Old favoritee A g reat deal of w hat th ere is eoald not be gotten to the eoodensary in fit condition to make condensed m ilk. To make 750 eaaee of m ilk a day it would require 75,000 pounds o f m ilk daily and th is is not to be had d ose enough to make it practicable, a re a in the Hush season. The cbenee fac­ tories and cream eries are now n«<»g all of the milk offered and paying well for it. Tilamook, w ith Ms 100,- 000 pounds daily w ithin a few miles of the city, has been investigated time end again by eandensariee but no one cared to enter the fluid on the showing of the cheese factories which have mads such notable successes there. have been so m any oondenaariee erected all over the country, one shud­ ders to think of all of the capital th at will be idle or lost when the Miinp w comes. This is particularly applica­ ble to those who are fam iliar w ith th i conditions existing before th e w ar when condensed milk was a drug on the m arket, w ith warehouses b u rst­ ing with canned milk sa l condensarits going into the hands o f. receivers. How ho loves ’em I And they’re food for him, too, because they are'm ade o f the purest and best o f healthful m aterials in our sanitary, daylight factory. Sold in 3 sixes o f packages and In baft P A n n r m i o r BISCUIT D v a /^ r r r o CO. nn “ PACIFIC COAST Portland, Oregon. e-seedin' and took him by the asma and nm him down to a boat Tbèy put him la and are row in' him out te a warship.* “O k my gracious—tb s press gang r She tan out of the house snd oa is SB eminence In tin # to ### tbo boot pulling to r a ship a t anchor bearing the British ■ensign from bar peak. John Clough had basa pressed late the British service. Katherine was SO fond of him that she could not beef the Idee of welting for him to com# beats after e long term of service snd resolved to Join bim -lf possible The ship remained e t anchor that night, end the nest morning, leering her chil­ dren In the care of her Bister. Ifm. Clough cat off ber heir, pat oa a suit of John's end. taking a boat, rowed out to the man of war. Then- she of fered herself for enlistm ent She was glsdly accepted without s physical ex aminetton donned a Bailor's She soon recognlred by her husband, but she cave him a look of warning, end be did not betray her. FARMERS UNION STORE fÇ O * K > .!" (Ç ..* " D M f l r / T A f i Y P R ÌP A R C D N C 88 _______ _ MIUTA1 ' . Wee tee « ST nnL ' «a« M alvrM ¿ S S w im n e s - ^ ^ ^ ^ * The Britisher m i led about for some time la American waters, her captain here aad there tmprdmtng a man Into — ....... ................ .... a g g g a m ^ ^ g g bis service, desiring to till ap hie crew. M altreating H is Pete. which was Incomplete . _ , _ . _ __ , As soea a» possible John aad Katb- Lm t Wednesday Fred C. True filed erine concerted to make tbeir escapa a com plaint in Ralph Nosier’s barber K atherine's plea was to aaaiet John to 'a op which is bound to go down U get away, after which she might* de- 'h story as the g reatest prom ulgation Here her aex and get discharged. But | ialc. President W ilson's speech be- A to J g J i T ” l°°t M m . t o n the Duma. The document allege. 7 , i , I, __ J T m u ______JV*?*" ' tl-at various end sundry school kids those tw irl ran t th a t had been lm- h a.e become addicted to the habit of Pleased, ao this task would not be easy harassing end etharw ise misusing his Of eceompHshment. Aad if they mads nest of tam e yellow -jackets; thereby s a attem pt and tolled eae or both alienating their affections, and eaus- Mr. Parker.) 6. “Evolution.* 6. Novelty Sketch, w ith Mr. P ark­ er.) 7. “How Salvator Won.* A t the conclusion of the progra m funny stories by Mr. P arker, sand­ wiches, cake and coffee w are enjoyed by elk Then followed a r 1— *"g ex­ hibition of artistic dancing. On departing everyone acknowledg­ ed th at they had had a ra re tre a t, and withed Miss Sm ith the success Panning of M n. H. M. Fish. M artha Elizabeth Dunlavey was born a t W atertow n, Wto^ Nov. 88, 1844. She was m arried to H iram M. Fish April 14, 18dl, a t W asaca coun­ ty, Minn., and moved to Oregon in 1882 , where she baa since made her home. Five children survive hare: U u ra M. Edmunds and E. B. Fish, of Bandon; Mrs. H. A. Todd, A lbert Fiah, of A rago; snd Frank Fish, of Coqnilie. Fifteen grandchildren also survive her. She passed aw ay a t the borne Of her daughter, Mrs. L. M Edmunds, on Saturday, S ep t 8th 1917, after e long lin g e rti« illness. The funeral services were conduct­ ed from the home by Rev. Tilton and the remains were laM to re st to the G. A. R. cem etery by the aide of bar aged husband, who had died Fab. 18, 1917. Her sym pathy and love will be missed by us all, but our Iona to her gain end we m ust remember alm ost her last words, “N et my will hut thine be done.* * The Coos County Bn Association has filed at Peanock’s court to re which A. A. M attson ow They eleo eued Elm er »88.76 which ho awed Coos Bay aad Ceqaille Bey Times. " I have a high opinion o f G lein’e Tableta fe r biliousness a laxative," W rites M rs. C. A. C harleston, Hi. “I have neve anything ao mild and else e e l .* * v * * ~ P **®e“ ¡ 7 *D ‘J , general unhappiness. D uring the pro- p artialty . but so strict was the w att*' * . . ro_-iil- r. hl- that bob # occurred. Finally prepara cera ° # 0*®*l®*m*,* tione - « M .| a voyage warned Qu-*n tity of cWP*> chunks, rocks and them th a t th d O ftp would 'B oon e a l duba have accumulated on the street away te d If they ware to pot any adjacent to Mr. True’s prem ises; sad • chame into execution they must do these have so detracted from the (can­ eo w ithout further delay. fc value of the east snd of Soesnd ¿ V * * * * rt’* 0oU*r « stre e t a . to seriously affect Mr. True*. . r , oncer m “ 0!!*: diaturb to Demy n#r #ex. 0PT a petty w#» peace __ of mind . . and ,JUJ . ., his sonss , tha first to discover the tect and ra- °* «■” » ■ I b to the above parted It to the officer of the deck, argum ent Fred state* th a t this was K athsriaa was summoned before the the only refuge in the neighborhood wen mender and acknowledged her da- when domestic troubles were brewing, caption. Tbo officer would have pm These yellow -jackets were thoroughly bar ashore a t once, but she begged to Aom . * 1 ,* . <„ ... tk . Lond by Cable Now. The steam er Bandon called a t Port Orford Tuesday morning aad began loading ties over the new cable a t F o rt Point on W ednesday, says the Tribune. This is the steam er th at pulled down the w harf there a year age, going on- the beach and having a narrow escape from besoming e to­ tal wreck, and now she is the first to load over the wire cable th a t her acci­ dent a t the w harf doubtless caused to be installed. For the p ast several days a truck aad team s kave been storing ties on the point a t the rate of 8,500 or 4,000 a day, and aa soon as the Bandon is loaded, the steam er Acme is expected for another cargo. Bergmann Shoe A Ready Tengue. , Customer (at butcher's shop)—That Joint th at I bought here was fright folly tough I Butcher—Do you know, ma'am, one reason why there ere e . many poor teptb nowadays Is because Theodore Bergman they do not bake enough exercise T Cun. Shoe M anufacturing Co. tr-mer—But th at Joint couldn't be cut w ith a knife! Butcher—Tee, there to •31 Tharam a H t Portlaad, Oregea some very poor cutlery In .the m arket towels Malle D epart Marshfield and E astern 5.40 a. M yrtle Point • 8:80 a. fit; 7:85 p. M yrtle Point Curry fie use. To oae-balf pint of boiling w ater add one teaspoon ful of m ita tablespoon ful of butter, a little onion seasoning, some chopped parsley and a tea spoonful of curry powder. When nearly befltog add sufficient flour (previously mined tritb w ater) to thicken. Boil one mia­ rte and use Immediately. This eaaee to fr.M oae need with felled fish. the M yrtle.)