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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1917)
Tettine About People sad Erente in the City and County. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Price, will ho united in marriage to Mr. Harry Stewart Norton, son of Hr. and Mrs. J. E. Norton, nt 2:20 at the raotdonco ugh, of Norway,« in Coquille Tuca- Your ‘’bump of and «p ab la of making all vnriotiM ot that product—Cream Brick, Id a s , or aay other of the fancy brands. I t , trill bo worth • good doal to tha dairy in taros ts of the Coquill« Valley to bar« such a man aa Mr. Hoibol aaao- eiate himself with tha manufacturing and of tha buianeaa hero and taka hold of i t He makaa a very favorable im- praaalon upon everyone with whom ho come in contact lo c a t io n ” b often out of qpder in the dark/ room take on strange shapes, the stairs add or subtract a couple of stops, electric light switches play hide-and- seek with your hands. Eliminate a ll these petty troubles get the light that says “ There It I s ! " — an EVEREADY. S ee our c o m p le te s t o c k . P ric e a range from 75c up,. Settling Minor’s Claim. from our city high school two years ago, wont out from the Bay yesterday morning to begin his third year in Willamette University at Salem. Goo. Cray, of Dunam i California, came in the first of the ' days* visit with Ms brother, William. He spent a couple of weeks with rela tives in Josephine county on route. H. H. Wilson, of the Pacific Mon umental Building Works of Marsh field, was a Coquille visitor yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Jaspar Yoakam are visiting tha state fair at Salem this weak, having gone out Monday morn- Glasses fitted from $2.(0 up. I save you money oa optical goods. V. R. Wilson, Optometrist. Coquille, Oregon. 25t2 District Attorney John P. Hall ra tioned from the L O. O. F. grand lodge mooting at Louisville, Ky.f oa L. A. Liljeqviat is out nt Salam to day arguing the Southern Oregon tax ease in the state Supreme court as the attorney for C om county. Chna. A. Pendleton returned Wed nesday from a month’s stay up at S t Martin’s Spring*. Ha ia foaling A local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution was or- Goo. W. Moore mills are short U men in n igfj st Mtrshfldd jn itird ijr by and are paying $226 n day for green the state ragout of .that organisation, boys. Mrs. Isaac Las Paterson, of Satan. Roy Watson and John Stanley re James Kibbe, of Easts »do, whose turned Monday evening from the Bit crime is elsewhere recorded, was ter Root Mountain country on the brought over bora Wednesday and boundary lino between Montana and placed M' jail. For a young man of 21 Idaho, whore they have been on the ho must bs looking forward to n long fire patrol for the past six weeks. time behind the bars. ' They stopped to sea tbs Pendloton William Wiltto, the detective whoso round-up oa the way beano. John investigations of the boose situation enters our city high school as a sen at the Bay and at Bsndon caused so ior this week and Roy goes to Port much uneasiness promise« to ho back land to enter the Behnke-Walker Com- here to tall the grand jury what ha IB fW *}h1 C O lltffte knows in about ten days. Miss Edith Thomas, who used to A. T. Morrison is enjoying a visit live in Coquille, and her father, Depu from Us father, M. H. Morrison, of ty Game Warden J. M. Thomas, loft San Bernardino, Cal., Tha older ]ffir. North Bond Tuesday morning in Mlsa Morrison’s health had not boon the Thomas’ car, bound for Boaoburg. Mr. boat of lato, hat he is fooling much Thomas expected to meeortpany his daughter over the worst part of the road, returning to the Bay. Mias at Corvallia, was named as delegala, Thomas drove on to Portland and will at tha recent oenferenee, to represent return south by way uf the Pacific this conference nt tha General Con Highway to San Francisco. She plans ference of the M. E. South to bo bold to bo absent about throe weeks on her vacation trip. at Atlanta, Oa., next May. Mr. and Mrs. H. H.< Hastings, whoso F. F. Schram, of Bunker Hill, was hero Monday and Tuesday to appear ranch is about two miles out on the before the. county draft board. Ho Fairview road, returned Sunday even formerly lived in Coquille but was ing from Granger, Wyoming, whore residing in Danmark, Curry county, they wont tta first of Juno on account of Mrs. Hastings’ health and to visit at the time of the registration. her mother. Mrs. H. waa greatly Some road reports are expected beneflttod by the trip. On the way when tbs county court moots next homo they stopped off for the Pendle weak, the viewers having roomily ton round-up where more than 20,000 been over a portion of the Co Bay people were in attendance. They en- North highway and also the Russell oyed the show immensely, notwith Creek road west from the south Co standing the rain which could not quill« up to the Curry county lino. drive the spectators away. Harold H. Tyrrell, of Fresno, "Ca., Ford car for sale by F. C. Parsley. who is vaiiting friends on Fishtrap, «rill return to Ms home in a few days, SucccMful*Drive la Coquille. and immediately upon his arrival Mrs. S. H. Upton, superintendent of there will enter the services of Undo Sam and proceed to n training camp, the Louise Homo for delinquent moth ers and foundlings at Portland, also having boon drafted in the first calL representing the Albertina Kerr Nur Mr. and Mr*. Ernast dark, of sery Homo then, and Mrs. Pearl Ed Heppnor, Ora, came in Wednesday wards, of the same city, asado a vary evening to visit his sister, Mrs. V. L. successful “drive" here in Coquille Hamilton, and yesterday afternoon, yesterday to secure fluids for those accompanied by Dr. and Mrs. Hamil institutions. They request the Sen ton and Paul Bynhing, they want tinel to express for thorn their hearty down into Curry county for a camping thanks on behalf of those charities trip. for the liberal and generous response Word received from M. McDonald they received in Coquille, where, won ia Portland ia that ha ia working in derful to any, they report meeting tha Murphy Bros.’ barber shop in the only two “ grouches.^ The $90.90 Morgan Building, on Washington that was donated, wo understand, waa street between Broadway and Park, tha largest amount they over collected where ha will be glad to see »Coos In the tame length df time, they hav county friand«, who may bo in Port ing to leave by the 4 p. m. train. Th e Knights of Pythias lodge had a very enjoyable session Tuesday even ing when Prof. John L. Gary was given the first degroe. Th* K. P’s. of the United States are raising a war relief fund of half a million d< liars nad W. C. Chaos ssyy that Coquille is Those who have promised conn+d uit for the Louie« Homo apd Albor- Prod Bolloni, as guardian of Flor ence Alice Cope, n minor, filed a pe tition in the county court for an or der of tha court authorising him to consent to the partition of the real estate of his ward. Tha real estate consists of the residence property in Coquille at the south and o f Coulter street, owned by the late W, V. Cope, and a farm near langlois in Curry county. Her grandmother, Sarah E. Cope, owns sin sevenths of the pro perty. J. 1. Stanley appeared as at torney for the guardian, and tha mat ter was heard in probate before Coun. ty Judge Watson Thursday afternoon. The matter waa an amicable adjust ment and the testimony showed that tha grandmother offered to give the minor property appraised at $2100 for her one-seventh interest in the whole property thohgh fhat one-seventh was appraised at laaa than $1800. The guardian and the court both approved the order and n decree was rendered accordingly. KNOWLTON’S DRUG STORE pelt-line Business ]Sm /X In almost every business Wfiy nowadays yon will find Xr some place where an in- / conspicuous little elect rife motor is speeding up the work or providing conven ience for workers or patrons. Has your establishm ent an electric worker on the payroll? floe to make another hand nt the fac tory, The probability now is that all holiday goods will bo gone by Doc. 1. Those who know it as wa do hero in Coquille, do not wonder that when ever this magnificient wood is intro duced the demand for it grow* fast. It looks as if our Myrtle Wood fac tory might eventually become the Steat espansive manufacturing insti tution in tha Coquille Valley. Uncertain About Treasury. Whether Treasurer Dimmick will find quarters in the new Hall of Bec- orfis is still undecided, the matter having been put op to the county court which will moot next week. The southwest room on the first floor was planned for an aba tractors’ room. This work was dons in the baeement room under the county dork’s office in the old building, but so far it has boon impossible to settle on any piece for it in the now building if the room originally planned for it is given to Phone 71 TH R JdARSEILLAISE H YM N . C S O IIB , children of our native land. Tha day of glory now Is nlshl 'Gainst us »ppreeaton'a minion stand. Thair blood stalnod banner flaunting high! Oh. hoar ya not In our fair lands Tha secants of thatr murd'roua hordosf Thay com# to oer awaiting swerda To am It# your sens with ruthless handal To anna, ray countryman I Tour battalions array! March on! March on I Let helots' Mood Drench oer triumphant way! Ouraalvea are entering tha way Now whan our elder* are no more. Claim* He Can Prove Alibi. Wednesday morning Sheriff Gage brought Elmer Comstock down from Powers and placed him in jail hero to answer n complaint made In Justice’* Stanley’s court here charging him with having been guilty or arson at The Name le U-Lik Em. ' After many trials, troubles and tri bulations in trying to select s name for n brand that could bo registered, the company has at last succeed««! in ■ctatting “ U-LIK-EM,” which was submitted by E. V. Edwards, of ML Vernon, Washington. 0 The old creamery name of Coquille Valley Croamcry will ha retained for the present, under which to conduct Oh, liolÿ leva o f fatherland. Guidi and «astata* our ranging armai Oh. freedom, cherished tibertyl Be with thy eons through war's ala row) Beneath our flag may victory Respond to thy Inspiring strains; And may thy foes, In mortal peina, ▼taw thy triumph and our glory! -Translated by Albert W Brasa Genuine coral may bo red, pink, white, blue, yellow, green or black, the ille potato beetle, the fields and e« number of them The Oregon Agricultural College