■■■■■■■ York and other Eutern citi«*. Ter. of the locomotive* mre to be built al the company’* (hope. Thi* latest or­ der brines the total expenditures for now equipment by the Southern Poet fle and Pacific Fruit Express, of which it is half owner, to fwnety four and • half million dollars “This (rest building program,'* said Mr Spretile, “is evidence of what the in Thursday*« Oregon journal write« thus chattingiy of a recent trip in Corn county: Fred lx * k e y has often been called a empire. Isolated, through lack o f railroads, Ha paopla were forced to depend largely upon what could be produced in the Cooe Bay district. 80 rich in natural ra­ Coo* county self-contained not a hard task. Cooe Bay peepla describe thelf a* the place where the forests, the stream » and the mountain meet the sea. O f it* 1 6 » square milea, only about 33 ere in actual cultivation By auto, by launch, by rail, by stage, on horseback, and afoot, I have travelled pretty well all over the coun­ ty, SO I know at Ant hand eamothing of its resources apd its charm. A week or so ago 1 vieited Empire, the one-time county aeat of Cooe county. It is one o f the ghost citiee of the ............. in the United States really began two y e a n ago when the Federal Reserve System was organised. It w ill be complete when every citixen is doing his share towards the maintenance o f the system. B y depositing your money with us you eah help directly in developing and strengthening it, as we are required to keep on deposit with our Federal Reserve Bank in San Francisco a portion o f your balance with us. ' county “Th« total number of freight ear* we have built this year or are "having built, reaches almost ten thousand, snd comprime three hundred box ears, 1000 flat eerb, 900 stock cam, «00 aO tank «ara, 1000 automobile cars,'400 the cook in the subatstion heaters, •o if any man wants mom food at say ■sal, ha not only is able to have his wants supplied as to quantity, hut tho food is kept hot and appetising and ready for him. Cattle Rustlers in Camas. butter, or any sad selling the i beauty of North Lake Lake. They am con-' netted by e natural eanal, and to fol­ low the shorn lino of the two lakes would involve a journey of l t t mike. I went by motor boat pretty well over both lakes and if ever them w ar« twin opals set in emerald, it ta hare. Tha fishing is excellent, as H la also in Eel lake, a mile or two distant. At Eai lake I found a row boat with home made paldlas and in an bear's trolling I had 10 or 12 trout, 10 to 16 inches, In a cabin by tha aids of tha Inks I found a rusty old stove and a Ikying pan and ih the cupboard a tin eup ef bacon grease. Washing tha frying pen with an old rope for a dish doth and sand fo r eoah, and scooping tho dirt from the top of tho baeoa graces, charmed by the and Ten M ile minutes Farmers in tho Camao Valley dis­ trict of Donates county And that they am heavy losers at the hands of reg­ ular old fashioned cattle rustlers, who have operated in that locality. The Bandon I want south by auto, tha way to Port Or- Returning to Bandon, I w ent by auto to Coquille and thence to Myrtle Point Juet to call over tha names o f tho trote stream * n ear Coquille make« a fleh- erman w an t to got out hie fishing tackle. Coffee, Fat Elk, Ftehtrap, H u n gry H ollow , Calloway, Nobis, Cunnigham , Rink and Glan Alkan creeks, to m y nothing o f tho Coqpilto river, w ill keep the fisherman happy. trout stream s a ll ford, in C u rry county. BABBY BUGGIES GO-CABT8 . CRBKjNT BONE CUTTEB8 8HBEP SHEARING MACHINE COMMODES GARDEN TOOLS STANDS CARPENTEB TOOLS and many other New and Second Hand Goods W ill eachaage Guns, Phene graphs, and Kadahs ter attar aeaaae- NOTICB OF MBETING OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUAL­ IZATION. The Com County Board ef Equali- fried tro u t From •0 cabooses, and 9T00 modern refrig­ erator can for the Pacific Fruit Ex­ press. 1000 of the P. F. E. refrig­ erators as well as 10 loeomotives am to he built oa the coast “Them haue already hem delivered to us untar this program «460 freight ears, and «ve mail snd baggage earn. The refrigerator cam will begin to arrive about September 1. We have now building in the East 800 oil tank cars, 11 loeomotives, and «0 baggage snd mail «am. We am about to start os the construction sf tbs three thous­ and two hundred and fsrty freight “I have been selling Chamberlain’s »blets fer about two years and heard ich good reports from my customers at I concluded to gwe thorn a trial yself. and can my that I do not ha­ lve there ta another preparation of # kind equal to them,** writes G. A. «Bride, Heedford, Ont 1« you are later set down to a feast of Marshfield and North Band am on Coot Bay. Soma day they will bo one city, for in days to M M than will be a city of also and commercial ' importance on the shores of Coos Boy. To the lover of water sports, eaeoo- . big, sailing, motorboating, swimming and fishing, Cooe Bay will prove a de­ lig h t I went by launch up the Cooe river, thence u p the Millieoma to A l­ legany, and from thorn on foot up tho Loon lake trail, past picturesque Golden falls and Silver falls and on back into tho doop woods. Thtotabot one o f acorns of beaatifui trips that may be m ade from Marshfield. Just south of Cape Arago yoe will find the Seven Devils. I t ta a wonder­ ful trip. H airp in tu rn s, deep gorges, streams, forest, headlands, glimpse« • of su rf succeed each other in rapid succession. From tho Seven Devils the road fo llo w s tha coast southward for 12 o r 15 miles, crossing Five MBs creek. T hree Mile creak. Two Mila creek, W h isk ey ran, tha Lagoons and on to tho Coquilie river net far from Prosper. The Coquilie is croaaad on a free fe r ry and a mils or two of roadway through a natural avenue ef trees b rin g * you to Bandoa-by-the- Se*. which ta ideally located ta bo- A t the same time, and without cost, you benefit di­ rectly from the protection the system affords us. Call and See These Bargains TELEPHONE HELPS MAKE MILLIONS. The Oregon Voter last weak told of tho recent business recaemm of Max H. Hauser aqd Robert N. Stanfield, each of whom am said to have mate over two million dollars this yaw in tha wheat and sheep business respectively. The Veter says: “Beth mea am comparatively yaaag ama. Stanfield has barely termed forty. Haasar to well seder fifty. Bath werk sight aad day. Bath gat eat at tear A. M. ia tha height ef tha seaaae. Both work the tang diataam tataphaa* the maw aa t total attorney and bo filed with the hoard within fifteen days team tha Mam it ta by tew required to meet; and any petition or application net so amata, verified and filed Mudi not bo consid­ ered er acted upon by tho Beard. J. P. Boyars, Profess»««] Cards J. A. RICHMOND PH YSICIAN and SUBCBON. The Judge's cmieaitj by this repeated ammo “Please teU tho Coart tlOfUÜ pftHtiffil ÌMU 6 1 you mam to have sue! iena?“ “Prohibition,” was Everybody's Magatine Hard work and tho intelligent use of tha long distane* telephone am tha grant twin factor» which contribute to tho success in big undertakings. It may not bo easy to work hard but this company offers the excellent long distane* telephone service which you need. COOS AND C UB B Y T E L E P H O N E C om pany THE ONE INDUSTRY IN COQUILLE COQUILLE LAUNDRY S t ICE COMPANY Arrested by Gnme Warden. J. M. Thomas returned Saturday from a trip to the upper Coquilie country, whom he arrested Milt Ep- J. J. STANLEY two bucks aad a doe. The men w ill be tried In rfrucit court, and besides h a v in g to face tho charge of violating G ov. Withycombo'B procla­ mation d o s in g tho game law, will ha prosecuted f o r killing a do# and mu­ tilatin g tho carcase. The deputy gu m w arden alao has complaints against perttas fo r killing «lucks out of sea­ son on South slough aad Haynes slough, and intends to take the of­ fenders to Portland for trial ia the federal court, as tha now federal law u «n carcass« « o f Ned C l 1iit v 0 J. E. Norton, Agent, Coquille, Ore A. J. SHERWOOD w t m iir m u f HL iiiw fin life Accident J, E. WALSTROM, Agent, Baadoa, One. E. & E. T. Kruse, Mgrs., 24 Calif. S t, S. F. Dr. P. 6. BUNCH Does Yotr Sabscriptioa Date Need 1 -