Personal Mention The Sentinel Must i Have Requests For Overseas Mailing 0. S. C. Alumni Dance Here Saturday Nearly all Oregon State alumni in Coquille will attend the all-county O.S.C. dance Saturday night in the Community Building, according to latest reports received by the chair­ man of the Coquille district. That Myrtle Point and Coos Bay O. S. C. alumni will also attend is reported by Anita Tedaen, Myrtle Point chair­ man, and Louise Ferguson, Coos Bay chairman. All O. S. C. students in the county will be there. The Navy Band from North Bend will be featured at the dance, which will start at nine o’clock. Not only high school and college­ age people but also all other persons interested in promoting college spirit are invited to attend the dance. The dance is given to create college spirit, which seems to be lacking in Coos county, Ruth Faubion of Portland, state chairman of the college-pro­ moting program, said. "This dance in Coos county is an experiment,” said Miss Faubion. “If I Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Sturdivan ac- it is successful, We can make it an jcompanied Ensign Kathleen Brady annual event,” she concluded. on July 4 to Portland, where she took a plane back to her station as Assisant Disbursing Officer in Min­ neapolis, Minnesota, after spending a leave with her parents here. Mrs. Sturdivan and Ensign Brady are sisters. Albert Qwyer, the girls’ cousin, returned from Portland with the Sturdivan^ for a visit. O. S. C. STUDENTS AND ALUMNI PRESENT DANCE With NORTH BEND NAVY BAND ----- for —— * High School and College-age People of Coos County Coquille Community Building SATURDAY, JULY 14 •:M P. M. ----- 60c a person Fuhrman's Pharmacy suggests 10«-L tfs | THUR. FRI1. SAT. ¿ J SUN • MON . 1 "1 w IF U. U ' . JutY i# . M JULY 18 LATEST NEWS AH M-G-M PICTURE VINCENT PRICE • JUDITH ANQERSON I Admission ADULTS 40c