I ÔôAtftLU VALLEY PAGE EIGHT — I I ...... LLJJ_L. xi. T*«« Sentinel Must i CLASSIFIED One ) C Cem eacn insertion m * a were Werd Each Inseritoti In learning this Na Adv. lees than 25 cento -------- -------------------- - | trade. Start with good salaries. Dg faff ttoa jkost wffaff aaw**** Jate broker, for the sale of three LOST—Leather Cigarette Case oif See CUff Gaiseth. Southwestern PiecM property at Bandon. Thursday, July 12. between Peo­ i Moten, Coquille. 27t3s Th* *• H Shieman place on High­ ples Market and the 806 block on This is the joint order issued by way 101, one mile east of Bandon, East Second. Reward for return WILL DO WASHING in niy home. « was sold to Wm. F. Ludwig, of Col-1 the Post Office Department and to Sentinel office. The case is a 957 N. Coulter St., Coquille, Ore- 1 lege Place, Wash. Mr. Ludwig, a the Navy Department: keepsake.--------------------------------- It*» gon, Kathy Little. lt*s July 26 former high school coach, and his \ ul. Individual copies of news­ FOR SALE—Farmers’ Bargains” — Il WANTED — Two women' for work in Plan u’ take immediate pos-j papers and magazines offered for -" mailing by publishers, addressed via session. Horses — Hens — Bees — Cherries Better I f the fleet post offices at New York —Family Cow. See FARR A EL- I the Coquille Laundry. The home of Mrs. Frank tuck in wageFnow. Apply at 11undry. It or San Francisco, to Navy, Marine or ,! WOOD’S “Swap Board.” 8}___ ___ __________ _______ , Bandon was sold ................ ............. to Mr. and Mrs. E. East 4th * Coulter »¡v- R .,: WILL CARE for children daytimes C. Owens of Waldport, Oregon. Mr. Coast Guard personnel on duty over­ Liston Parrish, Pastor BEE SUPPLIES—Used Hives, Su-: or evenings, or do light housework, and Mrs. Owens plan to move to seas, shall be accepted only when Bible School 9:45. Mrs. Martha per«, Queen excluders, Smokers, they are being sent in fulfillment of Inquire 813 North Heath. It* Bandon about the first of August. Purdy, Supt. Extractors, other quipment. mF® t The A‘ Hansen place, one written requests Initiated by the ad­ Morning Worship 11:00 o’clock. FARR A ELWOOD. 8 PIGS! PIGS! riuai and one-half miles southeast of Ban­ dressees for subscriptions or renewals Lord’s Supper. Special music. Mes­ FOB SALE | Of subscriptions. don on the Rosa Road, was sold to NOTICE To Farmers — We have a I sage by pastor, “Excess Baggage.” "2. Postmasters at the offices of Over 100 head weaners, feeders, E. Erickson and Jack Windhurst, of few used tires suitable for use Young People’s C. E. 7:15. mailing shall require publishers to sows, with pigs, » qws to farrow Bandon. on Wagons, home-made Tractors Evening service 8:00. Informal, within two weeks or two nymths, I The six and one-half acre Carl present for their examination the and other implements using car evangelistic and challenging. 2 boars. Sale from Friday noon -requests from the addressees for sub» Holland place, one-half mile east of and truck tire sizes. J>. K. Rubber Wednesday 7:30 Choir Practice. or renewals of subscrip­ to Saturday noon, July 20 to 21. Coquille on Third St., was sold to scriptions 1 Welder«. Don Farr, director. x__’i See SHADY HOWELL, % mile Mr. and Mrs. George W. Wilhite, of 1 tions. “ 3. Relatives and friends may pay east of eity center on Second St., IRRIGATION PUMPS — We have Florence, Oregon. The Wilhites will i Church Of The Nasaiwne Oregon. It . move to Coquille as soon as posses-j1 for the subscriptions or renewals of ~ them. FARR A ELWOOD. s, Coquille, ___________ Ninth and Heath . subscriptions provided the addressees FOR SALE — Youngberries, picked. i sion of the property can be had, | ' DRIVE IN and let us inspect your Rev. V. W. Anglin, Minister have initiated the requests therefor. Mrs. Audrey which will not be later than August tires for hidden defects before you i. 31.00 per gallon. 9:45 a. m. Sunday Bible School. “4. Complimentary copies sent by Baker at 311 North Schroeder, take that trip. This service is free 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. Pas­ publishers, copies paid for by ad­ and may sabe you trouble and ex­ phone 108M._________________ If. , vertisers, and copies sent under any tor preaching on the subject “When Pint pense away from home. Thornton ---------- ---------------------------------- - Marriage Licenses Issued the World Finds They Need a Chris­ July i7_rreeman Cole Button and I kind of an agreement whereby the Tire Service. tfs FOR SALE—Newly decorated, mod- tian.” requests of the addressees are soli ­ em home, two-bedrooms, living- Marjorie Lillian Lewellyn, both of 7:00 p. m. Young People’s meeting. cited shall not be accepted. . WANTED — To buy a used Piano. a dining rooms, fireplace, kitchen, ; 7:45 p. m. Evening Service. Pas­ "5. Copies mailed in fulfillment Mrs. Millie Morris, Box 278, Ban­ wired for electric stove, modern j-^ __ .¿L ________________ By authority of a marriage license tor preaching. of subscriptions which are unexpired don, Ore. Its bathroom, glass-enclosed porch, in Curry county on Monday, Midweek meeting Wednesday new laundry trays, new plumbing. Rev Menno D at Op­ on the effective date of this order DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk­ night at 7:45. shall be accepted until the subscrip ­ automatic electric water-heater, tist church here, on Tuesday paid the en. Parte and Dairy Supplies. Get corner lot 108%x50 feet. 308 East words which united Wm. R. O’Neill tions expire.” them at Pacific Feed A Shed So. tfs The Holy N 12th, Coquille. Phone 197-R eve- and Roberta Mae McNeil in marriage. 1130 to 6:08 lt at 9-J nings. A. L. Ingell. FOR SALE—40 tons of good grass a UTO PAINTING and Body Work. and grain Hay, baled. A. C. WANTED—Some one to help with Bring your car in------ we can atari Colvin, Day Creek, Ore. lt*s July 11—Norland A. Gant vs. Vir­ National Farm Safety Week housework in a family of four, at work at once. Southwestern Motor ginia B. Gant Sult for divorce. To Be Observed Joly 22-28 174 South Hall. W. Matejka. It*« ELECTRIC MOTORS—Just received Co. » July 13—Kirby S. Fortune vs. National Farm Safety Week - y«, % HP motors. FARR & EL­ ¡CAR nuMPER JACKS—We have a Viola M. Fortune. Suit for divorce. been ____ *__________ proclaimed _____________ by President ____ Tru- WOOD. s few in stock. J. A. LAMB COM- . WATER SYSTEMS—We stock com­ July, 13 — Chas. A. Breeding vs. man and will be observed throughout plete Electric Water Systems and • PANY s WANTED -Married man to work on i Power Pumps for Every Purpose. Violet R. Breeding. Suit for divorce, the nation from July 22 to 28. dairy ranch. Permanent. Vida GOOD JERSEY Milk Cow For Sale July 13—Margaret Virginia Clin- | The two-fold aim of the week, in­ J. A. LAMB COMPANY. s Prince, Bullards Route, two and —Just fresh two months, 385. L.----- -- " -------- ---- ----------- — ton vs. Wm. Elton Clinton. Suit for augurated last year by the National J. Diedrich, Ten Mile. If. “IT PAYS To ln,ure In Sure ta- divorce. one-half miles north of Coquille. Safety Council as part of the nation­ 1 surance;” see Ernest R. Smith, July 14—Leonard E. Ensele vs. wide accident prevention campaign, It’s July 28. FOR SALE—Three milch Cows, some Roxy Bldg. Phone 97. Martha Ensele. Suit for divorce. is (1) to educate farm dwellers to young beef stock, heifers, and • _____ WANTED—Help with house work. July 17—Elsie A, Davidson vs. Roy act safely 52 weeks of the year, and mowing machine. Can be seen dn POULTRY NETTING-Just received Call Alton Grimes, phone 14J, D. Davidson. Suit for divorce. (2) to teach them to recognize, guard Fishtrap road, nine miles from Co- i »hipment 8 ft. and other sizes. after six p. m. July 17—O. B. Aydelotte vs. Rus­ against and eliminate as many haz­ quille. R. E. Mason. If. * ELWOOD.____________ . sell Martindale. ards as possible. MOTOR REWINDING, Repair Parte, July 17—Harry L. Storm vs. Lola • Washing Machine or The need for such a week is un­ at Dick’s Electric Shop. 420 W. i REPAIRS—We stock Genuine ., . Me- |00 YOV do you have one to sell? In either Mae Storm. Suit for divorce. derlined by the fact that on the aver­ Front. Phone 119R. Work guar-1 Cormick Deering repairs. Check July 17—Ralph E. Woodring vs. age between 40 to 50 farm dwellers case, let us know and will help you anteed. tfs over your machines and order now. J. A. LAMB COMPANY. a ' arrange to sell or buy. This ser­ Lorene F. Woodring. Suit for di- are killed by accidents each day, - ■_ - - — . t vice will be without cost to either vorce. FOR SALE—Five million feet Doug­ ________---........................ - - ■ - making an annual- death toll of July 17—Chester Bowles, adminis­ 15,000 to 17,000. las Fir standing timber, about ten CEDAR SHINGLES — No. l’a on, party. Coquille Eleslrlc Co., for­ « ¿and. FARR A ELWOOD. s | merly Washer Service Co, 885 trator of the Offices of Price Admin­ miles from Camas Valley, Qre. J. In view of the fact that more than Front Phone 17. tfs istration, vs. Lloyd Knapp. The de­ 300 organizations and 50,000 individ­ 1 F. Niedermeyer,' 1729 N. E. 11th AIR-COOLED ENGINES—Wisconsin fendant, a machinery dealer of Coos . Ave, Portland, Ore. 27t3s or Fairbank» Morse engines for* WE HAVE • Complete Uno gi Bay, is charged with selling a tractor, uals in 48 states took part in the ob­ irrigation or any other power job. Feeds, Seeds and Fertilizer*. bulldozer and equipment to Elmer servance of the first National Farm Safety Week, it is reasonable to as­ FARR A ELWOOD. s ' Perfection Milking Machines Rose for 35,373, when the ceiling _______ sume that ________ the activities of the week and Pumps. Yes! We buy price of the equipment was 33,509.. contributed to the reduction in the RUBBER TIRED FARM WAGONS— Wool. Eaton’s Feed Store, That means, if the charge is upheld, I general acident toll in 1M4. 8-ply pneumatic tires, steel gear. Coquille, Ore. tf that Knapp received 81,881 more than FARR A ELWOOD. ----------- -------------------------------- i----------- | the O.P.A. fixed price which is SS HOT WATER HEATERS—On hand: per cent of its 38,380 value when FOR SOILED or greasy woodwork, Gravity type Electric, Fuel, oil new. we have the Very thing. Cleans pressure types. Receiving each with a minimum of work. Be sura month on allotment: Automatic | to get a package of O-SO-KLEEN Two SentencedrFaroled, ’ type for homes, order yours. FARR. for your housecleaning., Garnier’s CASH BUYERS One To Jail From Bay A ELWOOD. s Refrigeration Service. s are available for The. case of the State of Oregon NOTICE TO FARMERS quick sale of against James W. Byars and Thos. ROOFING—Roll Roofing, asphalt Plenty of old Tires for Brush Burn­ Little, who were charged with de­ shingles, roof coatings, tar, nails, property in Coos ing. Take a load home. — O. K. facing the building of another, over on hand. FARR A ELWOOD, s County. Rubber Welders. 231 So. Taylor, at the Bay, came up in circuit court Reception room jointly »ritti across from telephone office.. S; - SELL TOUR CAR TO here on Tuesday They pleaded Dr. J. B. Bunch _______------------------ a,. i 6 SOUTHWESTERN MOTORS guilty and were sentenced by Judge ALUMINUM. COOKIE SHEETS — Lairg I Receive top price. Avoid O -P-A. King to 90 days in the county jail, Farr A Elwood. 8 red tape. Get spot cash. No delay. but with an immediate parole on See Cince Finley at the JUsed Car Lot. SOOT DESTROYER—Red devil will condition that within 30 days they 40c can. J Phone 248. tfs ' clean your oil stove. pay the district attorney the value of FARR A ELWOOD. s the plate glass destroyed and con­ TOOLS—Just received a shipment duct themselves as law-abiding citi­ hold ezy screw drivers. All sizes. HEADQUARTERS for Crown Dairy REAL ESTATE A INSURANCE zens for one year during which they J. A. LAMB COMPANY. a S and Poultry Feeds at Pacific Feeo 36« West 2nd. Phone 258 will be on probation. • A Seed Co. tfs PLASTIC-KOTE—The modern paint Donald Fay Mills was brought to Long-lasting, "Cellophane like,” RELIABLE GIRL will care for chil­ the county jail on Tuesday from PLASTIC finish. Easy to apply, dren evenings. Phone 79. 23tfs Coos Bay to serve 27% days in jail. easy to clean. Requires no waxing. The sentence was imposed by Justice PAINT — Just received a large ship ­ Allan j Hall after Mills had been Is not affected by hot or cold i ment best quality outside white water, fruit juices, etc. ' Safe for found giulty of taking and selling house paint in 5 gallon cans. floors, because it is slip-proof. crabs without having secured a 11- Place your orders now. Comes in transparent colors and cense to do so. I.AMQ, COMPANY. special finishes. Garnier’s Refri­ geration Service. » ROOFING service Probate Court Items Ï.ÂriÂtLi’X,’: Hove Requests For Overseas Mailing Circuit Court Cases Homes For Sale Burton W. Dunn Oregonian IS YOUR Washing Machine givirfg perfect service. We service all makes and carry a stock of parte for most standard makes. Coquille Electric Co., formerly Washer Ser­ vice Co., 385 Front. Phone 17. tfs For your roof repairs, large or small, call Standard Roofing Co­ New, heavy, durable, long-lasting shingles, in blended or straight colors available. We specialize in flat build up roofs. For quick and reliable service, call Standard Roof­ SPRINKLERS—All Metal lawn or ing Co.—Phone 859, Coos Bay, or garden Sprinklers. FARR A EL­ write 893 No. 1st St, Coos Bay, WOOD. s Ore. 25t4s ' Mrs. Ruth S. Axtell was last Thursday named as administratrix of the estate of her late husband, Joseph Eugene Axtell, who died June 28. Maxine M. Kistner, David E. Rackleff and Fred R. Bull will ap­ praise the estate which is estimated to consist of 31,000 in real property and 82,000 in personal. VAUGHAN Drag Saws—both heavy I GALVANIZED Down Spout .and and light weight in stock. J. A. j Ridge Roll now in stock, limited quantity. J. A. LAMB COMPANY. LAMB COMPANY. Three Divorces Granted And One Denied Tuesday ■__ ■■■I- -• PLUMBING—* Toilets, Tubs, Septic I rOR PLUMBING repairs and Ser- vice—call 2-L. J. A. LAMB COM- j Tanks, Lavatories, Showers, Laun­ dry trays, Sinks, PIPE A SIT­ PANY. 8- _____________ . it r ** TINGS. Farr A Elwood. s GALVANIZED WATER PIPE—Ourf prices will save you money. FARR j, A ELWOOD s WRECKER SERVICE Phone 83 Wrecker Phone 600X Southwestern Motors MILK KETTLES—We have one, two and three gallon sizes, heavy san­ itary kettles in stock J. A. LAMB COMPANY. s FARM MACHINERY—We have the following McCormick Deering Ma­ chines in stock. Spring tooth harrows, wagons, milker unite, cream separators, electric milk coolers, and one-horse cultivators. P I -J. A. LAMB COMPANY. long will it be you can buy a n^w washer, even after civil- ion production starts? Nobody knows. So keep your present washer working well. Have us check it over now. Our special 16-point Check-up is low cost insurance of good service for the fu­ ture. Phone us today. Coquille Electric Co 365 W. Front St. Phone 17 Judge Dal M. King granted di- vorces in Circuit court here on Tues­ day to the plaintiffs in the following cases: Evelyn B. Huff vs. Elsworth A. ¡Huff. Jessie I. Evans vs. Victor R. Evans. Victoria L. Miller vs. Frank Miller. The judge denied a divorce to Roy Gardner, who was seeking sep­ aration from Borgne Gardner, and took under advisement the divorce case of Zora E. Shoemaker vs. Wm. M. Shoemaker. with the LATEST Aircraft Insurance F. R. *«11 2M Night 106-L Oregon Journal MISS INEZ ROVER Instructor of Plano High Beto Credits Given Benham’s Transfer Storage SAND AND GRAVEL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE Agente fee Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Freight Office Phone 5 275 S. Hall