ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD BATTERY 18-Month Guaranteed SUPER POWER BATTE Today’s driving demands the rugged durability of a WIZARD Battery. WIZARD’S built-in fea­ tures Drovtde surging power and ample reserve . . . . Oversized “Oxi-Vite” plates, Port Orford Cedar Separators, and one-piece molded case. Allowance of $1.00 makes WIZARD the out­ standing value! Buy a dependable WIZARD and POCKET SAVINGS NOW! Western Giant Super Power Battery With 2-Year Guarantee PRICED LOW« HARRY M. JOHNSON. Prop.,—Authorised Dealer Official O.P.A. Tire Inspector 156 South Taylor, Coquille Phone 85 Calling carda, SO*for *1.00 Orange Marmalade Phillips Peanut Butter Rose brand Apple Butter Libby brand 33c Pint jar 34c 303 jar 20c 2-ife. jar COLD SPRING MONUMENTS »«aano SATEWAT^^W iäi HERRING, Spiced 14-oz. jar..,............. SAFEWAY produci SWEET COBN GRAPES Full Ears Lb. ........ ..i........ CABBAGE Tires tired, red hot? Better see us today for eater, longer-lasting, cooler­ running Goodyear tread Crispy Fresh Lb..................... ... APPLES TOMATOES Red and Ripe Lb. 16e