Call at J. A. Lamb Hdwe. for Roof Repairing and Roofing Material! ■ Building Maintenance Co. of Coquille Î7U*« • Bicycles • Beds • Washers ♦Furniture Sets k. G. Erickson franosi Thornton Tire Service B. EGoodrich ▼ i n r s mean the difference between Profit 4 UiHVS TO HELP T- vOUR OOtTOR pay decent wages and hope to be able to maintain a full crew in order that JFe wish to take thia opportunity to thank our many customer» for putting up with the two week service we have been Jorced to give them because of conditions beyond our contnoL :. Let the Laundry Do It LOWELL SIMPSON, Mgr Fuhrman's Pharmacy x JODM. San Diego. s