Marriage Licenses Personal Mention Aug. 8—Frank Leslie Byers and Waneta Mae Wardrip, both of Co- Night 10ft-L Us HIT AFTER HIT! * THUR WEEK AFTER WEEK! b .^% f:RIL SAT. *. "Phantom of Ao Opera"l "D< BORIS KARLOFF Groat Star of 'Anomc and OM Uea*' Margaret Adams, of North Bend, was a Coquille visitor Thursday of last week. CARTOON “CROW CRAZY” LATEST NEWS EVENTS Beery in action! Beery in the biggest liar in seven states! A rousing, roaring action drama of the Navy’s glorious blimp brigade I BOBBY LUCKEY BONNEY WATCHA DOIN'* CARTOON — NEWS MATINEE SUN. 1:45 V , * 1 £Z1 Adults 40c .¿a " ■'Uli xHj JIHjwp X,