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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1917)
■ - ■ ■ ....................................— s t > 5 — vi. ........ Furnished By the and Student» of » • The la by tka in o f Hovmthsr aa formerly Perhaps the moot importent te taxation for ocha«. * « .- Under the now law the county ay levy a county tax than the limit set by tbe provided the levy receives the support o f a majority o f the legal voters at eaUod for tbs purpose. If a county advantage o f tiu. pro of the law it will bo to all in tim past Mr. NoMet’a offer of a prias far Urn bate wheel song, Mr. Almack has odTered a prias far the song. Urn date o f the o f Um latter contest will probably ha Lfcmofifr Birthday at which timo a patriotic program will be ffVen, and the winning song will be song. * The W ith B daw o f boys am tbs innere in Spalling this weak far their room- . Only four by the elan this week. _ are the easiest, most comfortable springs you slept on. See one in our display window. ever We an featuring theae springe for whkh we have the McliriTe agency, aa wall m for this well known company’» aatln lina. Theae are for either W ood or Iron Beds Prices from $5.00 to $17.00. Guaranteed 25 years. is A t group recitation is being by Mre. Mulkey after school ask for sag D o r it How he loves 'e m ! And they're good fo r him , too, because they are made o f the purest and best o f healthful materials in our sanitary, daylight factory. Sold la 3 sixea o f paefta^ea aad in bulk S now FI akes PACIFIC COAST BISCU IT CO. Portland, Oregon. FARMERS UNION STORE J. W. Neblet, principal o f the high parents qtt he time of making the reg ular quarterly* report. Cards for this purpose are being prepared, and on thorn may be found a complete record of the atfarnoon attendance of each pupil and also whether he was re quired to return to school in the after noon to make up work. The time at which the student reports at the of his departure and nature of the work dono. Panate a n requested to examine thee nporta carefully and in ings during the year, and various tub- jecta of professions] and general in tenet will be discussed. The first meeting is scheduled for some time in December, probably two weeks^after the teacher*’ institute which wG be held this year at Bandon Than! (giv ing week. Some of the subjects which have been selected for discussion a n The Junior High School, The Soc «Us ed Recitation, Taechers’ Pinna, Voca tional Guidance, Supervised Play, Mo tivating School Work, The Oral Reci tation, The Hot Lunch, Backward Children, The Social Sciences, and Su pervising Study in the High School. Announcements o f the exact date and nature of the first program will be W ill Mave Mam Light Carpenter Gregg has completed the work of installing tbs additional wia- iows in the high school assembly room this week, the six new windows coming from Portland. With thorn in place the Ugh school room now has one-fourth o f the amount of the floor J Arrangements fo r Parente* Day at the Coquille high school hare been completed. On October 26, all par iate are invited to attend classes dar ing morning ssssion, la the after noon a program will be given to which all parants those interested in Mgk school w orl are urged to attend. Mr. Nobi et and Mr. Almack will talk upon subjects especially of vital in terest to parents o f Ugh school pu A pleasant surprise was accorded pils. Final announcement« o f the Mrs. Mulkey last Monday morning program will ha made later. when at the opening parted hay pe pile presented bar with a beautiful Junion Take Hike. ------ myrtle-wood toilet box. The junior class o f the, Coquille The Junior class o f this year has high school took s hike to the old decided to giva s clam play during the Aasen logging camps Wednesday af month o f Doeombor. A committee of ternoon. Snaps for the “ Launi” w on taken on a slight elevation about a quarter of a mile above the camps. Myrtle nuts w en plentiful and a sham battla ensued in which Mr. Douglas and the n e t of hie comrades w en bad ly defeated by the girl* of the class. The party started hoa^e about dusk, reaching town at seven o’clock. A dd iti* ta Glee Club. The Girls’ Glee Club « f Coquille has an addition of three new members, Camilla Lomax, Heien Sherwood and signified their intention of taking up Majorie Hasard, making a number of the outside Bible etady following the plan worked oat by Superintendent Churchill. The state allows one cred One State Show Enough it for the completion o f the course. On Briday morning of this w ool Dr. -Hamilton siUiesasd the high school during the regalar aaaemblv The enrollment o f the present stu dent body o f the OoquiUe «< * «h for the first month shows that the number of girls exceeds that o f the boys by thirty-fear. la the Ugh school alone them am thirty-seven beys sad fifty-six girls, making in aO a body of ninety-three. On Tuesday announcement for the try-outs of debating teams was mad* Mr. Noblet is to take charge of ♦*■«« The question fee debate this vaar wffl A W O R D to the W I S E W h e n y o u n e e d n eat, n e w a n d n ifty L e tte r h e a d s , E n v e lo p e s , C ir c u la r s o r oth er a d v e rtis in g m a tter, The Coquille Valley Sentinel is r e a d y to fill th e bilL W e a ls o have a la rg e stock o l B u sin ess C a rd s, F in « P a p ers and E n v e lo p e s, p lain o r linen fin ish , a n d can giv e you som ething neat fo r y o u r office sta tio n ery ' SE N TIN EL PRIN TIN G a Q U A L IT Y P R IN T IN G With Closing of Poitofflco Then 1« How Nothing Left of Uprairis. * county's business at Grand Rapida. Since then Lapralrte’g decline has been rapid. And eo Mr. Arnold, the town's chief booster, after locking the door o f the oM poetoOce betiding, crossed the road, once the principal street o f the village, to bis UtUe white cottage thereafter to devote his time to the cultivation o f Ida small farm, which comprime the greater portion o f the PRISON IS HOME TO HIM. half breed Pueblo Indian, when baled Into a justice court bom on a charge o f burglary. “I ham mrvod twenty-seven years la Mx tenus within tbs penitentiary,” saM ha la good English. "They always West am won (ham, and I want to get . Aagas McDonald was gi^ priso yastarday by one of I dropping in, whom he had i forty Ckas. E. Schroeder wont j Henry Haynes ranch ia building a silo. Bona harvesting is nearly < and now the order o f the i ha ousting* cutting and F. G. Hermann is prop on his father’s dairy farm soon bo vacated by James ] A. Rayas burned his BatuhUy. B oom o f the farmers c enough to fill silos; wo know 'a f can’t find prunes; no excuse for say out o f work this fall. Joe Evordon and wife are < the W. A. Bess lie home. 0 . H. Robinson made a o f applsa yesterday to the| Grocery Co., o f Morshfleld.N O. H. Robinson was called I lord Monday to fix a balky [ gine. T. E. Dickson and crew engaged building a largo A . Johnson. E. E. Nelson shipped 800 1 beans, this year’s crop, to Marshfield grocers. The sUaod was 0c per lb F. O. B .! at Brondbent. Wm. Candlln, of Coqaills, lag ob the trade at Broadbent 1 Jan Leggett is doing a aaaa with Us auto stage oa i Point-Powers run. B. C. Shull is busy hauling ! bar from Rhody crook; later poets to bluld a largo dairy Mrs. Dr. Clarke, of My has a ales class in masic at \ She givas instructions hem arday. Thom will bo a jitney Broadbent Hall next Sat lag, Oct. 18th. Music by Billy] son’s Orchestra. Floor A . Hayes and Percy cordial invitation is extended A . Wade ia working at mill at Gaylord; Mr. Rider finish a contract sawing for'L . A. Peronne. Leonard Hartley started oa tprn trip to Shasta Valley throe or four prospective lead j accompanied him. H. A. Johnson purchased o f land in Shasta Vatiay, ter saeing that country, Mr. says wo have no country in is any comparison whatever. Lloyd Wise, of Gaylord, through this place Tuesday Jersey cows which be sold to | Hobson, of Myrtle Point; thinning out some of the o f their herd. Our school is progressing dar the instructions of the i •re, Mias Mina Magnsas aad aa Robbins. Several teams just comp align quit* a long section of i W ill McNair’s piaee on the { Fork. Mr. HUT, of Bridge, is A . B. Hermann. Chaa. Chandler was at Monday looking after some _ Rufus Soli eras hem Monday i»g Us brother, Fred. J. C. Warner sad family, lord, worn shopping at Monday evening. They am good uae of their now Maxwell Miss Chloe Buell is teaching land Priarie school. Jeff aad Grover Gibbs, of Carry eounty, passed through on their way to Myrtle Point H. A. Guerin ia taking cam W. T. Dement stock ranch | Dement and family am living tie Point for the winter. Th# Miasm Minnio and Ns accompanied by the Misses . . . and Margaret Roselle, enjoyed ing at Bandon last Sunday. Forded it both ways. Dick Braden, of Myrtle Po st Broadbent Tuesday rep Nad wham the Am wooaen culvert. (Prince Al1 Items From Arago. HINe the Osar| Gets Cube. Marinette. W Is.-Attacked by a largo mother bear. W illie Matsea, seventeen years old. sow o f Mrs. Mattie Matson of Ambsrg. shot and killed bar cad took eaptlve four little rubs. He met the bear while on Us way home from bis tether's mum at Am berg The bear mebed him. steading upright. Then Mateoa killed her on tbe first shot. Tbs tour little mbs lagging behind the Rev. Robert, who has charge Fish trap M. S. church South, pr them last Sunday morning and lag and will preach the first an Sundays o f sack month at Fiai A family reunion of Mr. Young was held at bis rooms quill* a couple of weeks ago i enjoyed the occasion. Their