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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1917)
You? fcbumi5 of l o c a t i o n ” fa often out ■hap**, the «tain add or tu b tract a couple o f siep e, elettri«; lig h t ■witches play hide-and- seek with y o u r hands. sènior year at O. A. C. Judge John & Coke. District Attar, ney John S. Hall. L. A. Liljeqvist, John C. Kimball, Charles L Reigard aad a aura ber of.other attorneys casse over from the Bay this morning to at* tend the spedai' session of the rcutt court hore today. H. M. Shaw. M. D , Bye, Bar, Nos# aad Throat Specialist, will bo at Bax ter Hotel, Coquille on Wednesday, Oc tober 24th. Glasses Fitted. County Roadmaster Murdock start ed Sunday morning for hie old homo in northern New York when he will be united in marriage with the girl he left behind him when ho came wwt. The honeymoon will ho spent on the eastern coast, and ha expects to re turn with his brida ssmstims gent month. Ha has ranted this Dr. Hoag pines on Bast P in t street and it la all ready to begin housekeeping whan the newlyweds arrive. C. C. Laasan has bought Ahrs War ren’s residence property on North the Bandon World sam e nodes on wife boston that they must quit or they will here to answer in court. Winnie Perry after spending sever al days in Coquille loft yesterday for gr— to look after bostons amt- Kll m int* a ll these petty troubles—get the light that says "T h an It Is I"— an B V B R B A D Y . Se* our com plet* stock . Price* range from 79c up. ' KNOWLTON’S DRUG Let the motto bo now, “ A Liberty Commercial Club every Wednesday evening nt City Hall at S o’clock. Mrs. 8. A. Beppner, of Coquillet ■pant Saturday aad Sunday in North Bend ns n guest at the J. A. % ilkin- soa hems. She left fcff'San F incis co, «ro u te to Dalian, Texas, to remain during the winter months at hat daaghter’s horns.—Cooe Bay Timm. STORE i drove him frantic. At last in desperation he called the wn to stand at ease, as ha wished to ill them a little story. It wss this: “ When I wss a tiny boy," bo said, “ 1 id s box of wooden soldier*. One day loot thorn and cried Utterly. They Alva Warrow has said his raash west at town an the Marshfield road near Cedar M a t to R. J. Galbraith, df this neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. W a rm loft in their car Tuesday af ternoon for 8aa Diego. They will pick up his father, 8. H. Warren, * ANY Line From Hamburg ho wrote a letter to Ms parents hate tailing o f the in teresting incidents o f the trip up the road. When they stopped at WBUdms supper was spread for thorn ih t e In any line o f business there ie roam for Isbor-ssvtng short - cuts. Electric motor Mrs. M. H. Shannon has sold bar house gnd fine lets on Spurgeon Hill to Harry Stewart Norton, the sale being effected through W a , Oddy’s Mae tasks increase profits by releasipg skilled hands for ssore intricate work. Isn’t there something YOU do every day which a motor can do for you f - For Hsnryvillo Coal at ffi and |T par ten, am C. W. Hill. OREGON PO W ER CO With the annual corn show only a month away, it Is incumbent on every one to attend the Commercial Club meetings a t the city hall every Wed nesday evening at 8 o’clock. Everyone is invited whether a member er not. Invitations to become members are also extended. The Com Bay Newa says: Ban Cur F. B. Waite, of Summerlin, has pur chased of the Johnson mill hare mater rie, of Coquille, has purchased the ial for the four big silm he 1e going Ocean dock business. North Front street, o f which W. P. Murphy was to erect this fall on his stock mack in senior partner, handled bunding, ma terial, and was agent for several 740; steam schooners which discharged - Geld Bench, Friday. O ct 19, at 740. Them meetings will ha very later- eating aad their subcet ie one vital to our national oxirtonm. Everybody ought to attend. The meeting hare will probably be bald at the court C H O RD * the conviction o f perçons tearing down the trespass signs on the Russ SCENIC NEW S. Vitagraph Tuesday. Dandy serials, “ Fatal Ring,” and “ Neglected W ife,” comedy, and Paths News, all for on* It la expected to have the connec tions made so ss to be able to light np the Sitka Spruce company’s mill bore tomorrow tight with juke furnished by the Oregon Power Co. vers onions as M. O. Hooton brought in last night from Ms garden. No doubt about their quality either. Our sanctum la rendered odorous by them as we write. He has about 400 pounds Mrs. R. A. Folsom and bar brother, at them—enough to stand a stage. Roy Garrett, of Myrtle Point, returned Rev. T. H. Downs and family went last week from Modesto, California. out for Ms new field o f labor at Drain Thay left Mrs. Garrett, who stool the a vary earnest and faithful and will make a goad ae- dm eé/ ia his aow field. The of the family have many ma bath among the old aad r, aad will am soon ha for- Png. Minervini, Italian musican, who owns I960 worth o f musical fn- trumeats, is training an orchestra. Costing a big war play, “ Hamic France.” Three camera men ware killed in takifig the picture*. We start the first show promptly at 7:80. Hearn coma early and vou Ltait Raised to $5,000. tow ers fish brand 8. D. Pulford, the agent for state REFLEX SUCKER strengthened by fixity of pitrpeee. Every men who ebeervee vigi lantly end reeslvse steadfastly ad by Strain. B ya Prop. arly flttad f issasi will give