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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1917)
nvnr Ida. Value o f Banking bouse-------- ------------ j . ........... I I . rurniture and fixtu re# ............... a ........................ It. Law fnl reserve with Federal Reserve Bank............ 1«. Items with fed eral Reserve Bank in process oi collection (not available o i reserve)................... I I . Cash In vault and net amounts dan • from national llpnke.................... /................................................. lt>. N et amounts due from banks end bankers, and trust companies other than included In Items IS, 14, end 1 £ 7 1 ....... - ................................................ . 18. Cheeks on other banks In the same city or town aa reporting bank (other than Item 17)....... Total o f Items 14. 18. 18, 17, and I I .......... I f . Cheeks on banks located outside o f city or town o f reporting hank and other cash items................ 10. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due TO TAL— Warden Shoemaker complained to A t torney General » own o f the failure o f the justices o f peace to comiwjt to jail persona convicted in their court* on their failin g t * pay the finao im posed against them. In reply the A t torney General wrote an extended opinion o f which a copy hue been fur nished Justice J. /. Stanley, o f this city, the gist o f which We quo^e be low to indicate to what extent of- ftcere o f the lower courts may g o in remitting or suspending ones and pen alties Imposed by them: 1 108,118.16 L IA B IL IT IE S "T " 21 Capital stock paid in.............................. ................. . 28. Surplus fu n d .................................................. ........... 84a. Undivided profita ......................................... 8,928.08 h. Less current axpensea, interest, and taxes paid....... 1,491.17 The burden o f authority is to the effect that no court, without special atautory provision, possesses the pow er to suspend sentence indefinitely. It is the duty o f the Justice’s court to pronounce judgment in the case of every person convicted. I w ill add further that the justice «25.00 o f the peace has no right U> grant a pardon, conditional or otherwise, by suspending ja il sentence or by E m it ting the fine. This has no reference to probationary suspension o f sen tence againet infants charged with all strength remaining to tbe north part o f thé city and to s two-year-old baby la the homo or parents that had bate advertising and looking for tbe playmate or theIrtbiUreu. Z. PUPILS 0UTSPELL PARENTS. defeated their psreuta.Ui a geograph leal or “rsMroed-' spelling match held in tbe school. Mrs. Clarence Ultney, who bed stood alone on her side for thirty minutes, retired when she could not think o f a geographical san e beginning with “ G’ after her daughter Ruth, on the oppo site aide, bud finished; spelling “ Dar ling,” one o f tbe largest rivers In A us trails. When the match w u over three of the eighth grade puptla were still standing. These were Johanns Mad saa. Rena Lechner and Both Rltnqp. LONG TRIP ACROSS ATLANTIC Gales Stripped Ship Weeteete ef Car vas, but lb # Got Here. New Y ork .-A fter a passage of UP days from Loudon, the British full rigged ship Westjiatr arrived bhre re ceotly. She eras loaded with chalk and Bailed Dec. 11. Encountering galea, almost all her sails were blown away and she drifted about tbe Atlantic, finally managing te make Barbados There she was fitted with new canvas with which she put to eea again. ■he was off Baraegsl Man h M and ah# triad day after day to get here, but failed Captain Steele finally decided sbe was tired out. and he balled tbe tug Marion Lee, which towed him here One o f the crow waa taken off at quar an tine enffertng from fevar. Mie Is Only Twelve Veers Old, but Haa Grown Phenomenally. Baltimore, Md.—A girl who has been growing for tbs last three years at g phenomenal rate and Is now over six feat tell, although only twelve year* old. Is being given the expert attention o f medical man o f the Johns Hopkins hospital, who expect to see her become a prodigy, a veritable giantess, with out Io n o f mental power*. For tbe last three years bar growth has been phenomenal, surpassing an records at tbs hospital, v a tll sbe was ulna years old she was simply a large girl, but not likely to attract attention. Occasional pah* accompanied her sud den growth, bat her health remained Kill* «beep and Riga and Escape* Into unimpaired She weighs 117H pounds *B Swamp. Developing a fondness for books, aha / Shelby vtOe. Del.—A largo cinnamon has road many more than an ordinary boar ia terrorising tb* Inhabitants o f child o f her age. and the severe test of Cooten Button. In several instance* her Intellect made by tbs experts In to tb* past (iw weeks tb* bear has that line at tbe hospital gave this ver made Its appearance at farmhouses, dict: “She la above the average la B frightening tbe women and chasing sway the men. Tb* weather evidently has cut off its food snppltes. and It is Billing aheap and pigs on many term s It has baa« hunted several times, but Its trait In variably leads to a swamp which ia prartimlly impervious to man. It Is supposed that the bear la one That es caped from a circus about Sevan ysnre ego near Pi hues* Anna BEAR INVADES FARMS. DOG RESCUED IN NET. During » a past twelve months the committee has been exercising every means possible to advise and assist the u ria l anas o f the government, both for lend and s u operation. This com. making body did not b u fit to cotnmtt such extraordinary authority to the justice’s court. In case of Ex Farts United States, referred to, the United S ta tu Su preme Court held th a t mandamus la the proper remedy where a Federal district court has exceeded its power ___j__: — il _. .u ----------------Jcti » - hy ordering that the execqtiopt o f a sentence be suspended in definitely during gqod behavior. There is ao doubt iit my mind but what a district attorney could institute mandamus proceedings in tbe circuit court for the purpose o f requiring the justice’s court to enter up a proper judgment .n the event o f a refusal o f such jus tice. For the sake o f clearneu, I w ill r e state in concluding, that since the im portant decision made by the United states Supreme Court in the case of Ex Parte United States, referred to, there should be no doubt but what it is the duty Of the justice’s court te pro nounce judgment in every criminal case where there has been a trial and conviction in said court, and permit the judgment to be duly executed. It is equally clear from the doctrine of said eaes that the court hfw author- ity to permit temporary ffl*pension o f sentence to enable legal proceedings pending or contemplated to revise It to be taken, or application fo r pardon W be made, or any other legal relief against the sentence to be resorted to. aljoumed after a very pleasant ev- and charting the Irregularities o f the atmosphere so that our aviators in. p u es and war may bava tbe benefit of exact talfcrmatlon both for I hair own safety and u an expedient to efficient operation o f aerial mees enger, recon no lasante aad fighting serv ice. , Tbe com mirteo believe* tbe time bas come when serological Stations should be esta bits bed and maintained, espe cially In conjunction with military sta tions maintained for tbs Instruction of aristón. la a telegram road by Présidant Al an R. Hawley at tbs Aero Club of America banquet In New York Dr, Charlu D. Walcott, secretary o f tbs Smithsonian Institution and chairman o f tbe executive committee of tbe Na tional Advisory Committee For Aero “ At present." said Dr. Walcott In his telegram, “ practically nothing Is known of the movements o f tbe gold in which shortly thousands o f aircraft, rep r e seating millions o f dollars In Invest ment, will be Boating, and, what Is ter more Important, they wlU be operated by thousands of our finest, specially trained young men.” W hite Cedar for Fliers. Coos white cedar i i to be subjected to experiment in the Forest Products Laboratory at Madison, Wi«., says the Coos Bay Times, to determine whether it ia suitable fo r aeroplane construction. . > • A car load now awaits shipment in the Marshfield railroad yards, cut according to government directions and shipped by federal order from the C. A . Smith mill. ] Spruce has been the accepted wood material fo r aeroplane building but 3xperimenta with other woods are .umerouH and it waa raefintly an nounced that tha Italian government had found Douglas fir suitable. The carload is composed o f IS pieces, loaded cross-wise on the car instead o f in the usual way. tha length o f the car. The pieces are numbered and as many as throe are from the same tree ao that the wood near the butt, that near th* top and that mid-way can bo tested and com parative values for plans construction FARMERS UNION STORE «"*"«• '.'VT \ Superintendent o f Schools Raymond There is a vast distinction between suspending sentence temporarily fo r a lawful purpose and suspending it per manently. I w ill direct your attention to section 16£8, Lord’s Oregon Laws, which provides when a parole may be granted to n person who has been convicted o f a felony or misdemeanor in the circuit court Persons are paroled by the circuit court after conviction but it is by v ir tue o f the statute. A parson may be convicted o f killing game or taking fish unlawfully and upon conviction fo r the same in the circuit court, the itisfled that suck per- trial court, if son if permitted to go at large would r o t 's gain violate the law, may In ita discretion by order o f record parole such person. The justice’s coon does TOTAL “ W. F. B R YAN .” Bryan, who la well remembered By the old residents o f Centralis, died la the early nineties Allan Miller, a pres ent resident at O n trails, wee a nephew o f Mrs. Bryan, who died about six P A C IF IC C O AST B IS C U IT CO. navigation. __________________ ________________________ "The finder must publish this before any work begins on Its recovery, but the finder must get another party te dig far it, end the digger gets one-hall I do this to keep my lasy kinfolk from getting I t I f they mskt any fuss about Jt after It is found, give them f l each. Thera is slab another jugful buried a tew rods west o f tbe old dwelling bouse I can’t locate It, however, as tbs mark is lost Dated this second Children know that S N O W F L A K E S are gdod to eat— and good for them, too! Made o f the purest and beat materials in our big daylight factory. fiends Many e f the Young Mon Into the Ranks. V Wilmington. Del —One-half o f Vida has gone to war, and two-thirds of tbe remainder are preparing to snltst. Vida Is a peaceful little town near Mont gomery. A recruiting officer o f the regular army arrived and found thir teen young met) o f military age. Six joined and want to Montgomery with the recruiting officer, leering behind four others who promised to join thorn when their private affaire could bo ar- V mi tors in Mrs. Mu) key's room this w jck were Mrs. E. E. Johnson and M.s. W. H. Lyons. Ethel Lanston, o f Band, Oregon, is a new student in the fifth grade. New pi mil in the sixth grade a f* Dora Norman and Elva W illey. Mr. Almack spent, a half hour in the fifth grads room Thursday morn ing telling Indian legends to fhe pu pils. The stories told are legends of the Indians o f the Northwest. N ellie McQuillan, a formar student o f the Coquille high school and now living in Marshfield, was a highschool visitor Monday. Miss McQuillan will probably enroll in the Coquille high school in the near future. The assembly program as outlined fo r the high school fo r the year in cludes the follow ing: Monday study, Tuesday stereoptican views, Wednes day m rsk, Thursday talks by mem bers o f the faculty, aad Friday will be a special day in which dtiaans o f Coquil’ e will be asked to address the stud a. Mr. Almack w ill talk to the ,h school next Thursday, and on Fr< -ay the students w ill be addressed by Rev. F. G. Jennings, o f the Epis copal church. The beys o f the seventh and eighth gades have finished putting the bas ket ball grounds in -shape fo r games an i expect to begin playing regularly E. Baker gave an operatic recital F ri day and Saturday, consisting of se lections and readings from Rigoletto which were enjoyed very much by the students. Miss Zelma Strang, Miss M u Lund and Mr. Edwin Lund were visitors at high school assembly Friday morn ing. Edwin leaves in several weeks fo r U. o f O. and M m fo r Monmouth. Iteau From C arry County. (From the Gold Beach Reporter.) G eorg* Divelbisa reports that that* have been some recent good finds o f p lacer'gold up on Elk river, where he is preparing to open up some min ing property. ;K . - • Misses Jeannette and Jane Thrift, who have been spending the summer vacation with their father a t Lang- lois, le ft last waek to resume their studies a t Mount Angel. A t * road m u tin g a t the court house it wye decided to g * ahead with the circulation o f petitions fo r a road bond si seti on to b# presented to the April; 1918, term o f eounty court, the same time ag the M ay primaries, which next year w ill ba M ay 17th, thua preventing the additional pense o f a spacial election at i other date. work must be settled fo r before it leaves the g a ra g e A . A . Pauli. Bergmann Shoe The Celebrated be introduced. Fred Hariocker had the misfortune to nearly cut his finger off while chop ping wood. Aw arded Gold Medal Mae Wilson is on the sick list this week. , P. P . L E. San Francisco, 1915 John Stanley ia expected home next week and will enroll in the Junior Eric Plepp, who has been in the A rm y fo r the past six months, is once more back in high school. Wm. Oerding le ft Friday morning ft r Salem where he will attend to t i e exhibition o f his father’s products a; the State Fair. The following reporters were ap^ p* atad to gather school news fo r tha Theodor« Bergm an S ànsi: Academy, Pauline Chase; Shoe M anufacturing Co. G - ics, Camilla Specials, 881 Thar man 8 L Portland. On ol Rahskopf; High School, Herbert The additions to the high school this week were Chss. Oerding, Paul Lamson and Miss Unice Dungs*, o f P ’ eonix, Ore., making a total enroll ment o f 83, 21 o f this nambor being lx the Senior class. This Is only a ft - short o f «tbs enrollment o f this time last year. -he Senior class held a business n 'tin g at tha home o f the former president. Miss Catherine Horsey. Tue following officers was* sleeted: President, M yrtle Neeley; Vice Presi dent, Catherine Horsey; Secretary, S Ivia Neeley; Treasurer, ff rad Lor- ei z; Editor-in-Chief at tha Laurel, Herbert Lukens; Assistant editor, G’ Jys Nbaler; Business Manager, C uu. Oerding; Assistant Business Manager, Elmer Nealey. L igh t re freshments were asrvad and tha dass AT C O Q U IL L E PO STO FFICE. Mails Depart. Marshfield and Eastern M yrtle Point 8:80 a. 5.40 a. i 7:26 n. i Marshfield Bandon i A rago (b y boat) Mails A rriv a i* fi:12 a m.; 4:18 p. m. Marshfield *IVg« Tuffi CARP a iqmu.TT/ LV* fo r Bandon and icept tb * M yrtle.)