. PAGE FOUR K The Sentinel 1917. waa the prisa far whiah the aaMh the Untat army fenght-for t a r to ho ECONOMY for canning C o f f e e Other Coffees from* 25 cents up B oth ground *n d whole roast W. H. LYONS First National Bank Building • i known to m u , tho mvings bank book is tho one that will noma in bandi—t In :—< — ;----- ---- --- W~ days o f trouble. Got one of those books by opaning u .account with this bank. It doesn’t take mash to start partial failure, aa wheat waa . sa account and it will grow emaxlngly I f y«a «Ivo it at- heavily the next year. Hon. Frank B. Tichencr, of Port THEY ABB SIMPLY TRAIT0B8. Orioni, has lost out aa a candidate Th-t the L W W are the — ♦ of for United State. »Urtim i for O ^ ^ ^ b ^ v w !. » Con, Goorco F. Alexander, of P o t* mêiê dmr h j ^ ftOowing dispatch land. Senator Chamberlain s candi- ÜJ ^ ^ Wstitingtim: data, haviac received the appoint- | 0porta anj diaciosurea — -f- to of- “ •ot- —= = = s s = = = s . fidale here in connection with the n . Aaa «H,.«»,* M B P C P H lts iri r - d o A U l’t a iw illl *■ “'-r*- y * “ * W o r i l d }f| W O f l f T I 01 **16 and Saving Deposits COQU ILLE i~i“trM V “ aectioa of Oregon. Iw T h e keep mi thie They bettor in the cardon in a country like __L-r* the irround doesn't freeze _ . ... B°..ttto DMp ‘ While the Sentinel he. frequently dite greed with Concrooaman Hawley i nas rrequentiy about public questiona, it certainly will not nil—finn hie natrlotiam er do- one, it certainly patriotism y* cane*. cause. « Two votion to hie country’ . v i. p^i » ____,L “ AU »»«w — on t the country, tn r____ indicato - . __ that eon.Diracv to hamnlr Corvallis Courier. Wv**"wluo t o i i c p i i vu nsmper vne rworanieot in elmoet «very conceiv wny w. - to prevent the p rop « carryinc on of thp war. Opposition to the d ^ U w , tlto touwing r f crop., ______ ___ ____ ________ labor ___ ». — . n M l r»»T.II~. tk. milw > 0.1 nihw ta, u , tattM , wbld. n«.l| *®"** of the eo-^llod diatnrb- of ^ Ubor disturb- t.i— which have been told of his inner costs us about a dollar a roll w ait for I * * * * and °® *r '•™ fl|,® »tioni were anem other domonatrationa wars nature by those who know it boat. from 1 « to 80 cento n pound thon. **■* • # Part ° f ^ the attempt made t. Apparently all tho women—ot 80 when wo wont to California In tbo|| ^ curtail tho production In war Indus- h u t the Enrlishwomsn—who ha— — ’ *-*J . . * ■ “ * • «* iBd“ - trina. Reports at hand indicato that with thê°enny in P ra n c T ^ ......... — Last Saturday wa. the last day for - .- n „ g whiskey to drink in this coun- try so long no the war lasts. The pries will steadily rise aa a remit— and so will the profita of bootleggers ti they can find man oaeugh willing to pay war prices for boom ™ ** ^ of ha same allseed conspiracy, whose 1>H»* ~ * iv e «■ thought to bo that ot cripplfcg the government in every n f possible outside of military and BaT*1 operations. The fraad Jury ■* Chicago has undertaken an investi­ (**> *• other grand juries will also take up the work. Burning :t Thr— MIIW* mom of Liberty Bonds ora going to ho offered this « » « and everybody who can save the money must fool that it is a patriotic to spruce forests in the northwest ore believed to bo another phase of this general conspiracy to hinder onccooo U 1 prosecution of the war. be^tsMb^e^and* bea>r^4Vt'per ^centT to- ■toed of IH as the first installment sold early in the summer did. i . ■. .. in . . Like tho the coon caught robbing tho hen roost, Sweden is profuse profu— with prontia— not to do it again. That aha she prnmisse protended neutrality by violated her pretended Blowing her foreign office to bo used need m—- by German ministers to send moo- sag— plotting againet against tho countries coun tri— aagae la which they wore stationed, as — wan was in » a, _ •_ a -— * • '• - -* tho on— in Argentin, io due to the fact that her royalty Is a of tho WB U f i IN A WONDERFUL ERA. hu three score yean and ton the writer has soon much o f hie- tory la the a—king but the present Eurqp— n conflict which has drawn in- to its maelstrom the inhabitants of the whole earth, either directly er in- directly, is oa as much vaster aad grander scale than anything over ba­ fore staged on this planet that we are following its story, so for no wo got it night after night in the daily prase, n **1!7 I without eon- hay for $Sfi a ton a t our market town, or nay soften- Still the highest prie— than wore in paper money of which it took $ 2 A 6 abilities they to buy a gold dollar. The civil war p there. Heart then was fallowed by good tin»— for wir reckoning, everybody, but getting down to specie »y that if you payment in the Into seventies gave h this prseon- os a hard Jolt. And thon hi young man’s the early nineties in Banana —a— » — * • öd . \ 1 % / » / W V DAIRYMAN’S T • M f ^ _ g * m — » % - — V | FRIEND — \ J R R 2 —— 1 i f§ R R R saie by E E JOHNSON Also 1 complete line o f Lum ber, Dry Finish Rustic, M ouldings, Boxes D O U B LY PROVEN . I am always raMamdof kidney disorders when ] Price Me at sD dei ■ I THE fo r came well.- (Statement ary 9, 190«. DOAN’S ALW AYS I On March 89, 191«, mid: T stfll hold aa hi| of Doaa’e Kidney PHls , the capital and heart I have OREGON dO C H N W and Crates ' *P H B Gall to the Colors cells lor thrift and A oosnmoo tense fay everybody. A 10c. pouch of W-B Gut Chewing goes twice as far ss lOc.’s worth of ordinary tobecco. Thst's the big point: W-BGntian’tordiaftnrtobuooo, it’irict tobacco, ■ad o Isstiug obow.\