¿í Calling EASTER L|LIES Their Commercial Culture Ac Marketing new and erfainai 1MW word booklet covering all phase mltare and sale of Commercial LUlee. It’s new and up U ■st off the proas. If interested in UMaa yea’ll find it in r and valuable. PMC* fl.M per eepy. No stamps. CROFT PLANTING STOCK A BOZIN OB A HUNDBBD THOUSAND Ask For Oar FBZK Prise IM y Harrold’s Selection Swing Rockers constructed and guaranteed to stand Building Maintenance Co , the strain. Full Spring Construction Davenport & Chair $134.50 of Coquille Your front room will make a more attractive home Furniture nUadMatM Courteous Service i CUCUMBERS fl««*6" fresh lb 10c You shuuld make your application for your certificate at thp earliest possible opportunity as it may prove very im­ portant to you irt the future. BELL PEPPERS Property Management 29c Dillard Peaches S ", i 29c Let my organization manage your property for you,' rates are reasonable. $2.10 crate, 18 lbs. Tar 1^ VTaefl '* ACnaer. run T Earl 3 for 25c BONNEY Imitation Black Pepper20110c Krinkles Egg Noodles1 Ibpkg23c TWAT Bl Calumet Baking Pwd1 Ibcen 19c Swansdown Cake Flour Pk9 29c Wide-Mouth Kerr Jars Yt Pints $1.69 Ripe Olives medsiie 10 0I- iar 35c Hunt's Tomato Sauce 4 tor 25c REX ALL ÖRU& STORE ’ : Tomatoes < H 25c -J if you're looking for the finest selection of Luscious Fruits and Vegetables —- This is the Place LUCKEY ' Sweet Curn kin POINTS on grapefruit T uice , tomato SUf. •w,n 1 J JUICE, BLENDED JUICES, MIXED VEGETABLE JUICES and ORANGE JUICE You Are Always Welcome At Dillards