The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, September 28, 1917, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    • -iiw l w*r * »ro«»onBc*d a little too n u ll, so
fol- «he unrevelled them end knit them
Preei- alt over. M o re Aniskin« them, how
Preei- over, she had gone went to O kie/and
See re the e u te Bed Cross there had aeeas
'■ Alio» I now frill« in its regulations, and so
refused to accept them. Nothin«
Mr of daunted but determined to do her bit
Iky to ]If it took el!
Mrs. S. petient-
ttend the K nights of Pythias.
Ily unravelled them a second tim e and
The Freshm an class organised I reknit them fo r the third time. By
uesday and elected the following this tim e, however, she had got into
■cars: President, E verett Freed- th s Illinois jurisdiction, and they had
eks; Vice President, Fred W imer; some other requirem ent th a t would
ic re ta ix M arjorie H azard; T reesur- Lhave to be complied w ith before the
, Jeffle Beckman.
articles could be accepted. It is no
The G irls Glee Club resumed prac- wonder she lost patience and has not
bo Monday.
Many new members found tim e to reluoit, and in th s w inter
•re enrolled and a splendid year is th at is coming lots of beys a t the
[fro n t will suffer for such comforts as
Officers for the Sophomore class fori f those m artinets a t the head of those
is year are: Pauline Chase, Preei- three state chapters refused to accept.
int; Londy. Church, Vice Presidentr]
— -------------------
HHem Oerdhtg, Secretary and Tree-
Farewell Party Here,
ttoa. to the das, tel.
After dom <d the M. E. choir ro-
, wer* B
® ton* ey and Go*®on bearsal Thursday evening Mrs. Downs
We Recommend
A fter crossing into Mexico the Ore­
gon women nearly go t into“ jail, all
because they persisted in w earing
th eir revolvers in the eccustomed
niches a t th eir sides. An a le rt |k s -
lean officer spied the revolvers and
made haste to read the rio t act to
them , as though he were fearing arm ­
ed invasion. In view of the fact th a t
the Mexican spoke Spanish, a lan­
guage entirely foreign to M rs. Bowfc-
er and Mrs. Purdy, the conference did
not speed along as well as it aright
have, but finally m atters were cleared
W e have just received a
shipment of Stone Jars
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 gallon
;• sizes.
: & H
H. O. Anderson
Fraederick home under the impression
the choir were going for a ride. In­
stead they were ushered into the
spacious parlors where other people
were w aiting the arrival of the four­
teen .members of the choir.
Ithao'w as spent in games. Refresh­
ments won served, a fte r which Dr.
Richmond presented to M rs. Downs
Holy Communion tomorrow (S atur­
and Miss Ada several M yrtle wood
pieces from the choir ss a token of day) the F east ef St. Michael and
the high esteem In which they are A ll Angels a t 9 a. m.
Choir Practice tomoorw a t fi p. Ss.
to r t wife in this city who has worked Sept. 80th—17th Sunday a fte r T rinity
Holy Communion a t • a. as.
as faithfully ss has M rs. Dogma and
Sunday School a t 10 a. m.
regrets are voiced on every side th at
Morning Prayer and Sermon a t 11
Mr. Downs and fam ily are leaving
a. m. Subject, “The Foundation of
ths city.
AH V irtues.”
Evening prayer and Sermon a t 8
He Will Stop in California.
p. m. This season will be the second
D. L. Foots, who has the repute den
of the course on “The Relationship ef
of being the high mognl of the Boot-
C hristianity to the Social Problems
leggers Union a t the Bay and trim
of the Day,” the subject being “M ar­
jumped his bond there s week or two
riage and the Home."
ago, was seen in San Francisco re ­
Rev. Frederick G. Jennings, Vlcsr.
cently by V irgil Wilson, of North
Furniture and Hardware
• For alm ost all o f th eir trip the Ore­
gon woman camped out along the side
of the road, espee^dly on th eir trip
north from Mexico.
Following th s
route of th eir own downward trip as
fa r'a s Roaeburg, Mrs. Bowker tinned
th e tru sty HupmoMle w est from th a t
city to M arshfield for a tour around
Coos Bay. A fter com pleting the run
from M yrtle Point to CoquiUe, Sum­
ner, Fair-view, Marshfield, N orth Bend,
Bandon and retu rn to Coquill» Mrs.
Purdy received word th a t h er m other
was seriously ill In Seattle.
Im m ediately the two. women motor-
ists Started for home, and despite the
terro rs of driving over th s mountains
between M yrtle Point and Roaeburg in
rainy w eather they nude the crossing
successfully and continued the drive
to Portland w ithout stopping any­
w here fo r r e s t \ T hs complete trip
from Coquille to the Im perial Hotel,
Portland, nearly 800 miles, was made
in 24 hours. W ithin an hour a fte r
her a rriv a l a t the Im perial Mrs. Pur­
dy received a telegram announcing the
death of her m other, and she dspsrtsd
immediately for Seattle, leaving her
trip companion, Mrs. Bowker, to ftn-
torista ware finally put to the extrem ­
ity of taking off all the spark plugs
and d enning'them , e f inspecting the
carburetor sad generator vary closely
and going through the other pre­
cautions followed by the m otorist
stranded on the rand. A t last a wise
notion struck them and they discov­
ered, much to th eir hum iliation, th a t
they wore merely out of gasoline.
The Hupmobile was sent out on its
long drive minus chains, and didn’t
find need for any until during rainy
w eather along the notoriously rough
stretch between Redding and Duns-
m uir on the return trip , Horn the em­
ployment of chains was so im perative
to travel th a t the fem inine motorist«
were compelled to camp a t th s aids of
the road fo r two or three days w aiting
fo r dry wenthsr to boost thorn along
the way, D uring this tim e they wore
forced to pick berries and catch fish,
Oil, Gasoline or Distillate.
Bend, who has ju st returned frem Cal-
Honda. Wilson understood th a t Foote
was living in Oakland. As Mrs. Foots
and the children have gone to Oakland
it is not thought probable th a t be will
The Eugene Junior High school to netmm snaat but the vacancy in the
which it w as given la st w inter mads Esteemed Ruler’s chair a t the Bay has
an average of 88 per cent on the probably boon filled before this Urns.
ansM to s t
} '-
V isitors to th s high school th is week
were June W illey and Leslie Sshrosd-
or. Leslie is planning to attend ths
U nivarsity of Oregon this year.
The A thletic committee m et and de­
cided to^ begin bucket bull practice
Fiorir at Myrtle M at.
FOR SALE—Pigs six weeks old. Gao.
A. M ass, Riverton, Oregon.
cheap a t the M. E . parsonage. Also
fru it jara.
being made to ren t the hail and an or-
Ths M yrtle Point E nterprise says:
equipment te begin practice.
Lust Sunday was the date of a very
John Donaldson, a member of the
enjoyable picnic held in the Dixon Senior class, has secured a position ia
Grove in this city, in honor of Mr.
Bandon and Will probably attend High
•nd M rs. Charles Lindsley, Mrs. Sarah
school there this w inter. * G ertrude
Butler, freshm an, has also left for
Bivens, recently e f Powers and Mrs.
G n es Bivens and granddaugther,
Mias Thao H illyer, of N orth Yakima,
Wash., who havo been visiting friends
and relatives her* Mrs. U ndaley and
Mrs. Johnson, sisters of Robert Clin­
ton, of this city, and of John Clinton,
of Norway, ara well remembered by
many of the old-tiasea ia the Coquille
valley, fo rty -e ig h t of the Clintons
and relatives were present, and nil
enjoyed the bontooua dinner spread
«n th s long tablas beneath the trese-
That Cloud Is G row ing.
Wa note th a t W. F. Millar, assis­
tan t freight agent of the S. P. com­
pany, has promised the Bandon mill
men a spur tra c t a t Cedar Point to
facilitate the traafor of tomber from
river to rail a t th a t point when it is
brought up on harges from th s low-
40-acre ranch for rent, mostly clear­
ed. 22 aerea under plow, 8 cows,
team , farm ing utensils, separator, ate.
12 tons of hay in barn fo r aalo. Good
house and barn. On main road two
miles north of M yrtle P o in t
to cream ery, school and postoffice. In­
quire n t this office.
completed the poems, “Golden Rod”
end “Owl and Pussy O a t” This weak
they are enjoying observation lessons
on th s butterfly.
In A rt they are
tasking tittle landscapes, while in rim
F irst end Second grades they are
learning the different washes of w ater
reason for selling.
• Society.
at 11 a. m.
1 P o ck et Speedex
catches swiftly moving
I t t a t a ia to a c tio n
FOR SALE—16 acres, all bottom, one
mile from Coquille poatoffice; city
w ater. Inquire John Hickam. 9tf.
WANTED—CWttam Bark 1H 7 Peel.
Wool A Mohair. Oso. T. Moulton.
Calling cards 198 for fl.Oc
All sizes Jardinieres 15c to $1.00
Pottery Hagginf Baskets $1.25 and $1.75
Fern Dishes and Bnlh Bowls 50c to $1.00