The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, September 07, 1917, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 3

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    aw * 3
T. 191V.
of Mr. smd Mrs. R.
city, to to B u T. .. _ _
Sunday is Buri Lsrfta,
and Mrs. Prank G. L*
fink pngs.)
. —- I
by Pall
tW* eH & jrfM jp:
the ceremony, though what relatives
are going up from hare has not been
divulged, though it is known that the
groom'd brother, Keith, will be one.
of our most popular aad I
young“ ladies, so that a
match could hardly bo la
The bride will probably remaip in
Portland until Mr. Leslie’s company
portane« aad iiriw lM w of .U m work
I m la doing. Ho says “Music tanckrn
moot exquisitely the art of develop­
ment,” that as aa art it io undoubted­
ly the moot eomprehonsive, sodai ani
ploaoure-stviac of oll, aad aa a sci­
ence, it is stoat exacting and disci­
plinary. As Présidant Elliot at Har­
■on is completing the grav­
put it, “lfesfe, rightly viewed,
en the city of Myrtle Point vard
is the best mind trainer on the list.’*
For the coming year it is planned
musical history or biography, a count«
in Appreciation, aad possibly some
elementary harmony, as well aa the
usual chorus singing. The chorus
work ef the high school is also to be
extended to include come “communi­
ty s-nging.” Thii appeals to us as
a *ory worthy move, for we have a
number^of voices In our litUo dty,
and ws fad sura that some excellent
results will be accomplished when
they Join with the h«gh school under
competent direction.
Prof. Davidson di-i not attend school
this summer as be had planned, but Old World May B« So Dflpopu*
decided instead to attend the time . lated and Impovorlshod That
camping and sight seeing in Califor­
nia. He says he has gained 8 or 8
pounds and feels better than he has
for s long time.
‘ Ws fssl as if it were a matter for
congratulation that we have music so
well taaght in our schools and pra-
eensted to our young folks free. •
Big Stock Shipment.
“The marriage is the culmination
of one mors at tbs many eollege ro­
mances. Mr. Custer bacamo acquaint­
ed with his bride while both were odd bits of yarn for practice work,
gleaning knowledge at Albany college. bring or sand them to headquarters.
If you can’t take part hi this work
in any other way, ms Would appre­
ciate this much effort.
This is YOUR work. Did you know
that T Your governassnt is asking
this at yam, can you refuse T
Beulah Chapter No. 8 0. B. 8.
The Sentinel cordially uni tee with voted
to contribute 810 to the Red
Mr. Custer’s many friends hen in ex­ Cnee fund.
tending congratulations and bast
wishes for futura hippinoes sad use-
We legrn from the Coca Bay Times
that fourteen cars of Coquille Valley
livestock will bo shipped to tbs North
Portland yards for the market by
special train so Sunday. This means
about 250 hood of cattle.
48 can will have been sent from
this part of Oregon in the peat few
months, representing n considermbte
percentage at the freight carrying
outside of the 1 amber business dons
by the railroad.
Shippers are of Myrtle Point and
are: C. C. Carter, 3 ears; W. Taylor
D oom at, X can; Guerin Bröthen, 1
car; Ray R. Dement,-8 can; K. S. De­
ment, 4 ears; C. C. Carter «'to sends
Some of the stock shipments have
not been for the market but to ‘be
Willamette valley where fattening for
the market is dene. Geo. Coiobrook
sent one car of sheep today for Cor­
vallis for such a purpose.
The special train passes thro«qch
the Bay cities about noon and con­
nects with the cattle train to Va.*y
"In 1813 the Balkans will be drenched
with Mood and tbs corpses of hundreds
at thousands at state men will cover
the battlefields. From this bloody Strug
gle tbs moat tearful war of all history
will develop. The entire dvfltaed world
and even savage tribes wm be drawn
teto the horrible conflagration, which
Tbs 'first two at these prophecies
nave come true, and the third one Is
partly fulfilled. In 1904 the war be­
tween Russian aad Japan started, aad
1012 brought tbs first Balkan war,
which was followed at ones by tbs aso-
There is a constant upward ten­
dency in the prices of all steel prod­
ucts. Buy now and take advantage
of the existing low prices. We carry
the famous
saving half the fuel for a million us­
ers, and other makes from $2.50 to
$23.00 Don’t put it oft; others are
buying now.
H. Furniture
and Hardware
FOR SALE the bast and cheap sat va­
cant lot in the city at Coquille.
Spank quick If you went it. At tbs
LOST—£ high rubber boot for loft
foot with leather sole and hob nails,
Aug. 2b, between Ko Keel Kano«
Klub grounle and Coquill«, oa the
Lao road. Reward to finder. No­
tify L. H. Hasard a t Coquilta. -
FOR SALE—Wagon, team and har­
ness. Very reasonable terms. N.
N. Nsiman.
FOR SALE—80 acres of Myrtlo bot­
tom unimproved. $76 per acre.
$2000 cash; balance 6% Interest as
long sa you want K. Will tabs auto
in part payment. See B. Folsom,
FOR SALE CHEAP—if taken at
ones. A modern five room bouse
and six lots on Second p d Myrtle.
Inquin P. O. Box 082 or phono 600.
Baker A Hamilton Top Buggy. C.
O. King, Gravel Ford, Ora.
S t James Episcopal Church.
There will be no servicee during the
month of August. They will be re­
sumed on Sunday, September 2nd.
Notice «rill be given through the lo- YOUNG GRADE PERCHERON teams
for salo. Four miles up tbs river
from Coquille on west side. An­
drew Anderson.
reason for selling.
WANTED—Second hand furniture
Highest prices paid. Coquille Fur
niton Co.
FOR SALE—16 acres, all bottom, ana
mils from Coquille postoAca; dty
water. Inquire John Hie kam. Hf.
The local chapter of the Eastern
8tar held a special meeting Monday
evening for the two grand officers
who were visiting the lodges in the
county. A large attendante greeted
the visitors and Initiatory work was
part of tbs evening’s entertain­
ment. This was followed by a ban­
quet. Mrs. Lana C. Mendenhall
grand matron, and Mrs. Alice Cowell,
grand marshall, both of Portland,
ip and ws pledge the hospitality
is a prime necessity during the dark winter months.
They are a light unto your feet and are invaluable to
drivers of Ford cars throwing rays which light up the
roadway for many yards. We now have a full and
complete stock of these Flashlights and Batteries from
the vest pocket size to the largest ones. See them.
M etal and Com position Case “ KwikUtes”
70c 85c 90c $1.20 $1.70 $2.00
B atteries SO and 40 cen ts