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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1917)
Valley, over w* lum heca operatise» dan* m m ton«*# pattini » • D A IR Y B U S IN E S S « the PROPER BASIS. Don’t 49c per pound T. S. TOWNSEND CREAMERY CO. W e h ive equipped the Coquille Creamery to make both cheese and butter, so our pu&ons may have their choice, according to whichever price is the highest You Get Top Market Prices and T, i rw ffT " h payments. We can do as much, for you, as anyone else, rad most o f the time more. Watch the Portland Oregonian for your W e pay Portland’s daily prices on butterfat TOP PRICE, delivered at Coquille. Cheese wlH advance, in price, and future looks good. We announce the addition, to our Co., o f Mr. Fred Heibel, an old experienced cheese manufacturer and owner o f several factories, who will devote his time to the company’ s in- — — --------------------- i E ; - r ■ ' Ü* fv ! I . . . >s - .4,1 Every melon ripe, every melon good. Season will soon be over. Get them while you can. All sizes, all prices. ALL GOOD. The car shortage makes the carrying of complete stocks of feeds, etc., a very seri ous problem. Don’t let your supply run out before ordering more. Now in stock. * Alfalfa hay, cheat hay; cheat, oats and vetch mixed Bran, shorts, middlings, alfalfa, meal, Holstein Dairy , f ■ *•’■*'■ * ; **/ Get your vetch seed for Fall sowing. ‘ - j S ‘ J t'+ c -'teAc ; •' • '- . - f i f t y ’. ‘S ? , ’ ' Busy C om er Grocery Coquille, Oregon Front and C Streets Phones 691 and.541 "3 - I ~ ! A W O RD to the W ISE • j Cream 49 cents DIRECT FROM THE PATCH 1 '____ , _ a .« '« V - W hen you need neat, new and nifty ~ Letterheads, Envelopes, Circulars or other advertising matter, Ceqiille Valley Seatiiel is ready to fill the bill W e also have a large stock of Business Cards, Fine Pa- The Q U A L IT Y P R IN T IN G The Myrtle Point schools opened September 17th with a good enroll- MSBt Sixty-Are Ugh school students wort present toady to take up their (year’s work. Sersral are expected to oaroU next week. Notwithstanding the fact that there is an entirely new I faculty, erarythlng ia running smooth l y and a rery pleasant, ae well aa pro fitable, year is anticipated. The grammar school is well filled and new pupils are beiag enrolled. The carps o f teachers this year eon- oieta o f: A. L. Barnhart, superinton- *■*5 John Gary, principal of the Ugh school; Miss Tobey and Ml— o f the high school; Mr. Noaler, prin cipal o f the grammar school, . . ^ nf *7 m ooes Barton, McCracken, Groan, Hasten and Mrs. Deridaoa. Mrs. Whitaker and Mrs. Scott M . Daridaon give* instruction in Mra. J. H. H unt, of Almena, Kan- a sister o f tho Ray brothers, ar- rhrod ban Wednesday. She ia pleased to aee a nice green country. Dan Goldblootn ia the good carpen ter who la building a new house for Mr. Brode, of tho Bridge country, who will more out of hie chicken house which ha haa occupied since the bum- fa « o f hit residence. J in Miller, the fisherman, has more than one« gone to hi* nets in the morning and found them robbed. The young bmb who did it are theives. though they thought It sport. M in Mina Magness began t he Bruadbent school this week. Mrs. Helen Bobbins ia auistant. Mrs. D ots Cary came down from Powers this week to consult the doc tor about bar health. The doctor ai- eo rumored tonsils and adenoids from the grandaou of Mr. Henderson Mon- m i , Mrt. B. V. Duncan, mother of Kny Duncan, who has boon visiting here for tho last two weeks and a guest o f tho X. H. Hansen family, returned to bar home in Wenatchee, Washing ton, last Saturday. Miaa Chloe Buell, one of the daugh ters o f Dodd Buell and a teacher much in demand, began the Gaylord school last Monday. Uncla Tom'* been marrying some bangh and Adam John Guthardt at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mra. Henry Randabaugh. at exactly noon Wednesday. There were appropriate for the occasion muaekeeping.” Mrs. Rackliff and Mr*. John Ray supported the can- «Hdatoo In the wedding ceremony. Mra. Ray ia a siator of the bride and « h i bar — tiling dross of which the brids’o ia aa exact duplicate in shade, asatarial and make. There were 40 persons present and the offering* proved the sateeA in which the young