The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 02, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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Buick Getting Ready
To Turn Out Cars
(By Judge L. D. Fetal
Plans have been announced by the
Western World)
Buick Division of General Motors
Coos county land sales numbered
We have stain a tot of beicks in
Corporation for the largest peace
memory, shot a tot erf ducks
time expansion In the 40 years his­ 244 during the first six months of
and China birds and caught thou­
tory of the company by which facilti- IMS, totaling 847,978.47 in return,
sands of trout during the peat six
ties will be provided for a projected according to H. R. Clark, land agen
weeks stay in bed. Memories of
14» per cent increase in employment in charge of the county land depart
ment, under juridictlon of the Coun­
pest bunting and fishing trips helped
opportunity over pre-war levels.
peas away the time. Yes. that and
At the same time, it was announced ty Court.
The report Includes only deals
the tailing of hunting and fishing^
that the 1944 Buick car is ready for
ya'rns—an exchange of yarns between 1
manufacture and that «ew construc­ that have been completed and
old hunters and fishermen who via-1
tion and tooling is in progress as not reflect the total activity <rf
Waahinfftoa. D.
Aug, 2—It is I Buick reconverts its released war department. In fact the major por­
The out-of-door magazine* w«!»uu under *u“rd* the Japanese em- | plants to automobile output. Many tion of the work connected with sev-
«d recalled
mem- _
----------- —
, 'piersant
— ---------
of the company’s factories will con- eflil targr tft®i»ertand deals wasdon«
ortas and alto served to boom our: Waah,nfton’ D-Ck There “» “ i^ta^Hinue in war production.
during this period, but returns on
pulse, higher and higher, making It booth ln which a Washington po- ■ The plans include a reconversion, these will not be listed until the deeds
_ 1 lkeman
In««**se «<»■
more and more difficult
to fie ab«d.
»it» s^lsffrtt
night and Anv
day, u>k*M
when Kro
he modernization
and expansion pro- are issued and final payment is re­
And now,that we are again on our 111 not »tretchlng, ,
on the aide” (gram, designed to equip Buick to ceived. The returns on these tim­
feet told able to get about, even waIk-
• Wock away’ on ’ **' I produce ita share of the industry’s berland deals will add up to prob­
though not as weU as uauaV the. big cant lot
the wroach to a bridge | augment of automobiles this year ably three times the total returns
friendly trees took twice as friendly
Rock cf*“k <*rk’ th* *r“’l«nd provide for poet war capacity of from the 240 sales.
as of eML and the sang nt the stssaan Iha* beeB *orn down by the wheels, upwards of 960,00»ears annually.
A breakdown of the 244 sales
part of corporatlon-
is more cheerful, carrying a message (of automobiles in whteh, from time J Authorized
Authorized as
as part of corporation- shows that they ranged in prices
to time, FBI agents sit through thojwlde Post war planning looking to from gS.OO to 83,944.00. Only
of understanding.
¡night to supptoment the watch beingjmaxlmum contrlbutlon to the naUon. sales were for amounts of more than
In fact,
the whole world looks
by the ton» policeman.
a thousand dollars each. Ninety-six
brighter, but >natur*Jiy those thf Bgl I tet
. N* economy, they provide for building
which xre srrdear to our heart are r No
«mstrucUon aggregating
1,325,000 were for antounts ranging from
outstanding—all things pertaining to' gate, the entrance 4A4he walk laad- a^ogr« feet of new factories, at Flint, 8100.00 to 81,000.00, and aU the reef
P‘CtU5WU* fcR*-‘n< Mich, the re-establishment of war were for leas than 8100.00 each.
Out—of «Dooes
th« ««nbassy until Dec. gingpted manufacturing processes,
The list of sales does not include
KJhe-trst tHMk’weehaisB doad dff
to uncase the old shotgun and the 7, 1M1. On that day all attaches i new engineeetng and research facill- a large number "of other deals lor
of the emlmW were assembled with­ | ties and the substantially increased which applications to purchase have
in th« «hskwre and remained there post war capacity.
been submitted and that are under
run .
The first phase, reconversion to in­ negotiation.
the feel of it once again. The patch-’l^u**d’
* ,1W*nk7, hotcl at WhJta, itlabcar production, is being affected rtt will interest taxpayers to know
Springs pending shipment , back to
«^¿^"^1 teTmong'tri
that the money from all sales of
i’ coat was given an affec-
' ship-
‘ ' new cars to
t in passing. The fly book Japan.
first ' to
dealers this property acquired by the county on
In the back yard' of th« embassy fal]
tax foreclosures does not go into the
was' brought forth and the gaudy
Take advantage of dm State Fans
still remain «ebes where the
of the county to be spent for
Mutual Service— enjoy these triple
thtosaow manner that we surmise • f"£ane’^„bur?*i}. 1 ................ ting i Pa* . production, which is subject to many county purposes, but instead, is dis
____ ________
s miner wbuld gloat over hie wealth. per*, while at the Whit« House the
■ _ 1 economic
factors such _______
as taxes, _____
price trihutad among various taxing units
1. L»ntr
iJmut» j—»r ¡teal tank.
> Aadk glancing up into the heavens cabinet met hastily« to discus* ths ountrois? labor’’costs” and the like','it through which the taxes were levied.
2. Cs/4 Msiag fa gef/fag
we were Struck with the beauty of raid at Pearl Harbor. The town is u „timated that Buick in its Flint The county treasury receives only ita
«•re iniurantt J»r ymr
the sky, th* «sure hue was deeper not as carefully kept ar it once was. pjant® alone would employ more than
»»•uy in lUt ntrUTi Uritit
The embassy is a dfeotete ptoegr>towl 22,000 .nd that through its supply-
•uu tnnnUy nmfnay.
,uch a#
And the song of the meadow-lark day. Tourists pause «nd look at the lng
8. Bitttr JtnJ tn ytnr tnr ty
m^MfTbmenVawh wonder how tong, gyg ' Of accessories, bodies, rubber,
f tying tath.
has taken on a deeper meaning.
For complet* details about this new
gig,, an<j ^e like, as well as
Juet .in o sc you aifc one of these th« JapancseXan hold out before the
State Farm financing service -and
eventual and inevitable unoondl- ■ oy^ying' General Motors assembly
for assistance is arranging a bank
¡plant*, additional thousands of jobs
column Which Is published in this nonai S il render
loan-call me. No obligation.
Whro th« embassy was ctorod th.(Would
paper and are also among those who
called to see me, aent messages of Qp«nial\ ambaeeedor was decigneted | The re-establishment of pre-war
'operattons plus expansion to provide
N» W«M
Fboab ZSS cheer or inquired concerning me, Il
a ¡facilities for more than 550,000 cars
wish to thank each and every one. ,
- Well, hero wa go again; first up in
(annually will require the largest
th« news, if news you can call it, "is:
11 building construction and equip-
Over north of Florence there
: ment program in General Motor* his­
nestles a little lake known a« Mercer
tory. The new buildings will replace
Lake. Thia lake has been practically
obsolete structures and provide
unknown to th« majority of anglers,
modern areas for sheet metal and
the wealthy class of sn­
car assembly operations, additional
ifter counttoe and
floor space for engineering and ex­
residents, that is,
perimental work as well as additions
ts of the Florence
to other factories to accommodate the
.dtetricts, have fished
proposed modernization and expan­
Lake for many years.
That lake abounds with trout but
It is quite possible that new Buick
it won’t be for long now, for some
cars will roll from the assembly
one let the cat out of the bag to the
line* within 90 day* after the War
extent of bragging to a Portland col­
Production Board’s release of materi­
umnist. The result was a writeup
als on July L although this prospect
in a Sunday edition of the Portland
is not at present favorable In view
paper, telling W the location of the
Contributing to current confusion of the material situation, particu­
take and the good fishing to be 1 over the sugar situation is the state­ larly steel.
had there. This means there will i ment made on the floor of the house
The 1944 Buick car will feature
Le an influx of outside fishermen to J a few days ago by Representative new elements of streamlining and
the little lake and that small body of Bendena« Ohio that 40,000 tons of styling, materials applications and
water that has furnished food and I sugar has been allocated to Spain. new engineering developments. With
sport to the natives will soon be de- i Representative DeLacy at Washing­ and release some time ago by the
• i
pleted of the trust, just as are so ton added to the misunderstanding War Production Board of manpower 1
for hear-
n.any small lakes and streams being I by saying he thought it ridiculous to and materials for product develop- |
final account
stewly but surely caught dry by i send sugar to Spain and Portugal to ment, engineering models have been
anglers, practically all the native ' assure a supply of Portuguese completed and the new cars are now
trout being taken from such waters. brandy. Neither speaker revealed ready for production.
The restocked streams never fUrnMh i any kruth, according to official an­
the sport that they did with the ori- 1 nouncements. Sugar for Spain was
ginal mrtive trout and they are easier 1 allooeted from the-world pool and Larger Registration at U. of O.
taken by far than native trout, and < not from stocks held in the United Expected For This Year
thus are depleted twice as fast where I States and is, proaumablyt for table . A sharp upspring in enrollment is
they inhabit various streams and use. There are legitimate reasons in prospect at the University of Ore­
Cool County* Ore-
1 for complaint over the sugar short­
JM5; and all per-
pet off calling your doctor
gon this fall with more than 600
a fist signs of u I mm .
With coluaruiists and the State age
without resorting to mlsrspre- freshman applications for admittance
Game Commission staeasing good 1 sentation.
already in. The trend is definitely
fishing in any one particular stream,
toward the high prewar level.
it serves to bring hundreds of an­
Defending the committee proposal
With a capacity enrollmentdn pros­
glers to that one stream or lake, to reclassify fourth-uiass postage pect the administration is urging that
such as little' Mercer Lake, and the rates as appUed to books. Represen­ all students file applications for
result is obvious—the eventual tak­ tative McKenzie indulged in an at­ housing at anK early date. If the
Guardian of the Estate of
ing of the cream of the crop in tack upon th« Book-a-Month club university administration is advised
Louise Mast
such spots or completely fished-out and other book publishers who are in time there will be ample housing IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF T>
Yoon Building, Portland, Oregon
stream* and takes. If the public were opposed to th« measure. Th« Book- for all, Dean Karl W. Onthank.’head
Attorneys for the Guardian
i left to* go out on their own, hunt a-Month club, he stated, charges a
of personnel administration, believes. LEONARD C. ENSELE, Plaintiff,
their own streams and choose their mailing fee of 11 cents for each book But, he advises, time must be allowed
own lakes in which to angle, it would mailed to a subscriber, while a com­ so that preparations can be made.
mean the fish in our various streams mittee check shewed that the ac­
Applications for dormitory rooms TO: MARTHA ENSELE, the above
would survive much longer. But in tual cost was but 8K routs.
With are being received by Mrs. Genevieve
named Defendant
a move that is strictly against the the 400,000 subscribers claimed by Turnipseed, director of dormitories.
In the Matter of the Estate <rf Jo-
future propagation of trout, the com- ■ th« dub this would represent a dear The co-operative houses on the cam­ OF OREGON: You are hereby re­
_ ...
mtasion advertises the fact that the profit of 8142,000 annually. Other pus, four for women and one for men,
Complaint filed against you in theiRu'th ¿7 Axtell has been'd^y ap-
trout are striking on one or two book publishers profit proportion­
anti rxw»
._ > qualified
are now taking applications from annuo
above AntitlAci
entitled suit
0,1 or hnM»w
before ik»
the pointed and
as Adminta-
particular streams or lakes and the ately from thi collecting of excess
day of August, IMS, said date i tratrix of the State of Joseph Eugene
qualified students. And two new .* 17th
fO^- Axte11’ deceal*d
kind of lure or bait that they are
... maiiling fem, he said, and it was sororities—Delta Zota and Zota Tau ”*"*,
a**- iiIaLpub’ ! having claims against said estate are
taking. Hundreds of week-end«..
____ _____________
lers from
them that the _____
most ...........
vehement Alpha—will «well the capacity of the
lication of this Summons, and if you, hereby notified to present the same
pack their cars and hie themseh es opposition had come,
Sin”.! “ ««U51 SSthSi E3L 'ttSES1
sororities on the campus.
for such advertised spots.
Many i Increase in the rate for sending
Warning is given that rooms off the
times they are disappointed, expect- ‘ books by mail is sought on the
M b.
ally so in steelhead fishing, for steel- ground that the service is rendered should not rely on obtaining housing prayed for in his Complaint, to-wit. quired, within six (6) as monthlfrSJn
by law re­
quired, within six (6) months from
| heads are erratic in their striking, at a loss to the postal department,
from this source. The only certain That the marriage and marriage con- date hereof.
: but during the spring and summer thereby creating a deficit which is way to obtain housing. Dean Onthank
I IkS* tay M SS
derived fromb“to'fi'ie^ppUc.Uon5o7"t^ tiff and Defendant be u_
ve such other
RUTH 8 awtw . t .
------- - ------------- - a..-r----------transporting first-class mail.
desired university
im­ and further relief as may seem Just 27t5
--- J* equitable
proposed increase would not apply., mediately.
In advertised
to th« circulation of books between
”d Ub™i*’ and bna insists that all must go and he
N, That
^Leo»id«*m would be given
.ttention to a r^ori üüt ïn rod^ o7
in the
for ¡the sending of bible, through the
are wi0W) other aUen „fug«, King. Judge
A. G. Ericksen
Fuhrman's Pharmacy
u/MHuu »na
• wu, at uw**
Of the original 13,000 refugees who hope that the justice department, the the first publication of said Summons August 23th, IMS
entered the United States'anst
were immigration
bureau and
and the
the army
* 1y>
1^*8, ?. 10:60
0:00_ o
M. of said ds y, Ft
immigration bureau
o ’ ’ clock
ctock A.
A. M.
registered and confined,
l .
700 of the would cooperate to the end that this thereof being the 10th day ofAu- Orego™"«
e returned
i bearing oblation. J
worst type were
aMwiitd to
to Europe
Europe may
may be
be done
done as
as speedily
speedily as
as possible
possible gust,
gust, IMS.
on the Gripsholm and recently an-
-------------------------- .
Attorney foe Plaintiff
When you need a gift-shop Nor- other batch of 1.200
1,20® were lAmnWaH'
deported.,' Kesrs
Keys made for all locks. Stevens
Post Office Addresa,
tan’s first
ttb (Senator Maybank of South Caro- Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore.
» 27t5
Coquille, Oregon
-........ *