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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1917)
FRIDAY U I81T RANGES 5» Touring Car Fleur da lye $850 Coquille Sedan, <1095 Sedanet, $845 Colonial Rose : ft r You will liks it for its reasonable first and s fts r co*t—hood appearance, thorough comfort and reliable perform ance— for the full value it delivers. Own a Dort and cut down unproductive time—keep healthy—bright—lively— efficient—the timet demand your beet n o < f a Dort ia rsquestad Your inspection 1 fvuzlctf it today* F. C. PURSLEY, agent a u lla r cu t o » had to eon* in to Co- qaiU* for tko day. N ov they e u bo organixed aa u auxiliary thum ehm aad do thaér abara at aoaaa cu tra l point la their ova locality. Another Matter a i le u importance ia that aa a branch, Coquille e u pur* chaac auch n u ll aupplice aa are need ed quickly at hoaac and havq<the hand- Unc of their ova money- The Arm«* odfcara vare all re-elected u officer* of the branch. Honor Gaud’s Japanese Tea The Coquillc Honor Guard (irla C u e a Japaneu T u at the Maaonic Hall, Saturday, October«. The hall v u beautifully decorated with au tumn learea aad Ur bough*, giving the. aifeet o f e Japanese t u garden, with the balcony form ing canopy fo r the tablaa. Coke, wafera, and t u v a n eerred from 8:80 to 8:00 P. M., after vhlch the young people danced until n Into hour. The Honor Guard cleared 986.00, v h k h will ye to their promised Red Croat fund. : : : : : : $70.00 $50.00 The following ranges are at old prices, eaving been purchased be fore the advances: Beauty Ideal - Junior . - “ - 3 ,...... ............ -Jjpsfrj HEATERS Cole coal Aid heaters $ 9.50 to $ 21 . 0 v Firefly combinations wood and coal heaters * $ 22.00 Other styles and price» from $2.50 to $15.00 Coquille» Oregon The yirl turning in the meet suita ble and attractive title fo r the Oregon Honor Guard Magazine will be y iv u u Honor Guard pin. AH u trie s should be sent to Miss Frances W ol cott, M l E lectric Bldg., Portland, Ore gon, between the 6th and 16th o f Oc tober. H. O. Anderson Furniture and Hardware Want Ads 'Tuesday they cafne back to C om Bey, where Mr. H edge ia at present engaged on the Cooe City-Sumner road improvement project. A s soon u the work there no longer requires his attention they will, come to tide city where he recently bought a beau tiful home. Mr. Hodge was deputy county sur veyor working with A . N. Gould; fo r three y e a n he v u with the Inter state Commerce Commission in gov ernment work. Now he is working with County Roadmaster R. H. Mur dock. He w u reared In this section end w u e graduate o f our city schools and his bride Will be welcomed by his friends who ere w elting an opportun ity to extend felicitations. C lu s Adoption Day fo r the Modern fo r Saturday, Nov. 10.. A t that time scores o f visitors end cadnidatas from Marshfield, North Bend, M yrtle Point end Band on will be ia attendance ahd from the results already accomplished the largest class ever Initiated Into the m ystics o f w oodcraft in Cpoe coun ty will be taken in on that day. More and more are young meo com ing to.realise the benefit* of fraternal insurance. With the old line compan ies raising their rates from 987.60 to 9100 per year on every thousand dol lars o f insurance carried by the men who are going to the front, as against the 92.40 per thousand per y o u in crease o f the Modern Woodmen, it is readily sew where the M. W . A . in surance la a good business proposition. H. has aa acre o f potatoes altogether on newly cultivated land but how the Inter varieties will turn eut is yet to be seen. Asked bow he found it pos sible to g et such e yield in e dry sea son the secret he had to divulge w u that he “ kept the plow going ell the Mme.“ Mr. Hatcher has siso been marketing some very fine tomatoes which had practically nó water during M m gravin g season except tin gill or two he placed in the hole when he •et them out. Each plant, however, g ot n shovelful! e f barn yard manure aad a handful] o f commercial fertili- S e t 4—T. J. T hrift and H. N. Lor ens vs. L. S. WUde. Transcript o f men ta are to be made. judgment. Prayer meeting W ednesday even O ct 4— C. B. Flanagan va. Wm. ing at 7:30. Henry. Choir practice Thursday evening. Oct. 4— H. W . Coats vs. J. P. T sp- This church Invites the .publie to Oct. 5— Naomi CoDver vs. William come and abare the MOowahip off like- minded spirite end assist in lifting A lbert Collver. Suit for divorce. even higher yet the com m un ity I . O ct. 4—Charles J. Hasleton va. El charge urge everyone who can tq fis - ideals. The church is a community am V. Hasleton. Suit fo r divorce. aist in the work—they are mere than asadt and needs the sympathy o f alL Oct. 8— Andy Erickson va. the City anxious to divide the honors! Five 8. G. Boyers, Pastor. bolts o f material have ju st arrived— o f Marshfield, John W. Butler, u re quite enough for all who want a “ fin corder, and John W. Butler individu St. Junes Episcopal Church. Suit to recover amount e f cash ger in tip pie“ to come slang and get ally. Choir Practice tom orrow (Satur busy. A lso, there are seventy-five bead put up by plaintiff fe r D. L. Foote’s appear«nee. day) at 8 p. m. paisa e f bed socks to be made 11 m m Oct. 8 —I n A . Cox vs. Isham A. October 14th: 18th Sunday after are used fo r Injured feet—slipped ea over bandages. They are net difficult Cox. Suit for divorce, which v u on Trinity. Holy Communion at 8 a. m. the plaintiff without prejudice. Sunday School at 10 a. m. please help, everyone. O ct 11— Arthur Mattson vs. Leon Morning Prayer and Sermon nt U Interest in this walk is daily in creasing; u indeed it should; there Is ard G. "Masters, Jay E. Richards and a. m. Miss Vienna Masters. Evening Prayer and Sanson at 7 A0 no greater task to be undertaken by our country than the caring fo r our soldiers. Their com fort health aad very lift depend largely ea the efforts o f the Rad Cross organisation, aad we cannot and must not be slackers in this most important cause. dub si City HaH at • o*o*oek. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE fo r sale. Range, chairs, shades, etc. Call ev- enings at W. J. Longson’s resi dence, corner Third aad Coulter. ROOM TO RENT, with fire. at the Sentinel office. Apply i. .. i- r j -----1^..i I, Wanted— 4 or 6 working m m to board. Inquire at Drane’s store. 88t2 FOR SALE— 1000 pound Do Laval Steam Separator and Boiler. 940. Inquire o f C. C. Oilman, Bandon. 97-8 ^ FOR SALE— Shiagie M ill. 18 h. pi A tlas Steam Engine, 88 b on e Boil er. Perkins shingle machine, ent- off end Joiner. 9826. Wm. Burbeek, Bandon. ________________ 87t6 W ANTED—Second hand furniture. Highest prices paid. Coquille Fur niture Co. t lt f ANSCO FOR SALE— 16 scree, ail bottom, sue mile from Coquille postoffice; d ty water. Inquire John Hiekam. 8tf. W ANTED—Chittam Bark 1817 Peel. W ool * Mohair. G oa T . Moulton. SOMETHING NEW O f Spedal Interest to the Ladles igufee without a blue. It gate ia to a ctio s q u ick ly when ovary second coasts. Y ss « FOB SALE— One crepe de chine gown •ise 86, to be seen at Mrs. Ford’s M illinery shop, \ _____ 88tl FOR SALE—Choice residence prop- erty containing 10 acres— three blocks north end tw o o u t o f court house. Inquire o f Matt Kerrigan oa the place fo r tanas. Old aga reason fo r soiling. SOtf Night Train to Portland. It is rumored that the Southern Pa cific intends to put on an extra trais this winter, which will arrive in Port land and Marshfield in the mornings, leaving those points In the evenings, to which will bo attached sleepers and The Royal Neighbors contributed a dining car. It is also reported that 910 to the local organisation. Thcee the buffet and observation car, which donations are all moat gratefully ra- is now used on" the passenger trains, will be taken off and a commodious dining car added, a convenience which is muck needed.— Coos Bey News. LOST— Bad back day book with milk and other accounts. Finder will please return to J. W . McGuffln. FOR SALE the beet end cheapest va cant lot in the city o f Coquille. Speak quick if you want I t A t the Sentinel office. Next Week’s Big Drive. Next week w ill be the big o f the Liberty Loan drive in this ty. Everybody ought to subscribe fo r % hood who can possibly do so. Ben Selling has made this very easy ia Portland by offering 960 bonds oa weekly payments o f 91-00 W o expect to be able to am plans here In next think about It anyway. A s to soeffrl- ty Liberty Loan bonds are u safe u anything is the world. They w ill be safe u long u we have a co u n try - safer than heuene or lands or money in the bank. To make all thaw things safe is w het the subeerlpUoe is asked for. Aad not e thing we have will be worth anything if we d cu t sub scribe freely dhough to give ear e e ss- try the victory In this war. QasCmls Vwd lack bM tbi New Cases ts Circuit Court. veraity o f Oregon where they were students together and where they graduated— W elter S. Hodge, o f Co quille, e f the c lu e o f 1818, end Mias Mabel Miller, e f Eugene, who grad- The popular package embroidery, atom pod ready 1 to work, and ready to wear. Each packime con tains thread for working. Towels 25c end 75c Boudoir Saques 65c Baby pillow Gases 25c Combing Jackets 50c Baby Bibs 29c Night Gowns 1.00& 2.00 Baby Rompers 60e — Corset Covers 25c W ar Caps 25c Tea Aprons 25c _ Combination Saits 75c and $1.60 New line o f Fapcy Work Baskets jtwt received. RACKET STORE MRS. BONNIE W ALKER, Prop.