Personal Mention (Additional Locals on Page 9) Mr». Rose Knight was accompanied by her granddaughter when she left on the bus Tuesday morning to see her daughter who i* U1 in Santa R om , California Mrs. A. F. Willson was hostess to the Helping Hand division of the Church of Christ Mission Circle on Phone 303 Thursday, August 2, at her farm I Friday, Saturday, Sunday . •' Charles Briggs, formerly South­ western Motors salesman here, but who is now in the real estate busi­ ness in Roseburg was a Coquille vis­ itor ¿Thursday, coming over to clean up on some business. Charley August 10 - 11 - 12 You'll Rove About This Program Either Picture By Itself Worth the Price of Admission YtMr'Rtxali ¿Pbiirmacisl liar Family 'Phyiician Fuhrman's Pharmacy 7 z 1 * sf ip; I ' ’ ■ ■ i 1 p; GM. I Mter lawforà It it- 1 , • 1 PETER rio*,^L A mo" «"<1 « MATINEE SUN. 1:45 LAWFORD• ( JUNE