The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, September 14, 1917, Image 1

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    Judge Hartocktr Operated On.
Last Saturday Judge L. -H arlocker,'
who ha* been a prominent figure in
Coca county affa ire fo r . a generation,
holding variouo county offices, suffer­
ed a severe attack o f indigestion. This
was not considered serious until the
follow in g day when he had to be
brought home in an auto from biq
A ctin g on a tip from someone—
whether from local sources or from
Bandon could not be learned— Officers
Jackson and Hudson w ere down a t
the fe rry Tuesday m orning about
eigh t o’clock to intercept the jitn ey
driven by Chss. Hazleton. W ith the
d river w ere tw o Greeks, Dane Sugar
N o resistance was offered to a
search o f the car and on the floor was
found a sack containing eigh t quart
bottles o f H erm itage whiskey, one o f
which had been p artly consumed. The
boos# was taken in charge and the
men placed under arrest by tha o f-
a HupmobOe Wedneeday fo r a short
▼bit w ith M rs. Bowker’s sister, M rs.
\ . L. Ham ilton. They expect to leave
Sunday, accompanied by M rs. Ham­
ilton, fo r Pendleton and Heppaar.
. £ Mrs. Purdy and Mjre. Bowksr are
m aking a tour o f the Pacific coast
The session o f the County court fo r and recently made a record run from
W e went to the C. 4 C. F a ir Thors-
day but can’t toU o f a ll the fa ir wq < I September term lasted a fu ll British Columbia to the M exican line
Kr » w . W e paid the re p d a r fa re to \ plfc, the adjournment taking place in 82 hours. M rs. Bowker is a Hup-
(lo enter and also thé same to M r». T r a p • guday afternoon.
m bile agent and the company is
hsrhape the m ost im portant action sending the tw o ladies out on this
fo r a good dinner.
W e than w a it
across aim saw a lo t o f the bug» 1 p n during the session was the de­ demonstration trip . They have ju st
lla which had m ore pedigree than tty* < ton to change the road d istrict sys- returned from that record run.
clc “ Bulls o f Bashan,” then a lo t o f J tf* 1 » o f the county and g iv e each corn-
They travel dressed in m ale a ttire
U ntil o f khaki suits and aa both are expert
o f ft»y
which tiie Jersey fam lW 1 p it y a separate district.
n , need not be ashamed. P ig s that a te 1 Put two yearn ago the county had ¿rapshooters they go aim ed fo r gam e
,ly h ig and pigs that are shoats— stalM 1 in divided into 81 districts, and s| or marauders. The car th ey use is
o f corn that would look good, to a t » t It tim e the number was reduced to com pletely equipped w ith a cam ping
ln- one from say cqrn state and sa m p jff < i That arrangem ent was changed outfit nnd a good many o f th eir nights
% Plfi in order to g e t rid o f the su- are spent in the open. They are hav­
m. o f barley ditto. Then came the fn fitt
ch Pears that comparé w ith the b ea t A pt j hrisor system under which each o f in g an excellent trip pnd enjoying it
rtn pies that P ajaro, C alif èrnia; can’t < l districts was a sort o f indepen- imme sely.
ay boat— as fo r pumpkins and squashs* j k principality over which the
n. 1 “lot the other states have It” Tmr* j tnty court could exercise but lim it- r / it was in . 1914 so again this
authority, so a comprehensive sye- p e»r, a long drouth was broken and
C o f road w ork fo r the whole coun- the fa il rains began Septem ber 6.
fwaa im possible.
A law recently
many exhibits o f
teted provides fo r the abolition o f
w ere the fru ito “ put up" in glass i
If road supervisor system and it w ill
pidkles which can only be equalJod
grely dona aw ay w ith in 1911.
our w iv e *
A fte r this several ez
That objection beiflg rem oved it is
bite o f befe under glass but la porp
imed much better to restore the
ual m otion— want to get out.
County A gen t J. L. Smith asks us
•11 district, se that each commun-
chickens w ere there from the kind
to maks a hurry-up call fo r farm ,
w ill be able to levy such special
w e like to pull o ff the rooet to Sara
garden or piebald paaducts fo r exhi­
res as it desires fo r the im prove-
M arie’s young bantams—and fo r the
bition a t tha Otate fctir thjs month.
fiU o f its own roads. And aa they
rest, memory fa ils. In the Children’s
Monday «m skH ept. i f , i* ^ T ^ d a y
department* w e m fu t two o f the teach­ w ill be voted by the people especially the view ers anl denied by the court.
which exhibits ran be m otived as
ers from the Prim ary Departm ent to Pterestod in the im provem ent o f the
F lora W oodward Burns sent the
the ear containing them Will go out on
our .gram m ar schools, who were .ty rdpds in the section where they live, court $21.99 fo r the redem ption o f
Tuesday morning’s train. H ow ever,
charge o f the w ork and pleated to itcwMl be readily seen that everybody section 11-30-1$ from delinquent tax
Mr. Smith and his assistant w ill try
state that there a n 300 entries by w jll be bettor satisfied than under the sale.
to handle everything that caa be
M g district system ,
there are
th * children in art and gardening.
The petition o f Emma Saunders fo r
brought to Monday, ad the latest
O f cheese there w ere 11 entries fo r to many divers# interests to be con­ the cancellation o f an sssissmsnt o f
gathered is bound to be the freshest.
prizes and several other exhibits.
] ' sidered in m aking a special levy.
$10.44 against tim ber to 13-13 was
Many farm ers and ranchers have
M a n y -o f the prizes h ave already MpJnder the new law the county road- denied, the court being w ithout ju ris­
ths idea that the season has been dry
been awarded, among them we saw $ m aster w ill exercise the powers form ­ diction.
end unfavorable to the production o f
|o one lady fo r “ various,*’ not a ll Meek e rly conferred on the local road OBr
The petition o f the Simpson E state
first-class samples o f afanoft every-
fa it prizes.
i f l ;
ygj porvisors, and road forem en fo r each
Court Goon Back To
District Pino—Will
the sack before r seeding town, H a-
zleton put it up to the Greeks that
they would come in and g e t their
breakfast and than i f tha c o is t was
d ea r go back fo r the booze.
they did, but the coast w asn't en tire­
ly clear being obstructed by too much
Jackson and Hudson.
There wore tw o flaw s in their story,
however; which knocked th eir claims
o f finding it higher than a kite. F er­
rym an Logan K ay says that their car
was the first one across the fe rry that
m orning and another ¿ In tim sa « says
ha saw them cache it and knows w kat
was to the sack because he in vests
victim s o f eirctunotancoa, w ith H azle­
ton the owner o f the booze, that the
charge against them was changed
from b ootleggin g w ith its $100 fin e
to one o f drinking in a public place
and th ey w ort fined $10 apiece and
tha $2 expenses o f Constable Dunham
over to Boaver H ill. This thy paid,
a fter which one o f them feelin gly re­
“ They w o n t g o t rao In no dam nod
jitn ey again.'*
Just «h e n H azleton’s tria l w ill bo
hold la not settled but Recorder Law -
renee yesterday fixed up a bond fo r
him and he is note a t liberty.
The practice o f bringing boose by
jitn ey to one which the officers are
determined to stop anti with the new
booze ordinance to force they have
m ore backing than form erly.
Good W ords For Coquille.
» L a st Tuesday a party o f the offi­
ciale o f the H. M. ByUeaby company
o f Chicago, and o f the Oregon Pow er
Co., one o f He branch organisations,
came to Coquille and made a trip down
Co.; Judge B. S. Croescup, Its a tto r­
ney; B. H. Clingerm an, its general
m anager; A . L. M artih, the Marsh­
field m anager, and F. E. McKenna,
the local m anager.
The published report that these
gentlem an w ere negotiatin g fo r the
purchase o f the Bandon E lectric L igh t
plants appears to have been without
A ll o f them expressed them selves
as very much pleased with the ap­
pearance and a ctiv ity m anifested at
Coquille, and they predict fo r this
eity a bright future.
Checking U p the S. O. Lauda».
In connection with the articles pub­
lished elsewhere in relation to the
Com Bay W agon Road land grant it
to interesting to note that L . F. Bay-
ley, a governm ent land inspector,
taxes and coats now aaaeesed against
them to considerably in excess o f
$ 200 . 000 .
Th ere w ill he e patriotic m eeting o f
women hi the city hall
Septem ber 17, a t tw o-th irty p. m. A
™ A sm all sob o f Job* Lon g; o f Lam^
pa creek, < Spencer, 10 y rs .) has a
fine exh ibit o f lets Boas potatoes. Hty
fath er had pedigreed , stock— e bulr
• nd
yea rlin g,. U h in te r e s t«*
So bring the beet you have and help
us make the boot possible showing.
W e won the ribbon in tbte'dtetrict tost
year and we want to keep it.
A few suggestions. Pack a ll vege­
tables and fru it carefu lly so that they
w ill not be bruised or marred. W rap
each apple and potato in a 'Separate
piece o f paper. A void washing pota­
toes aa it ruins the skin fo r exhibition
purposes. Use a soft brush in re­
m oving the d irt from potatoes.
Corn on the stalk should be pulled
up by the roots, and a damp cloth
should be wrapped around them when
it is brought in. The samples exhi­
bited a t Salem last year were as
bright and fresh aa if grow in g in the
field and the adm iration o f every visi­
tor.* They stood at the back o f th*
exhibit and had been placed in a
trough which was kept filled with wa­
See i f you can t find something in
your orchard, fields or garden to bring
in to M r. Sm ith’s office here on »Mon­
here with their production.
A lexis Cope is here and he and his
are alw ays interesting.
J. J. M orris, o f Bandon, a breeder
o f Jersey stock, to also among the live
Mhny o f very early tim ers mto a f­
te r y e a n and shook hands and re­
minded each other that th ey had to
adm it age.
The track to good and everything
that to, is first c la s s .*
And the Band— resurrected a fter 12
years— only played three tim es dur­
in g last year. You heard them
Fin e! wasn’t it? considerin'— E. B.
M. E. South Appointments.
W e note by the report o f the M. E.
South Conference a t Portland that
Rev. H. >L Lew has been assigned to
C orvallis. Rev. W . J. Fenton w ill bo
superintendent o f the W illam ette dis-
trict, Rev. S. G. Rogers comes to Ce-
quille, Rev. S. M. Roberts is assigned
to M yrtle Poin t and Rev. J. E. W al-
beck to M edford. Rev. S. M. Cheek has
been transferred to the Pacific Confer
# . ,
This looks as i f the proposed fed ­
eration o f the tw o Coquille M. E.
churches had been vetoed by the bish­
one who has seen his place on Coulter
street recently w ill agree with us that
he ha* the best kept lawn and his
neat bungalow fu lly as attractive
floral surroundings as any place in
the city. Indeed, when it comes to
landscape gardening we are sure Mr.
Smith W ill Make Survey.
Laird w ill take the cake. The past
J. L. Smith, county agent, has been
season has been so unfavorable that
appointed to take a survey o f the
such results aa he has attained are
food and implement resources o f Coos
a ll the m ore surprising.
county, this the only county in the
state wherein the W er Department
W ill Deposit in State Banks.
has ordered the survey made. This
survey must be made at qnce and Mr.
The Farm ers and Merchants Bank
Smith has asked the various organiza­ here has received n otice from the
tions in the county to assist him.
treasury departm ent
that the governm ent w ill h ereafter
make deposits ia state as w ell as aa-
tw o new reed view ers. P eter Loggia, tionat batiks, end blanks have been
e f N orth Bend, and J. A . C ollier, o f fam ished in case the local bank de-
Coquille, who w ill act with J. 8. Saw- rides to take advantage o f the privt-
yer, deputy roadmastor, aa the third lege, This w ill also affect banks at
The new men take the M yrtle Point. Bandon and Marshfield.
placée o f F . P. Norton, who has re-
---------------- $
signed, »and Judge H arlocker, who to
The “ h igher ups” are never safe tm-
too ill to servo.
such a prohibition law aa Oregon.
-------------- ---------f z m S D. ia. Foote, the k in g Boo o f the
Another m atter o f considerable im ­
portance to the issuance o f an order
providing fo r the em ploym ent o f
prisoners sentenced tn the county ja il
in work on tha roads. This order to
to go into effect aa soon as suitable
arrangem ents can be made.
the law providing fo r tkto em ploy­
ment o f prisoners the county court
w ill receipt to the sh^-iff fo r such
prisoners as they are taken from the
ja il, and they w ill be placed In charge
o f the road supervisor, who to given
aU th e powers o f the sh eriff in tak­
ing charge o f them. Prisoner» who
have been sentenced fo r a definite
number o f days w ill have to work fo r
that number o f days on the highway.-
Those who are imprisoned to serve
out a fine w ill be allow ed a dollar fo r
each day’s work to apply on that fine,
so that they w ill hove to labor aa
many days as the number o f dollars
they have been fined.
Prisoners who refuse to work w ill
be g iv e r only broad and w ater until
they change th eir minds, and w ill
have to work aa additional day fo r
every day they are on each a strike.
F ive o f the ten men in the ja il are
expected to be sent out to work c
the roads in a few days— those who
are able-bodied and are serving i n
I t has been decided to work some
o f the prisoners on the highways and
some on the N orw ay rock quarry.
The position o f bridge tender at the
South Slough bridge was abolished,
throw ing J. J. Bums out o f a job.
The bridge there w ill henceforth be
In charge o f the rood forem an fo r
that district.
*TJfp road mas ter was instructed to
g o t data in regard to th e proposed
fe rry from N orth Bend to G lasgow to
connect w ith the new highw ay build­
in g north from the la tter point. The
date are to be used in an advertise­
ment fo r designs f o r the ferry .
ip tended;
but tt was
la w ritin g o f tha paym ent o f $60,-
267 o f the Boutin taxes o f 1013 and
1914, penalty and interest last week
the Sentinel fe ll into the common
newspaper error o f assuming that a ll
payments o f tax monsy are available
fo r the redem ption o f county w ar­
rants. O f course, w e all know wall
road purposes an<f fo r p ert purpoem.
A ll these funds go into the county
treasury and are paid out by the
county treasurer in one w ay or an­
other, but only the p a ri belonging to
the county can be applied to tiu
demption o f county w arrants; while
the state taxes are paid by the county
year by year whether or not a ll the
D m county u caught com ing or going.
So it appears that only $48.000 o f
the six ty thousand paid last wssk by
ths Boutin interests w ill be available
fo r the redem ption o f county w ar­
rante and the paym ent o f the interest
oq thorn. County Treasurer Diinmick
fo r the differen t funds
ten ted
la tha m atter o f the petition b y M.
J. Ksantz and others fo r the gra vel­
lin g o f 600 rods o f the rood between
G ravel Ford and Dora, the court pro­
mised to take the project under con­
sideration in m aking up .the 1918
u . G. Erhart asked fo r a refund o f
taxes he had paid on Iota be doss not
O' —, through an error in the descrip­
tion o f bis property. The court was
powerless to rem edy the error, but
advised that he collect the amount
p rid from the owners o f the lots or
t i -e out a certificate o f delinquency
Reuben Lyon wanted a .Yafund o f
$10,14 on account o f a special road
tax to had paid in D istrict No. 8 in
It 12, the 26 m ill road tax fo r that
year having been declared void. The
court couldn’t help him.
A n allowance o f $16 was made to
Mrs. Z. B. Collura, o f M arshfield, from
the indigent fund. Leona Morehouse,
o f North Bend, was given $100 from
the snme fund fo r herself and fam ily.
A d sil H erriitt, o f M yrtle Point, was
allowed $10 from the same fund.
Irene Reese, whose application fo r
P rio r to 191), all penalties and In-
torvst on delinquent taxoo wont to the
districts and porta, along w ith the
principal o f those taxes, but to th at
year the law was changed ao that nil
tiie interest and penalties now go into
the county treasury. H eo happens,
however, that the Boutin taxes ju st
paid w ere fo r the years 1913. and
1914, and are not affected by the 1916
law. N or can w e see why the chanbe
should have hem made. The districts
whose taxes are not collected and
which have to issue warants and pay
interest on a floatin g debt, should, it
’would seem, gut som ething out o f the
in terest on those delinquent taxes,
when they are paid, to reimburse them
fe r the interest they them selves are
compelled to pay out. Probably the
change waa made by the legislatu re
w ithout any consultation w ith the
people most interested— though, o f
course, the benefits are now d istri­
buted among a ll the taxpayers o f the
county and it to to son s extent taking
Bishop Sumner to M urry.
The R igh t Reverend W alter T aylor
Sumner, Episcopal btohop o f the dio­
cese o f Oregon, announced ju st a fter
his return to Portland from a trip
east, that ha to to m arry Mtos M yrtle
M itchell, o f Negaunee, Mish. Form al
public announcement to not to bo made
until plans fo r the wedding are com­
Btohop Sumner has bean In
charge o f the Oregon diocese since
Janaary 1916, and to w ell known In
this section o f the state.
Boya H a y « a Smash-up.
' The M arshfield Record says that «
Ford car belonging to the Em ery
garage waa rented W edneeday night
by tw o boya from Coquillb and Thurs­
day m orning was found north o f the
M idway, screes the railroad tra éis.
The ear had go ne over and turned
bask toward tha.
„ __ ...\Æ
The c a ttli
era o f the dairy cow* which have been
killed as tniercolou s are asking fo r
bet ween $600 and $600 damages, w ere
continued until the October term o f
eourt, fo r the d istrict attorney to pass'
> m
¡3 r