The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, September 07, 1917, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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The sentinel
a MM
té th*
of the
U w 'prito. in a n y-vw *. th e rity
lilies are the oaea for wham the Mg
re to oell a l i arnica iaaf e f te m i
fise cauta; but thè bakers. Uks
pana elsa, waat all tbey con gei
inaisi that they cast atoka a Ba­
g n ili tolllng anta a iaaf far lesa
i 10 osata. l i haa assun ti very
ago to us that fer ikia pani thiee
* th* war-etrickea pappié of Cu-
i bave been buyiag brand a i a lem
» than waa aakad fer it ber* in
Our earth appear* to be slowini
Vacant Packed ia
glass jars-can
later be used
for canning
fruit, etc
and the bettor way to kto* In tha
____ u to refuse to sign the recall
petition.—Cooe Bay Harbor.
r ------ia going to do her bit far
to# nstt f thie fall by sowing 10,000,-
ooe aerea at winter wheat That will
be one acre o f every tve in the en-
down far 4,000,000 and Nebraaka for
2 ^ 74 , 000 . A yield of *0 buehela par
acre would make the 1010 crop of
theee three eta tea SX0 million buahele
—and that ia about half thie year>
entire wheat crop. It la a fact per-
hapa not generally known that in
in the Union.
And yet thie great
granary of the world need to be
m.mrkmA on the me pa in our achoal
geographiee aa “ The Great American
the recent French advance north of
Verdun, ia thua quoted by the Echo
de La Rochelle, of Paria, and a «ta f
officer who interrogated the German
ia given aa authority for the intor-
paper maa who waa looking over the
aeeree at neutral ehipe lying in New
York harbor loaded with grain and
awaiting authoriaation to sail, re­
marked: “Thie ia where Uncle Sam
breaka the back of the kaiaer.”
with a heavy tax on war profite ia go­
ing to make the big capitoliate un­
der* tend that the world waa not mad*
ead i f life./ Our current phraaea, **A
happy New Tear,” Many happy ra-
tums of the day," “ A long and happy
life to you,” ware conventional, bat
they a»prepaid what waa becoming e
dominant deaire for oeraelVce and oar
fr ie n d a. “ Safety first” generally meant
comfort firet. Much of the tnduatrial
unroot waa the atruggle o f ptge at
the trough over the diviaion of the
awill. The min latere were hard put to
it to reconcile the inequalttiee and un-
happineee of life with faith in a Just
and benevolent God. Glory in tribu­
lation waa becoming a loot art.
The war ia teaching ua that happi-
neaa ia not the end of life; that the
Joy of self-sacrifice ia greater than the
Joy of aelf-indulgence. Thie we are
learning aa each a lemon only can be
learned, not from eermona or text­
book«, bat in the acheol of experience.
Thouaanda of men and women have
croaaed the Atlantic and are in the
trenchea, the airplanee, the ambu-
laneea, the hoe pi tale, laying down
their livea in aelf-denying aervicee for
their fellow-men, and thouaanda mare
are ¿reparing to follow them. Doubt*
lose the aplrit of adventure minglee
The German paid homage to thé
heroic courage of the French soldiers,
but tried to diacourage the idea that
help would be forthcoming from the
United S ta tee, declaring that Preai­
dant Wileon waa fooling the all tea.
To convince him, the German waa sacrifice, but alao the epirit of eetf-
taken before General Perching, when aacriflce minglee with and ennoblee
teara rolled down hie cheeka, and ha the epirit of adventure.
A t hoam boye and girla are giving
up their vacations to go into training
campe and eubmit to much-needed but
hitherto irkaome discipline, and other
boya and girla are toiling in unaccua-
touted labor in the garden or on the
farm. Society ia simplifying it* din-
nera, hotel* and dube are adopting
war menua, houaekeepera are eubeti-
tuting two couraea for three or awe
Steel Cut,
1-4. k 'O . r
pH 15 o*.
45c quart jar
Other Coffees from 25 cents up
Both ground and whole ro u t •.
W at the
thistle, the nox­
ious weed which has overgrown farms
throughout this county for many
year* past, may be put to some good
uaa is shown by recent experiment*
conducted by John Egr, a farmer in
the Bantiam valley. As a milk pro­
ducer the thistles surpass, any feed
grown on the farm. The cattle cafl»
not eat the thistle* because of the
hard thorns.
Mr. Egr found that* when ground
id placed In the silo the thorns in
the thistle became softened and that
the cows at* th* silage as readily ua
that made from corn or other plants.
Recently he cut two acres of Cana­
dian thistles, ground them and place*
m in the silo. He fed hi* cows
the silage produced, with th* result
that there was a 7-point increase in
th* last butterfat test.
Th* Bantiam bottoms have been so
overrun with the Canadian thistle that
at one time an appeal waa made to
i legislature for means to destroy
First National Bank Building
Of All the Books
known to man, the savings
bank book ia the on* that
m ow
days of troubla. Got on# of
theee books by opening an
account with this hank. It
doesn’t taka much to start
an account and it will grow
smaaingly if you give it at-
Commercial and Saving Deposita
W isconsin
. Silo
T H % E
I f there, ia any p oa aib la way ia
which the exceaa of rain that falle
ea the weotern alope at the Caecadee
between Septambr and May can be
etored for irrigating our upland farm*
between May and September, it ia
AiaM to do acme figuring on the coot.
On the bench land here in Coquill*
water ha* don* wonderful thing* lor
century of pernidoua teaching make*
war upon civiliantion, civilisation is
doomed union* there are bmu and wo­
man willing to give up all .they held
The following appeal* to ua aa
dear—property, home, husband, wife,
sound doctrine and especially applica­
provided now at hotels and eating children, lif* itself—in brave battle
ble in the case of the I. W. W’s.:
houses. He says that Hoover enjoins against sina which they have never
The nation has aa much right to
committed, for which they are not re­
sponsible, which they have done no­
thing to promote. Europe could not
have been saved from the revival of
Roman despotism, pagan alike ia its
philosophy and its spirit, if there had
not been in Belgium, Prune*, Grant
Britain, Italy, Russia, and America
Bom* people think the coot of im­
amn who wore willing to suffer and to
proving our roads ia Ceos county is
die for their faith in liberty. It ia be­
higher than it ought to be, but that
cause there war* no such sacrificial
depends on the sort of roads to l<*
lovers of liberty in Germany that Ger­
improved. The stato highway com­
many has been given over to the aplrit
mission has appropriated $17S,64Afi0
fer the ten miles e f the Pacific high­
way between Myrtle Creek and Dil­
lard. A t that rat* our $M 2,000 in
the feeling which they have not
learned from their ill-instruoted elder*
to repress. When the French child­
ren knelt in the streets of Faria aa the
American troop* passed through that
A Portland dispatch of last Monday city, they revered, not our wealth, nor
our akrewfiaaes, nor eur power, but
Beat grades of wheat in the north­
west grain district* aril at $1.90 a
bushel and ia Portland at $2, with
other grades slightly lees. Floor at
wholesale will be around $10 a barrel,
as against a present price e f $11 A «
Bran, which is now $S7 a ton, and
shorts which are now $40 a ton. arr
likely to aril at $2S to $90. With feed
cheaper, milk, butter, eggs and poul­
try will be correspondingly lower.
for sale bjr
help begin using the reliable,
►-tried remedy, Doan’s Kidney
l For 60 years. Doan’s have beau
d effective. Endorsed by grate-
m s : A. Lewis, 8S7 Miller BL,
•burg, Ora, aays: “ I have been
bled more or lose by my kidney*
* —------
Also a complete line o f
Lumber, Dry Finish Rustic,
Mouldings, Boxes
and Grates