The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, September 07, 1917, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    newspaper, the Herald, m republish
from ita final ieaue last Tuesday u
• matter of internet to OMOt Sentinoi
! § ||
With this isaue « • here to anneuea
that the Herald haa boon merged with
the Coquille Valley Sentinel and th at
this will be ita laet issue aa a separate
publication. When the present pro-
6th Annual
ownership and that he could not. tray
one oi them without the buying both.
The fact that they hare been owned
jointly for the past five yeart has been
no secret during th at than, and to
fact the semi-annual statem ent of
ownership circulation etc., published
in accordance with the >ulings of the
fostoffice department, have cariree
that statement in theae columns time
after time.
It haa been the opinion of many
business men in Coquille frequently
expressed to us during those years
that they would much prefer to here
their business announcements pub­
lished in one paper rather than two,
and this soems to be tho ojpartugel
time to secede to their wishes and
consolidate the papers.
In the first place the current volume'
of the Herald ends With this te n s
In the next piece the economise ef­
fected by publishing one paper In­
stead of two will enable us, we hope,
to make,the combined paper a better
one than either of the two has bean
in the past
In the third place, with toe Increas­
ed prices qf paper and eveeythtogthat
enters into the manufacturé of news-1
papers, fewer papers will have to be
published throughout the cuueiry.
I the excusing of the Jurors means a
In the fourth plaça, the dema nds of 1 personal saving to them and a gen­
the war for man power, net only for I eral saving of several hundred dollari
soldiers but also for meg a t
?o| to toe county. .
• f
support the boys in the trenchee and
furnish them with ammunition, food,]
slothing end hundreds of other things, j
is going to make it more and more]
necessary to économisé i& tib o t i t I
are doing our bit toward th at result.
The Herald with this tseee rounds,
out 36 years of existence, h r mod#
then e generation, daring which R bee
chronicled the steady growth and de­
velopment of this city and the Co­
quills valley.
The paper was established Septem­
ber 9, 1882, by D. F. Dean, who!
has been visiting her* for tho past two j
weeks. For a considerable period J .|
E. Norton, now president of the Com­
mercial Club, waa a printer to the of­
fice where he roes to the position of
foreman. During the years from lfiOO
to 1911 John 8. MeEwen was n half
owner of the paper and was associated
with Mr. Deea in its publication.
Six years sgo, in 1911, Mr. Dean
sold the paper to V s . Conner and
"September 12 to 15
Friday, September 14th—School Children’s Industrial Contest
Day. North Bend Day. liarshfleld Day. Coos River Day.
Teiunfle Day.
Southern Pacific Railroad Day.
Children’« Stock Parade Day—parade at race track at 1:00
p. m. Second Day of Race' Program—racing commence! at
2:00 p. m.
Saturday, September lSth—Coquille Day. Gravel Ford Day.
Fairview Day. Norway Day. Arago Day. Bridge Day.
Powers Day. Lae Day. Loggers’ and Lumbermen’s Day.
Grange Day. Farm er's Union Day. Dairymen’s and Stock-
man's Stock Parade Day—Special livestock Sale at 10:00 a.
» .—Parade e t Race track a t 1:00 p. m. Last Day of Race
Program—racing commences et 2:00 p. m.
th e next day tho figure came again»
But Arthur bad another reaeoo for
putting It eff. Arthur thought then,
but he wasn’t ewe. that the figure
looked a little larger then on the day
The n ett day It came back and thé
n e tt and the M tt. ' Always tho king
had nome excuse why b a te d net Mm#
to wr estle with the geMte, and each
day It grew M g*r and bigger natil at
wooM not ho safe to pot off tbe matefi *
a mlnute longer.
Bo Arthur rose, and tbe fobUn and
the klag wreetled tong and furionsly. 1
A4 fin t U looked es tbough the foblla
adght wta, bot Arthur would net giv*
up. At lest be bad tbe gobUn dowe
and raudy to say it was beeten.
As ttegobltn ross to tts feet It sald:
“Never put off a task tllt tomorvow
tost oea be dem ea well todey.”
This game requires for equipment
«Be newspaper of any date and *
switch. The players choose si dee eng
bold hands In a ring around the news
paper, the saembors of tbe differeid
absorbed a competing paper,
he transferred R to Lew A. Cates. ^ fcdp oat in the
The letter then made e deal to place I erltis three or tw o
the Herald and tho Sentinel under one |w erk and by teds
ownership, selling J . C. Savage a half {plated the erdan-
interest in the Herald and buying of |
, — —
Mr. Savage e half internet la the Sen-1
O rfo rd I
The partnership between Mr. Cates | . A Portland pap
and Mr. Savage continued far le e s |. .
** y0° n*||
than a year, but a suit is Still pend-|v™ ’ ° a n y
ing in the Circuit court here to M tth | ■"?**’* * “ * "Jf
the accounts between them.
¡exnausting <)w .- ¡s
After Mr. Catee’ purchase of toe “ " V " 0“
Herald, he employed the late P. C. ¡*
lev ar to edit it end Mr. Lever later]“0®”
leased the property end continued
edit and publish the paper until M ay]“ *
of the present year, a month before ]
his death.
FttlHpa.W .
On the first of May J. Q. Savage P* Jlehsoor. All <
was engaged to edit the paper mad |
manage the bueineaa which he did
***“ “ f"” 1'
until lest week’s iaaue.
1*°™ to * * * * 8o*
The writer purchased the Herald of ]
Cate« and Savage in January 1914]
* e r™ *e
and with this iaaue will consolidate RI Sept. 1—W. E.
with the Sentinel aa stated above
Lola Btfrehoaae, a
The combined paper which will beer j S ept 1— MeKjnl
the name of Tho Coquille* Valley Sen-1 Morehouse, of Gn
tine) and Coqdille Herald, will b sl S ep t 4—Neil O.
sent to Herald subscribers who are | Ethel Laadrith, si
paid in advance, for the time they | S ept 4— Jeeepl
have paid for. Where the subscriber | L a*» V. Dubay.,
is also a subecriher to the Sentinel, | S ept 5—Leslie
his date will be extended to cover toe ] Btanehe C. Flam, i
entire time for* which both papers |
have been paid for. Prompt payment
H|*b Oetoh
will, of course, be expect ed from thorn I
'T a t
who are in arrears.
I “I have a high e
Henceforth all m atters fa emmae- Mate's Teblete for
tlon with the Herald business wtU b e |a laxative.” writes
transected at the Sentinel etoSS
blocks north of the term * Herald I
T l, ‘
measurement of tbe temperature of
boiling lava In a crater. Tbe experi­
ment wee a very dangerous one. and It
waa considered a triumph of precau
don no lives were aaoifleed la making
tbe test Tbe crater of Klleuca. In
The work pregrmeed very slowly, For
a long time U wee Impossible to obtain
resulta but after veyrnU thermome­
ter« bed been destroyed a pyrometer
wee substituted to advantage. Tbs
temperature recorded was . 1.010 de­
grees C., which Is the same aa VKO
degrees F. Iron Is etili .un met ted at
Mails Depart.
this beat, but gold, silver and copper
Marshfield and Eastern
6A0 a. m.
molt at a tower temperatura.
Myrtle Point 4:80 a. as.; 7:25 p. m.
S j 00 p. m.
• ’
8.66 p. m.
6A0 a. m.; 4:00 p. m.
Arago (by boat)
1:00 p. m.
Mails Arrive.
Myrtle Point
4:11 a.
Hie Reese«.
“Whet reason 4M Mr. Hunter give
«St breaking the engagem eatr
“He pi id the report that he «ran en­ HTV M -TIMB CARD
gaged to me tied not extended bis
credit nearly as much as be expect-
ed."—Boston Transcript
the Myrtle.)