The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, September 07, 1917, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    T. IM I
and «A re ia a » ean
«o he W M In ffW
W. C. T. U. has te de.
School Students
for the flint
Although the price of tablets and all
school stationery has been advanced
greatly in the last few months, we
have been able, by buying early and
in quantities of special stock, to get
some dandy values for this school
. . .»-\t
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*' .
■*,« * ■ r •
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W e are ready with our usual large
stock of books and supplies to fiU
your needs complete, and we are
prepared to offer the biggest values
for your money.
mailed at Salt Lake and directed to
JW. W. Gage, Sheriff and Tax Collect­
or, Marshfield, Coquille County, Ore.1*
D. L. Foote, f ormerly o f this city,
wna arrested in Mnrshfleld yesterday
morning charged with violating (he
prohibition law.
A search o f
house was mads immediately by the
officers but no boose wee found. Al­
though Fdote strenuously denies the
chargee, the officers still insist they
have something on Mm.
If you want to realize the best prices for*
Chittam Bark
Oregon Gnpe Roots
Dandelion Roots
Rose Leaves
• Fox Glove Leaves
and all other drug plants, write to
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Cates, of Dallas,
ggMflljgjMled by F. D. Barrett, o f Al­
bany, earns in yesterday afternoon by
ante on rente to Marshfield to visit
old friends, but the condition ad the
roods prevented them going on in
that way, and so they took the train
over to the Bey at nine o’clock this
morning, premising to return in n
couple of days.
C. A. Howard left this morning for
his new field of. labor in the
schools where he will be principal of
the Ugh school with «00 students and
a doaen or more teachers under his
charge., His wife and mother, 1
Mary C. Howard, and sister, Mfe*
Howard, will rswain hare until next
• thing like 0 regen in tho fell, rather week. Mrs. Howard, senior,
• mum ia day time end cool at nigh*.” jnita ill during the past tu
but is now so much better that it is
‘ District A ttocaep Hall, who was hoped she will soon be able to travel.
r oror hem ym itorday says seme people
la this issue is published
• are howling bud over at the Bey be-
of L. B. Woodruff,
1 emme their pet bardisi! w have been
has bought the
pot out o f basins*» sad they have
o f Aaron WUaon. The an-
- been forced to get on the water
that he win
r wagon.
at the rates that hvae been pros
1 F. C. Pur»ley, o f the Haberdashery, ing heretofore and will make no ad­
bee engaged the servies* o f Welter vance bat still furnish it nt f 2.60 for
t Oliver, of fttiam, Ore* as clerk end thirty quarts is certainly very noti­
. window trimmer.
Hr. OUvsr is an fying to our people generally. That
» experienced clothing and furishipg he has steppend late the breech
1 good Salem*« m and ceases MgMy ree- ms done Ms Mt to keep
C. L. bogy that steref*
.he face these war times Vs i
to bis credit.
Perry Lawrence left T ende y ment­
ine for Eugene to Join the colon. He
enlieted in the ambulance corpe and
will probably go to Prance in the near
It ia announced that Victor Morria
will occupy the pulpit of the Christian
church hare but two more Sundays
and will then locate for the winter at
It made, a brilliant spectacle here
laet Sunday evening when Sheriff
Gage burned soe»e slashings on the
hills that border Coqullle on the east
and that section eras lighted with a
red glare.
Postmaster Leneve signed up Rev.
A. R. Hodge, of Fish trap, for Uncle
Sam and he started for Portland
Tuesday morning.
He win Join the
Lew Cates end wife, o f Cottage
Grove, ere on route to Mnrshfleld by
ante to B t t A. L. Martin and wife.
Hr. Cates wee formerly publisher of
the Coquills 8entinel and later pub­
lished n paper at Dellas. He sold that
boon taking it easy.
It was reported awhile buck that ho
had enlisted in the Quartermaster's
of the Army but this was
an error, Ms successor on the Delias
. . * being confused wit
Bay Times.
M. O. Hootoa says if ether crops
have bean short tMe year there has
the matter with the hon­
ey crop. He has taken 440 frames
from 16 Mveo so far this season, and
■rf those 74 came from e single Mve.
<6 war* taken out about the middle of
luly end IS tho third o f September.
TMe sounds to oe like h record break
sr. Whet the bees have found to keep
: the very dry July
sad August we have Just irpsrtsm sil
meins to be explained.
We hear the story ia circulation
that John A. Jusa, formerly of this
drafted and will have
to ge to the front. Than ia nothing
to H. AB tho man between twenty­
mo and thirty years o f age in Coos
oanty have been reglffim sd end man­
ners assigned them in the draft; but
his county dose not have to famish
any ema at ell for the first draft.
draft oemes as It p- -
bably will if the tear continue*, the
'mee county men will be ealled in th- |
rdsr o f the numbers previously given
h em -bet none o f them wil be celled ’
«"til then unless they volunteer.
Mr*. J. L. Weldy cam*
in to insert an ad in the Sentinel for
I bog she lest Halantoj aftar-
rsatilata g ^ hmeatot that Am
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G*E Motor take
rind out of your chores.
Let the
. b . w oodruff .
loi liilhn
CAM «0 * 7 »
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The Oregon
Agricultural College
« M i s e « « U . ElMtrUal.
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