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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1917)
* mm -, 19 , 1917 . PAGB it life at the Nerth for boya are la training. iu Is * Y é u ï M o n e ÿ ® th e G o v e rn m e n t OP .» F U C A T I ON POR Here Is qa Clan Mintonye waa ao n e M tlj a Coquillo achool boy and haa a» many fri«inda bara that wa ara aur» moat al our raadara will ba lntaraatad in tha following Iettar juxt raceived by Frank Burkhoider frani Sergèant C. J. Min- tony», Co. D.—U. 8. Infantry, aow at Dear Mr. Burkholder—Yon might be surprised to boar irons am at least across tho United States. * Two weeks ago wo thought we would winter on tho Pacific const but after n four-day journey on a troop train, or rather seven trains as it re- guires seven to move n regiment, we landed in Camp Greene, North Caro ling, which is only one hundred and fifty miles south of tho PaUfie lati tude we would have boon at Palo A l to, California. One of tho Oerding boys is here in camp I believe but I have not hod time to look him up. Yon may thii»y it strange n soldier not having time hut from five forty-five in the forning to six fifteen in the evening on a ll days except'Wednesday afternoon, Satur day afternoon and Sunday, we are on duty and have to*be in our tents from ten in the evening tq first call in the morning. You so# by that, that four hours a day is all of our visiting hours. We came bare for intensive training; then wo will am service some There are soldiers in camp and more to We have our own tionery stores, “ canteens" or “poet ex changee” aa they vara called in army. The Y. M. C. A. buildings in camp and on Tuesday ev ening (tonight) they have n “movie" show, then on Baturday evening eith er n “movie” or n vaudeville, an nights the boys entertain but Sunday evening we have church. Each regiment has n ranks as n commissi« hie chief duty, outside e f holding vices an Sunday, is to look after the mail for the regiment. Wo have a government portofltea in camp are a city of our own and throe miles from any other. Wo even have < of those baseball scorn boards i have watched nearly every game of the world’s aeries. Saturday after noon twelve thousand men the flrat of tho series. The camp is seven miles square making forty-nine square miles to drill and live on. Electric lights throughout camp, it n at night, a light in each tent, tha tents all brown making n colored light. Every company street lined from tho moor hall back to house. Tho mom hemes ere on the brigade street, fifteen mem hells to tho regiment, or one block. Thera are ten such blocks ia the bri« Across tha street from the mem hall of each company are tho company of ficers* tents and beyond them are tho batalion officers’ teats then the colon el’s tent is beyond that. In order to speak to tho colonel n man moot have permission fle a hie first sergeant to speak to Us captain and tha captain*» permission to ip M k to tho foldBfl; bo the arrangement is I f it is possible you might hand out my address to some of tho people I know in Coquillo. I never hear from there any more since the folks left there. This country and climate remind mo of old ^ in j different from North Dakota where it is five below now, but a t that I like North Dakota climate tho beet of tho two. Call to quarters has just blown that means every body ia tho “ kipp” be fore next call end Inst call e f the day, ery man waa invitai ant to dinner and Iben if that waa not enough an toe ta'kd at the ▼aritui bornea where the boya wane vLfting and brought them back to earn ) again. “Talk about yonr hospitality,” aaid one group, “why, they didn’t treat ua better than this even in California.** Thirty-one men ware included in-the party. I f they ean poeaibly gat to town tomor row it’s a safe bet where hi boya will ? A t thin critical period ia oar history our m anufac- offerinff thair mllle, and our young man are to the United States Govern m ent W ould you like to do your share and help by put ting your money where it w ill support the new Federal Reserve Banking System, which the Government has established to stand back o f our commerce, industry and agriculture? You can do this by opening an aeeountw lth us, as part of every dollar so de posited goes directly into MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE the new ayateqt, where it SYSTEM w ill atways'be ready fo r you when wanted. 0 ! First National Bank The Oldest Nat i onal Bank in b o u n t y “The men wore at flrat astonished and theo amused at the hasy ideaa eome people in the South have of the Weet and Westerners. *T reckon you Tho Coquille Valley Sentii all nerer aaw a trolley car before,“ lis hod at Coquille, Oregon. aaid one carpenter to a Portland, Ore. Young la the editor, man man. “ It eure moat aeam strange for you to aae a real city aa big aa Char lotte,“ aaid another native. The aol- PICK'S Second Hand STORE First and Willard Streets STOVES HOBSB COLLARS KITCHEN aad DOTINO Ti BED SPRINGS, Now aad OM BEDSTEADS : riUBAM SEPARATORS i CHURNS GREEN BONB CUTTERS ,8H EEP SHEARING MACHINE Í GARDEN TOOLS STANDS ‘ * I CARPENTER TOOLS ., t " t and many other Now and Second Hand Goods W ill exchaage Gana, Phonographe, and Kodak far other eeeeea aUe geode. Aba make opedal siso SCREEN DOORS aad W IN DOWS. Call and See These Bargains informed by thaaa oAoara that aneh action w ill aoan bo ta ken in ail paru of the United Sûtes and that Britteh ■ubjecta who hâve tnkaa ont thair 1 awarding to tho plaintiff the caro and ’ custody o f thair children and far auch other and further relief aa to tha court may emus meet and equitable. Thle summons ja published oersu- : aat to an order of publication duly made by tha Hon. John S. Coke, Cir cuit Judge, and entered herein on the 11th day of Soptember, A. D. 1917 ’ and tho data of tho first publication of papara. Mr. Wilkinson is n British subject had bps taken out his filet pa para, but has not had time ta eompieto his ciUseruhlp. Ha has a w ife ani family in this city and is umfar 46 years of age. " If this action la taken by tho Brit ish goveramont it will mean ¿hat aer erai hundred thousand men will bo Some people on tho outside der how an enlisted man likm to be in service. Well with am I like it fine and if I-make a commission dur ing this war I expect to stay with the army after the war is over. It ia na tural for mo to soldier any way. Give my regards to Mrs. B. and the rest of tho folks around aad I’ll “fall in” for “ bunk fatigue" until five forty- five a. m. “ Bunk fatigue" is the moot enjoyed dfity of tho “ Sammie’s duty. Respectfully, Clara. ! order la the 14th day of Soptember A. D. 1917 and the date of the last publication lo October 26th, A. D. A ll banks are accepting subscriptions fo r U . S. BO N D S o f the SE C O N D L IB E R T Y L O A N , and all banks have telephones. W hy not telephone your bank about the * terms. Place your subscriptions early and help over-subscribe the bonds issued fo r Am erica’s protection. Service F IA t. - ‘-------- ;----- THE ONE: INDUSTRY IN COQUILLE aaid County. COUNTY COURT OF COQUILLE LAUNDRY ft ICE COMPANY NOTICR TO CREDIT0R8. Notico la boreby given that tha ua- darsigned has basa duly appointed ad- ministrator o f the estáte of Chas. Walker, decenaad, and al) persona hav- ng claims againat tha snid aststo aro raquired to praai t tha sama erith tha proper rauchors to tho undarsignod at Ua office ia Fifbt National Bank Building, Coquillo, Cooo County, Ote- gon, withia ata manila fim o tho dato Str. Elizabeth DR. C. W . ENDICOTT Bsndon to San Francisco ✓ Malo 11, Coquille, Oregon. J. é* STANLEY LAWYtt I Fare, First Hass flO. - J. K. WALSTROM, Agate, ■■ndm!ora!. - E. ft E. T. Kruse, Mgrs., 24 Calif. 9 t, S. F. K A. J. SHERWOOD Accident -V Coos And Curry Telephone Company Professimi Cards Chance to Make Extra You can add $26.00 to $60.00 a Mrs. Smith month to yonr income in your spare time. Our money-making plan is n " I have winner for either men or women. Wo trouble for furnish outfit free end tench you bow Mrs. H. _ to use it. Send postal at once for "Particulars of the Money-Making Plan." Art promptly before the va cancy is filled in your territory, Publisher, Box 166.N. Square Station, Now York City. 2t TELEPHONE “YOUR BIT” J. E. Norton, Agent, Coqmlle, Ore. « D r. F. 6. BUNCH Dees Year Subscription Date Need Changing? -