fold Storage Unit At Dillard Market Red Cross Notes Coquille Unit Wardrip Byers Wedding Sunday White Enamel Cabinet Base St. Clair KITCHEN HEATERS $54.50 Large New Assortment of PICTURES $2.50 to $15 00 Chain IChair W.C.T.U. Met Friday At Assembly of God Church TWIN BEDROOM SUITES The W.C.T.U. met in the Assembly of God Church parlors last Friday for its regular business session. Rev. Eunice Munger led the singing with Mrs. Mhrgrett Swanson at the piano. The 23rd Psalm was used as the devotional text, given by Mrs. Swanson. Ione Billings had charge of the program, which consisted of duets by Laura Swanson and Velma Coy. They sang, "My Sheep Know My Voice’’ and “Face to Face.’* Mary Hatcher gave the talk of our national president and Ione Billings gave, “Visual or Eye Gate Education’’ and two lovely poems, “Reverie” and “Our Opportunity.” The hostesses, 'Mesdames Munger, Purkey Furniture (Whoa Tee Think ef Fendture Think of Perks Knunjun" S Y1ASS AHEAD. . Thornton Tire Service ■w • 1 BEG oodrich T I N C 5 Dillard Red Ripe and Luscious Flavor DILLARD PEACHES heaping full bushel , $4.49 and 25c return on bushel ICE COLD WATERMELONS Juice size ORANGES, full of sweet juice Sperry's Pancake & Waffle FLOUR Calumet Baking Powder - - HEINZ KETCHUP - bottle 23c V-8 Vegetable Juice no points Hershey's or Bakers COCOA Del Monte DeLuxe Plum Preserves LIPTON' STEA ¥2 lb. package 53c EMMRICH COFFEE Courteous Service You Are Always Welcome At Dillards