fifth grades are your spud patch this fall; selecting planning to combine in a patriotic seed from the hills which yield the program next Wednesday and are greatest number of smooth, uniform busy painting flags for decorations. and marketable sised and In spelling contest Thursday morn Deeth and taken from us our much not from the hills which potatoes, only produce ing, the eighth grade won a victory esteemed and beloved brother, L. Har- perhaps a few large ones, or a great ever the seventh. In the fifth grade locker, therefore be it; number of various six*. Also bo the pennant for the best spelling re Resolved, that in the death of Broth careful to ehooae from hills that shew mains in the possession of the A di- er Harlocker our Order "ha. lost one strong healthy vines free from disease of its faithful members; and early maturing. Mr. E. Kilpatrick, director of the Resolved, that we tender to his be - ™ In n potatoes nnti In nranari preparing for the show, Extension bureau at the University of reaved family the heartfult sympathy pick out specimens of the sise which Oregon, addressed the high school and fraternal love of this lodge, in are most typical of the variety or Thursday morning on the subject of their time of sorrow, and may God’s Verities which you may be growing Liberty Loan Bdhds. Mr. Kilpatrick be bountifully bestowed upon and have them all uniform in that compared the present conflict with the bleesngu them, and give them strength and sise. Do notVash them before put previous wars of the United Biotas courage te bear their loss and sorrow ting’them on exhibit as that jnjures shewing the importance and serious bravely; skin. Just let them dry and dust ness of this war. He advised that all Reeqjved, that the charter of this the them a soft brush or cloth. Wrap needs all the educated men mi <- vomen high school stud ahta make a study of lodge be draped in mourning for thir them with separately paper so they tin t can be, developed at this time. Government Bonds in order to « d a r ty days; that a copy of these resolu wont* get bruiaed in on eld their way to the There is no doubt, too, that there will es and advantages in tions be spread upon the minutes of show. be plenty of Jobs waiting for these buying them. Altogether it was a this ldoge; a copy sent to the bereaved boys and girls as soon as they have widow and her family, and a copy sent Making New Citizen*. finished high school, and certainly they to the Coquill* Valley Sentinel for The following applicants for citi Will be better equipped to hold good publication. zenship naturalized in the Cir positions after they have completed a O. C. Sanford, J. 8. Lawrence, cuit court were here last Tuesday: high school course than they are now. James Watson, Commttee. CoquiUe Charles Laaelle, of Lakeside, from Lodge No. 66. I. 0. O. F , Coquill#, Russia; John Wicklund, of Empire, Dr. HaasiHea Addresses High School. from Sweden; Charles Cariboos, at Oa Friday. Ori- 16, Dr. V. L Ham ilton addressed the CoquiUe high Bridge, Sweden; Rudolph Shorych, of Marshfield, Austria; Robert Myron, of school oa the prevention of disease. Marshfield, Norway; Charles Bailey, He stated that the work of the medi of Marshfield, England; Edward Mar- cal world today was for the preven- tinins Erickson, Norway. Subocrib* for a Liberty Loan bond and help our soldiers fight our battles. a NOTICE AGAINST STOCK RUN NING AT LA RGB p i PRECINCT Buy a Liberty Bond and boost for NOJfi, BURTON, COOS COUNTT, the Cora and Potato Show. said election being east against stock running at large. I hereby give notice that in sixty (60) days from the date of said notice it shall be unlawful for stock to run at large, under penalty of ten (10) dollars for the first offense and twen ty (tO) dollars for each and every subsequent offense, to be recovered from the owner of the stock in a civil action in the name of the State of Oregon before a Justice of the Peace in the District in which such owner o r keeper or either of them may re side, and if there be no Justice at the Peace in such district, then before any Justice of the Peace in the County, and it shall be the duty of each con stable in any Justice of the Peace dis trict, and of each road supervisor in any road district to enforce the pro visions of this section; and such pen alty shall be for the benefit of, and when collected, paid into the common school fund of the County in which such action is brought, within sixty (60) days after such animal is proved to be at large. Witness my hand and seal of the County Court, affixed the l»th day of October, A. D. 1917. (Seal) L.W. Oddy, County Clerk. By N. Osmund son,