VALLEY PAGB MX — .............. ■! PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY District Na 8 Polling National AU Of Next Week Gunder Gunderson, labor....... Ernes» Frenaon, labor----------- Individual observations of National In the Matter of th* Estate of JamM L. Child, tabor-....... .. DONNA LOUISE MAST, A Minor Farm Safety Week. July 23-28, Minnis Smith. Janitor No. 42. .. Victor Demarest, labor . ........ Na 3688 , means avoidance of accidents that Irene Hartwell Janitor No. 42 Cate O. P. Smith, labor_________ W By^aXdfan AtoUMd*. Store, Polling Place interfere with vital food production. C. J. Martell, labor.—------------ 540 Keith L. Na 43 . ___ ________ John B. O’Sullivan, labor___ Notice to hereby given that, pur . ­ Secretary of State Robert S. Far- — — — running School District No. 8 Polling I prior to 8/30/44. Carl Mathews, labor............... suant to a mte^d license b7 anJ the — “—““ r«11 Ulta££l lhU week ta urgln* care No. 44 .......................... .... 5.00 Keith L Leslie. 1 Wm. Dinsmore, labor............... granted and entered by — -------- School District No. 49 Polling 1 of Budget __ _____ _______ 400 00 Cecil Hartley, labor..... ........ ..... able L. T. Fetoheim, Judge of th* in the transportation of volunteer State Ind. Age. Camm., t No. 49 .................... .............. 9.00 Keith L. Leslie, Accounting C. Christian, labor _____ _ __ above entitled court, th* under­ farm workers during the summer Canto , V. F. W. Post Na 3440 Polling I Services, etc. 300.00 uv W. M. Williams, labor...... ........ signed, The United States National harvest season. Standard Oil Co. of Calif., gas 940, Dec ______ ¡Claude Lemon, labor...... . ....... Bank of Portland (Oregon), th* duly and oil ------------------ - —...... “Thousands of urban resident* are Iren* Cottor, Janitor No. 46.... 2.00.Walter Laird, Collecting dog ' Manuel Bettencourt, labor....... appointed, qualified, end acting CsivnM** Offioe . ‘ Dolly Morton, Clerk School Licences . 87.41 John B. Arnold, labor volunteering to help the farmer har­ .... . guardian of the estate of th* above Dr. B. F. Lucas, investigation 5 U0 FM.t Polling BnlMna Place Ptaee No. N o 47.... 41 Dist., 9.00 r County Csuri named minor, will, on-and after the vest food crops this year,” Farrell Leonard Pautoen, labor........... __ JDoanty Hunter Nina Panter, Polling Place ¡J. W. Hildenbrand, Caah adv. 21st day of August, 1945. st the Trust said. “Many of these volunteers are E. H. Norrto, tabor...... ............ C. E. -No. 48 ------ :..... -.........-.... . 8.001 for meals «_______ __ ____ 249, Raymond Barktow, labor ___ Department in the Main Branch of 49M j &^1 Dist^ •xp. |J. W. Hildenbrand, mileage, the Unlted States National B«nk of transported to and from the farm on Ernest Pautoen, labor............... 9.00 1 Co. Commr. ...TT7...TTT No. 48 _ __ ____ ___________ Portland (Oregon), corner S W. farm trucks and other vehicles 26.09 W. J. Baines, labor . ...... ........ , School District No. 43, PoUing J. W. Hildenbrand, salary, Co. Broadway Avenue and S. W. Stark ¡Guy Shannon, labor....___ .... •Oregon has established an excel­ Commr. ------------ Street, In Portland, Oregon, sell all 147.891E. L. Barklow, labor..: ...: lent record in this type of transpor­ 'P. W. C - School District No. 81, PoUing Culver, salary, Co. ____ I Alan Rhay, labor............... ...... .. of the Tight, title, and interest of ’ ...I Na 52 ---------------------------- 3 00; Commr.__ ___ __ ___ __ __ and we are anxious to con­ Donna Louise Mast, th* above tation i A. C.jGray, tabor 111 Laura Daniels. PoUing No. 53 10.00.Nat’l. Assn, of Co. Officials, 124.15; Ken Taftin, labor............... . .... Whole- named minor, and of her guardian- tinue qnuc that inai good ^uuu record. i American Legion No. 38, PoU- | 9 subs, ub*. to to --------- magazine. ~10.00 C. F. Beaaee, . labor.--------------- i2Jnd V* ^.'1 ‘±££5 hearted cooperation on the part of 9.oo | c. w. r- Kline, crutojng timber.... 210.47 J. C. Bessee, labor.............. ...... '<£?£5 u» <•«<« — —.<•» 10340 M J janito,. M....... 2.901 Chas. Staufl^Ca*TreiïTcash 2.50 Coo* Bay Hospital- Assn., , Clade Mast, Janitor, No. 55. .. passengers will assure the continu­ Hospital dues ............. •3.00 State of Oregon, to wit: An un­ H. S. ’•’®laty of Myrtle Point, PoUing I adv. ......... .......... ..... ........ ...... 7.30 Chas. Stauff, Co. Treasurer, divided one half interest in the fol­ ance of this accident-free record." I Place No. 55 . Treasnrsrs Office War Bond* ................. —....... 993.49 lowing described three parcels of Nasburg Insurance Agency, Farrell listed these safety precau­ School District No. 77, PoUing .Clara A. Stauff, clerical aer- Mutual Benefit Health A Acc. 1M& Notary bond...... . ....... i........ tions for the avoidance of accidents j No, 57 ....... wm ... 8.00; i _ vice — .......... .............. .... . w.w «iW ............ 103.05 Assn., Insurance dues ........... 62.9« Parcel 1. Lot* 5 and 6 of Block C. G. Stotts, one day apprais­ ..M'H. A. Hatfield, Janitor. No. 57 1.00 Chas. Stauff, Co. Trees, cash 14 in Elliott’s Addition to Co­ involving the transportation of farm First Nat’l. Bank of Portland, ing County Farm............... ,. 19 00 Sadie Richards, Polling Ptace advanced 8 Mq Withholding Tax.......... ........ 762.09 quille, Coo* County, Oregon, a* Jesse Clinton, one day apprais­ workers: • 8.50 Sept. Offlee per plat thereof on file and of ] General Bead* ing County Farm. ......... ..... ,l9oa, JeoepNne Meeserie, Polling 1. Make sure vehicle* are equipped Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas, cash record in the office of the County Coos Bay Harbor. Report*.. 18.79 (Manty Car 8.00 adv................ ........... ................ 30.00 Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., cash with adequate sideboards, at least Clerk of Coos County, Oregon. Thornton Tirg ferric*, recaps 4a 9° Arago School District, Polling Elisitffc Office adv. Roadmasters office.... 51.88 Parcel 2. Beginning at a point on four feet high. I No. 60_______ _______ ...77 5.00 Southwestern Motor Co., re­ West's, tire repair ..... ....... .. the Section line between Sec­ 92.81 Coos Bay Harbor, ballot* for 2. Provide tailgates on trucks so 1.50 pair on car —_____ ___ .... 370 00 : May Halter ’ Jknit or, No. «0. .. tions 7 and 8 of Township 29 8.14 Orchard* Auto Parts, auto sup- Election ,...>---------- passengers will be protected. Com1» Iq»uae Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff, cash plies ........................................ 32.48 South of Range 12 West of the . 1 West Coast Telephone Co. tele- adv. returning prisoners..— 8.50! Logger* Supply Co., supplies.. 3. Provide benches so passengers Willamette Meridian, 4.12 chain* 8.49 Co., forms Franklin phone service ........ Thornton Tire Service, 4 re- South of th* quarter section cor­ Contractors Equipment Corp., will not be temtped to sit on the Koke-Ch pen pointe 8.14 . 1 Clerks Cgpt .......... .... ner between said sections 7 and 28.00 Distributor Cap .... .............. 1.9« bed of the trucks with their legs Stevens-Ness Law Publishing Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff, mile­ 8, said point being the South ­ Coquille Service Station, auto Keizer Bros. A Johnson, treat­ 2.50 age for June _ danging over the * end. Rear-end Co-> 1M9 Annotations ------ 28.89 supplies ...;_____ _________ 28.8« west corner of a tract of land now ment ..... ............. ...... ......... ••nni 23 00 County Cars Western Union, services..... owned by E. W. James; run 1.95 Southwestern Motors, auto collisions are a serious hazard in such Dr*. Peacock & Long, treat­ . — 1 Southwestern Motor Co., re- Luckey Bonney’s, pad............... 1.35 « supplies ....... ...... ............ . ...... 30.36 thence South on said section line ment ---- ---------- -------- -------- cases. 4 001 pair_____________________ 81.01 Caart Heme 5.38 chain* to the Southwest Industrial Steel & Supply Co., M n MM s Offlsa 4. Inspect vehicles regularly to Pub. and Adv. Bureau of Labor, Boiler Per ­ comer of a tract' of land now supplies ----- ------------ .......... 102.08 Coo* Bay-Stationary Co., paper 'Coos Bay Times, Pub. Co. mits owned-by Edwin Arthur James (make sure brakes and other equip 9.00 West Coast Telephone Co., tax dept. ---- ---------- •78i Court Proa __________ _ 28.30 Mountain State* Power Co., in said Section 8; run thence service .............. ......... ....... 21.43 ment are in good operating condition 1MM. fltod Adv. | lights .............................. 8944 Mountain States Power Co., Coos Bay Times, NoUce of East 19.50 chains to the South­ Oregon Statesman, Ad Re: 5. Observe traffic regulations at all , ,,1 Co. Fsrm Sale------ -- ---------- 7.40 City of Coqullie, water..—-- 1848 east corner of said tract of land •srvlra ____ __ : _________ 15.29 Co. Farm .............................. 123 Aasosaevs Office times. 8e»L Office in said section 8 now owned by City of Bandon, lights and Eugene Register-Guard, Ad Burroughs Adding Machine Martha Mulkey Purdy, mile­ 1 6 Encourage passengers to avoid said Edwin Arthur James; run water----- <_____ __________ _ 2.90 Re: Co. Farm...... —......... | Co, 10.91 age and cx^ena»^--—......... 32.14 City of Myrtle Point, water thence North 5.38 chains to the Capital Journal, Ad Re: Co. horseplay enroute. Southeast corner of said twelve for 4 months .......... _...„..... 10.00 Farm ........ ................ ............. 2 CathoUc Charities Inc. care of 10.00 Myrtle L. Benham, extra acre tract of land owned by said Union Oil Co. of Calif- gas J. D. Carl, Mileage, Budget... IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Boys A Girls Aid Society, care 10.00 E. Wilton James; run thence 10.82 and oil . .......... ....... .............. 1.182.74 Fritz Hagen, Mileage, Budget STATE OF OREGON IN AND Oregon Protective Society, The News Press,letterheads 1 «1.95 City of Coquille, 2 months West 19.50 chain* to th* place of Comm. ...... FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS care ----- - --------------------- - --- 35.00 Various Office* water ■.—__ _____ ________ 4.40 I beginning, containing ten acres L. D. Fetoheim, meals for LEONARD C. ENSELE, Plaintiff, Car Coo* Bay Stationery Co., sup­ of land more or less. Said tract Peoples Water A- Gas Co., Budget Comm. ..... Bay Motors, to car ... 92.90 plies ...___ _______________ 90 M described being the South ten water _ ____ __ .................... 248 MARTHA ENSELE, Defendant. JaU acres of that land lying in said A. B. Daly A Co., materials 97.00 Mr*. J. H. Leonard, Lyman A. Chezem, ty on Coquille Bakery, breed........... 740 Harold Benson, grading Coppie section 8 conveyed to said Ed­ girl ---------------- TO: MARTHA ENSELE, the above Bobcat .. 2.90 Igloo Locker Plant, locker,etc. 17.90 win Arthur James and deed re­ Road ...... . ......... . 24.00 James H. Leonard, named Defendant Deg Fund Cow Bell Dairy, milk... 3.12 Consolidated Freight Way»_ corded on the 30th day of De­ •XP..........................■ A. M. Christensen, Sheep killed IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Court How cember, 1934, at page 349, Book Freight ..._....... ...................... 3.81 OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ 80.00 C. L. Price, plumbing. b \ndig^"aeMm"'AUm*aiiae' ___ 34.38 95, which tract contain* 32.18 Pioneer Hardware Co., Sup- L. B. Gould, M. D, Insanity quired to appear and answer the West Disinfecting Co., Co. sup- 14.30 acres in said section 8, less twelve plies ............. . hearing ....'......... j ..... Complaint filed against you in the Helen R. Graham...._________ 25.00 i plies ___ ________________ acre* formerly deeded to Eli 6.86 State Ind. Acc. Canm.,i In­ J. D. Rankin, M. D^ Insanity I above entitled suit on or before the Wilton James, and the tract de ­ dustrial Insurance ...... . ...... 450.98 hearing ____ ___ _____ _ 5 00, Mario Bellah, salary, Stenog. 159.10 Coguille VsUey Sentinel, pub. 17th day of August, 1945, said date scribed lying immediately south A. Barrows, royalty-on rock ... 8.15 being after the expiration of four 1 Kenneth C. Talley, salary, 37 JO Southern Pacific Co., storage of said twelve acre* of Eli Wil­ Eleanor A. Linn, expense* to ism 1 Deputy Sheriff-------- -------- 188.95 weeks from the date of the first pub­ Crnmty Fuim ton James; of road oil _______ _ 3.00 Sec. Conference ___ ______ 10J0 Ed Peterson, salary, Deputy.... 4940 lication of this Summons; and if you Lois Myers, Salary, Cook..... 1742 Parcel 3. Beginning at a point 18.42 pg* (^hildjTdl fail so to appear and answer said Edna Danielson, salary, depu- Wm. Myers, Fann Hand....... 38.00 on the section line 6$7 feet South 7.00 Oregon Protective Society, I ty ......... -................... 14740 Aurora Willard, Waitresa Complaint, or otherwise plead there­ 40.00 of the quarter section corner on Care of________ _________ 28.97 ¡Marie Clinton, salary, deputy to, for want thereof, the Plaintiff will Geo. Workman, Orderly.......... 12.00 line between section* 7 and 8 in I Tax Dept. ----- ..m--------- 108.85 Geo. Workman, Night Watch- apply to the Court for the relief Township 29 South Range 12 prayed for in his Complaint, to-wit: ¡■tana M. Pierce, salary, West of the Willamette Meridian, 32.83 13.90 clerk ------------------- - —„. 128.00 Reta Horton, Nurse .7.T.77—- That the marriage and marriage con­ in Coos County. Oregon, and 20.4« Muriel Herman, salary, Depu­ tract now existing between the Plain­ Pacific Feed A Seed Co., aup- running thence South 987 feet; ty Shf, -Tax..._....... 182.79 plies . ,r, ,,x. __ ___ ... tiff and Defendant be dissolved, and thence East 872 feet to an iron 23.88 8.70 Melva Berry, salary, clerk -.. 10849 Coquille |Food Ca, wood'Ll^ that the Plaintiff have such other pipe driven in the ground on Georgtanna Vaughan, salary, and further relief as may seem just W. A. Sloan, plumbing ..:.... top of the ridge: thence North 72.87 -. 97547 Deputy dark ...‘......... 178.09 Hudson* Drug Store, drug*..... and equitable. 35 degrees East 850 feet to an Dorothy M. Warren, salary, This Summons to served upon you Mountain State* Power Co., iron pipe driven in the ground Deputy ............ .....v. .. 98.50 by publication thereof in the Co­ lights __________________ _ 30.86 on top of the ridge; thence North Mildred Ward, salary Deputy 122.80 Gant's Grocery, groceries..... quille Valley Sentinel pursuant to 8843 20 degrees and 9 minute* East Venita Brockway, salary, Re­ an order of the honorable Dal M. Coquille Service Station, tire 411.7 feet along top of ridge to Clerk ................ 108.50 King, Judge of the above entitled repair ....................... .............. .79 un iron pipe driven in the 4.00 H. cording C. Getz, salary, Deputy As- Court, made, dated and entered on West Coast Telephone Co., ground; thence North 40 degree* the 17th day of July, 1945, which Telephone service __ _____ 11.90 and 30 minutes East 190 feet said order required that the date of Bureau of Labor, Boiler Per­ along top of ridge to an iron pipe the first publication of said Summons 12.00 driven In the ground; thence William D. Morgan^70 Bangs American ¿ton Company. Ren­ should be the 19th day of July, 1945, North 21 degrees 9 minutes East the date of the last publication tal of machiiws 85 feet along top of ridge to test* ............. VtM State Ind. Acc. Cosnmi, Iodua- thereof being the 18th day of Au­ 9.20 an iron pipe driven in th* Dr. L. C. Witcosky, Bang* and trial Insurance ............... gust, 1945. C. J. supplies ground; thence North 60 feet 81.18 T. B. __________ 13040 J. ARTHUR BERG, Cha*. Stauft, So.rT?e*i.7war Andrews t Service, along top of ridge to an iron pipe ¿jg Adv. —------- Attorney for Plaintiff auto supplies ___________ 29.02 driven in the ground due East Valley Sentinel, pub- Post Office Address, Bond Deductions--------------- 900.00 Reedsport Tow Boat Co., tow­ of the place of beginning; from Proc. ..._.... .. 29.20 .. 89.79 First Nat’l. Bank of Portland, 27t5 Coquille, Oregon ing car • __ ____ 23.40 which , a fir ------------------- 38 inches in - diameter Review, print­ _ — . ..jter IL. B. Gould, M. W ---------- 854.0« P. C. Roper Roj with a cross chopped in the A Co., auto sup- ed.................. 2.00 Health Officer NOTICE TO CREDITORS plies ____ _____________ —.. bl&ze face bears North «2 de- 7.43 Tribune, print­ James H. Leonan First Nat’l. of Portland, In The County Court Of The State Eugene Dietzgen Co., Tapair of grees and 30 minutes East 10.7 adv---- 4——. • 1.99 bation Officer _______ __ _ .j,.« Withholding Tax ___ ______ Of Oregon In And For The Transit ___ :............. . .......... 5145 1 feet; thence West 1369.12 feet printing Co. Louis J. Langenberg, salary. County Of Coos Howard Cooper Corporation, more or les* to th* place of be­ cltu^Baj^oapital Assn., Hos- Court Reporter ------- -------- 173.50 In the Matter of the Estate of Jo- supplies .............. ._... 122.97 ginning, containing 25 acre* of Times, printing Co. W. B. Shepard, salary. Janitor 145.20 98.50 Stevens Cash Hardware, sup­ aeph Eugene Axtell, deceased. land, more or less. Farm adv.... .......... ..... .......... Belle Whitsett, salary. Matron ******* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that plies .................... ............ ...... 19.49 That the order licensing the un­ Oregon Journal, printing Co. —JaH --- ------ ---- ............ ....... 7045 Benham’s Transfer, Trash dis­ Feenaughty Machinery Co.— Farm adv_____________ —... dersigned guardian to make said sale Ruth^S. Axtell has been duly ap­ Lucile S. Walker, salary, posal ..... ........ — _______ pointed and qualified as Adminis­ supplies ___ ___ _______ 38.23 was dated and entered in the above Coo* Bay Times, Publishing Stenographer, Health--------- 108.30 Standard OU Co., and oil tratrix of the Estate of Joseph Eugene Columbia Equipment Co., new Notice ____ _____________ entitled court and matter on July F. C. McNelly, salary, Supt, Ben C. Flkxe^Dist. Atty., ex- Axtell, deceased. ALL PERSONS machinery ............................. 1, The American Law Book Co., 1,83940 16, 1945. Co. Farm .......... 197.76 Oregon-Pacific Company, inc.,’ law-book* . .„ Terms of sale of each of said tracts having claims against said estate are Edith McNelly, satay, Matron, penaea, etc. .....-------- ---- - 11145 13.00 will be cash, and each sale shall be hereby notified to present the same School District No. 1, Polling Co. Farm _______________ 107.75 Court House Huling, Lundy 8c Sons, sup­ Place No. l._..................... .. subject to the confirmation of the to the undersigned at the office of Eleanor A. Linn, salary, Steno­ - . >■ Isler Sheet Metal Works, in­ plies Seaman A Seaman, 210 Hall Build­ Jack Raymond, Polling Nd. 18.30 above entitled court. grapher. Supt. Office ...... 105.90 stalling Regulator _______ 8.15 I C. F. Beese, car mileage........... Bearie McCulloch, Polling I .79 The date of the lirst publication ing, Coos Bay, Oregon, with proper A......... rs Office JuvenUe Offlee Eugene Dietzgen Co., repair of vouchers therefore, as by law re­ of this notice to July 19, 1945. Jean Williams, salary, clerk, The News Press, printing....... 8.30 Transit . ................... ......... . The date of the last publication of quired, within six (6) month* from 41.04 North Bayside Grange Polling Assessor ----------------- ------- 1044« Sheriffi Offlee date hereof. Hazer Hardware Co., bolt*..... .. No. 4 ____ _______________ 1.00 this notice to August 18, 1945. Jean Stevenson, salary, clerk. B. K. Werner, Rental of type­ A The General Tqpl Co., supplies Dated at Coos Bay, Oregon, this School District No. 80, PolliiW 2.48 THE UNITED STATES' Assessor ........ -. 83.30 writer ...... ......... .................... 4.00 McNair Hardware Co., sup- No. 8 ..... ............ ... .... ........... NATIONAL BANK OF 19th day of July. 1945. Robert MacLeod, Milsage and plies ...» .................. ... W. D. Gage. Polling No. 1___ RUTH S. AXTELL, ' 244 PORTLAND (OREGON) Expanse ............................. —.. 127.99 J. E. HaselUne & Co., sup- fmpire Fire Dept., Polling Administratrix. Guardian of the Estate of Donna 27t9 Frekattsa Office ies _____________ _____ __ 1288 plies ....... .-._____ __ ____ 16.23, Louise Mast. James H. Leonard, Mileage .. «8.99 Stevens Grocery, grocertoe... 129.13 Equitable Steel Co., grader Empire^ Library Amm., Polling IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COOS Juvenile Offioe CLARK i CLARK, Health "-j—1----- ‘ blades _______________ . .. 90.92 COUNTY. STATE OF OREGON Mrs. J. H. Leonard, care of Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon Moore MUI A Lumber Co. Dr*. Dix & Dixon, care of Han* Nelson, Polling and In the Matter of the Estate of children ...... . ........... ....... ...... 8.00 patient —......................... 44.00 Janitor, No. 9.____________ 109.19 27t5 Attorneys for the Guardian Bessie I. Zattlin, Deceased. / Careners Office Coquille Laundry Co., laundry Swedish Lutheran Church, 1.50 Notice of Final Account 1.40 H. R. Godard, sharpening saws W. O. Campbell, Inquiry ___ 9.00 Pub. and Adv. McGeorge Gravel Co., culvert Polling No. 10......... , Notice to hereby given that Jonas Health rpai twi nail Coos Bay Times, Publishing pipe --------------------------------- 39.00 Presbyterian Church, Pollina NOTICE TO CREDITORS August Zattlin, administrator of the Leia Elrod, Salary, Health Budget ............... ..... ............ No. 12............................. ........ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That above named estate, has filed his Nurse ----------- ------ -------- ---- 130.80 STATE OF OREGON John Sperling, Polling No. 18.. the undersigned has been duly ap­ final account in the above-entitled Leia Elrod, mileage and ex­ County of Coos: st. * H. S. Norton, supplies............. Zona E. Crabtree, Polling No. 4.00 pointed by the County Court of Court. That said Court, by order panse - ...... -....: ....... — ........... 25.19 14 _____ _________________ Coquille Valley Sentinel, memo I, L. W. Oddy, County Clerk of Coos County, Oregon, as Adminis­ herein, has set 10 o’clock A. M., on Madeline A. Kelly, salary. sheets__ _____ __ ___ j_____ Coos County, Oregon, Ex-officio Dola Fredrickson, Janitor, No. 9.00 tratrix of the Estate of Alina M. July 24, 1945, as the time and the Health Nurse __ ____ ____ 9140 Clerk, of the County Court of said Lindros, deceased, and has qualified Courtroom of the above Court in 19 Madeline A. Kelly, Mileage Cit^of^Easteide, Polling Place County and State do hereby certify Herald Press, Notice of sale the Court House, Coquille, Oregon, as such. and Expense _________ __ 25.20 of Co. Farm ....—......... _........ 7.40 that the foregoing is a true and cor­ NOW THEREFORE, all J persons as the place for hearing of objections Keizer Bros. Hospital, treat­ County Car* rect statement of the amount of bills Port of Coos Bay, Polling No. having claims against said estate are to said final account and the settle­ ments -------------- ----- ----------- 75.00 aUowed on the various fund* of the hereby notified and required to ment thereof. Dated and published Coos County Highway Dept., Court House Ellis Fordell, Polling Nb7 County as audited by the County supplies and labor .... .......... 233.39 present the same, together with first Mme June 21, 1945. W. B. Shepard, cash advanced 2.05 Ferguson Transfer Co., hauling Court of said County at the regular proper vouchers therefor, Carl A. Mohf, Polling No. 21 Jonas Aug st Zattlin. the JaU Piano ........ «.go June term thereof, as the 8MM undersigned at the office of to Central Labor Council, etc., Administrator J. Ar­ "H9 Lester Owens, salary, Janitor appears on the exhibits of claims thur Berg, in Coquille, Coos County, Reeds Polling No. ««...„.............. ....' and Jailer.............. 128.25 F. A. Robb, General Roadmaster... Grace E. Jones, Polling No. 23 23245 and warrants in my office and cus- Oregon, within six months from the NOTICE OF FILING OF FINAL Stevens Cash Hardware, fuse 1.00 Aida L. Noaler, Edna Ruth Spohn, Janitor No. Chief Clerk 153.70 ¡tody. ACCOUNT date hereof. Sheriff* Offlee ITNESS my hand and the sea] Alice Robb, Extra Help......... 59.511 WI NOTICE is hereby given that the A. O. Walker, work in Tax Dated this 28th day of June, 1945. School District Na "«, Polling of the Count» Court affixed this Mike Boone, labor .................. undersigned has filed her First and Saima L. Caughell, Dept . ......... .... —---- -------- 829.80 10th day of July, 1945. Place No. 24...... ........... ........ Henry Franaon, labor. ........... Coos Bay Harbor, ledger • Administratrix Final Account in the matter of the L. W. Oddy. Countv Clert ?4t5 Clifford Thorwald, Polling No. A. G. Trondell, labor,.... ...... . ^ministration of the estate of ORIN blanks _____ ____ __ _ ___ 102.75 By O. Vaughan, Deputy mjui a- Chas. Hofer, labor ,,.............. i, ■ ■ BRACE MURRAY, Deceased and W. H. Kennedy, handling bal­ Fairview Grange Hail, Polling NOTIC* OF FINAL SETTLEMENT that the County Court of the State Coll McLean, tabor ,- ............. lot boxes __ X..______ __ _ 13.80 NOTICE TO CBED1TOM L. C. Burner, tabor,—............. No. 28 ................. . .................. Notice to hereby given that the <* Oregon for Coos County, has ap- Oetmty OMRt Harrietta FrtTin, Polling Na Notice is hereby given that the ui indersigned Berlyn Billings, labor,............. _ __ ___ __ has filed his _____ final ac-1 pointed July 23, 1945. at the hour Weilern Union, service*........ .. idersigned wan duly appointed as count Oran Young, labor.................. 28 . ................ ....... .................. ^ 10:08 10:00 T A. a /M. as'the'da; at in the matter of the estate ot M. as the day, and the Snrveyers Offlee dministrator of the Estate of of Loyd Earl Green, deceased, in | county court room in the county School District Na 91 Polling Geo. Huther, operating River- ,___________ . — , _____ J. N. Gearhart, marking Govt ton Ferry__ —.....—............. 189.35 i Florence A. Thrift, deceased, by the the County Court of Coo* County,'court house at Coquille, Oregon as No. 30........ ........... .......... . Corner» .......... .. ...... .......... 3940 School District No. 72, Polling Anna McDonald, Operating ■; County Court of Coos County, Oro- on 15- IMS, and said th« Place for the hearing of objec- No. 81 .................. X.... .,4. Bullards Ferry........ ............ 174451 gon, on July 10, 1945; and aU per- Tu««^. July 24, 1949, tions to said Final Account and the Chas. Perrott, Assistant Opera- I sons having claims against said es ­ C. A. Pettengill, Polling No. at 10:00 o’clock A. M., at the County settlement thereof. 34.90 ter .............. j.___ _________ 15640 tate are hereby required to present tCh^UHn.T>rj.Jn^|C°qU»nie’>.Ore.gon’ 38 .... . .... :................. .............. “nd ilrrt Public«! June 21, School District No. 44 Polling Pauline Dorland, Relief Opera- ; them to me at my office in Coquille, ,“nd placo for hearing ob- , 1945. tor ___1...... 1...... l .. h proper voucher* at- No. 84...... ...... ............ .......... tb*/‘"fJ . £*RIOW RUTH MURRAY, 80.00 Wayne Goodman, labor vertfled. within six{ment and distribution of said estate. E. E. Howe, Polling No. 35....... Administratrix of the estate of Gravelford Comm. Bldg. So­ J. L. Lea, labor______ ce. Dated and nubilled first time ORIN BRACE MURRAY, Deceased Jason Smart, labor.... ciety, Polling No 3«........... 23 tS 31.89 Chas. Wolff, labor..... School District No. 23 Polling •per Green, G. E. Cornwell, labor Na 37 Administrator. Calling carda, 50 for 81.00. 5.00j - j