' v ■ r ... «AUR1 • of Mr. 4-H Club Members On Judging Tour A group of forty <-H Club mem­ bers and leaders attended a live­ stock judging tour last Monday, A ’ there' ¡¿and M i 7 Orvus Mine^on the WOrkL Our •n*n1“ hav* b*!n ; large bus, owned by Al Baker of Myrtle Point, furnished the trans­ portation. L. J. Allen, assistant state S J -— club leader, was the guest Instructor and handled most of the Judging and will forever brou^t Mis. Pmnete home for demand the sacrifice of the classes. The tour was planned by “nfyance *'*k?nd' BV’“ «tew« of our youth and the fruit of Al Geiss, assistant county agent. • o people from ether day dinner in honor of her daugh- ^7 labor ' The bus picked up dub members “ W" *evento*1 We look backward and remember' between Myrtle Point and the Coo* ays toe identified by th* ojd last Saturday. i ihock Qf p