■ / ' i* h . y gsggseeg < ■ .'j.......... *... Dinner Honoring ’ Worthy Metros [PeopieAreNice I Mrs. Bessie I. Coudert to represent­ table cloth, ing the Sheba Ann Frocks, Harford which looked r*s If it might be a Dresses and Hoover Uniforms, and if producWfrom one of the Balkan any p-rrv™ interested in seeing styles countries. / or fashion* and samples, will send . Delicious refreshments were serv­ post card giving name and address, ed to the following: Mesdames Maude Mr«. Couden will be glad to call upon St. Qmsnto. Perna Brault, May Hol- brook, Irene G. Hartwell, Mary E. them and show what she has. Mrs. Bessie I. Couden, Coquille, Ore­ Baumgartner, Leda M. Alpine, Mabel gon. g Betz* Martin, and Hazel Hudson, of River­ ton; Clara Jeffery, Leia McCue, Ger­ aldine McCue, from the North Bank; Mi— Ruth Lockwood and Mrs. Caro­ lyn Johnson, from Coquille; Mrs. Jean Haga and Bobby, from Bear Creek; Miss Fgye Paqtoon, from Win­ tersville, besides the honored guest. Genevieve's father, Wendelin Fetch, and three neighbor men enjoyed themselves in the kitchen while the ladies were visiting. They were H. AtwUuteiy K. Plaep and Alfred and Ellis Hol­ Inclinici more lbs* brook. Those sending gifts but un­ su Eighty-five members of Beulah Chapter, O. E. S., attended the 6:30 o’clock pot-luck dinner, hoAori^g: ' Mr. and Mrs. F. C. McNelly, at the Masonic banquet hall last Thursday I Mrs. D. B. Keener preaided at the evening. The long tables were beau­ last meeting of her Red Cross chair­ tifully decorated, the theme, “So manship Friday, June 29, when all Long and Good Luck,” being carried Red Cross workers of this locality out in the decorations. After a sumptuous dinner, the ¡met in Guild Hall for a «dessert ■ I' Mrs. Keener has ably1 w«r« led ln »higing appro­ luncheon. served th« local chapter a. chairman priate songs far the occasion, by Mrs. While Jt to true pne a heavy side, it to a splendid thing to for two. year years, during which time a R. E. Boober. The regular meeting number of thing« to live out of town. slip away in the cool of the evening great Heal ti has b«en accomplished, of Beulah Chapter, No. 6, was held with a pitchfork over your shoulder She uxdoc L s i to keep just as busy upstairs, at which time four were and make your way to the field of in theTutnre ___ i at this vitally necessary initiated into the Order. freshly-raked hay. As you lift and The Masonic hail was a vision of work. Mrs. Frtjd True will become turn the hay to make small stacks the new chairman of the Coquille beauty, honoring the Worthy Matron, or shocks to complete the curing Unit of the Red Cross. Mrs. True to Mrs. McNelly. Mrs. Ethel Low, of process, the night softly steals well known in this area and has been Palo. Alto, Calif., a past matron of able to attend were: Mrs. H. K. around to enclose and protect you. s diligent worker. She to qualified to Beulah Chapter twenty years ago, Plaep, Miss Gertrude Kleiner, Mrs. The peaceful calm soothes your soul accept the responsibility of becom­ was also an honored guest. ? Marguerite Garoutte and Mrs. Libby. and your worries become lighter with Under the good of the order, the ing the leader of the group. , each fragrant shock you form. Time Guild Hall was attractively dec­ Worthy Matron was tendered a de­ floats along and you hardly notice orated in red and white with the of­ gree by some of the officers and pre­ you have been straining your eyes ficial Red Cross symbol placed here sented with a lovely gift. She was in darkness to see the stray wisps of and there about the room. Smaller also the recipient of gifts from the bay, until suddenly you are aware of red crosses were spaced at intervals Courtesy Girls of the Chapter and a friendly mqpn holding its light ‘; oa the red crepe paper which center­ from the Past Matrons and Past for you. ed the entire length of the tables, and Patrons club. It was an evening vases of choice flowers were also long to be remembered by all. Reluctantly you decide it to time used. When Mrs. Keener was seated tor bod and proudly view the stretch she found a charming nosegay as Shower For Mrs. Phil Williams of mounds you have made. Have oeauuzui myrtlewood myruewooa put« well as a beautiful piece A| y. . you ever slept in a recently-filled hay * “ T :h -Home In Biverton aad an afghan i in gift package«. Th« ” mow? It pleases you to think how ------------- Mrs Phil 1 William«, nee Genevieve afghan was made bv by the Red Croes Cross nice it would be to burrow Into the workers and preesnted to her in ap­ Fetch, was the guest of honor at a hay and rest for the nigty. You and preciation of her fine leadership. An bridal shower at her father's home the qqiet, refreshing world are Slone appropriate card accoompanied the in Riverton last Wednesday evening. and it is nearly midnight. Imagina­ Mrs- Williams was married last fall gifts. l- tion to easily accessible and we can When she had called the meeting but ha* h**" awa> with her husband create Ideal conditions in our so much of the time, he being in the dream world, before turning back to' armed forces, that the home folks the duties pressing us. How won­ at Riverton had not had an oppor­ derfully wise was the Power that, tunity to honor the bride before. bestowed upon mankind the ability i The rooms wore beautiful and gay to build aircastles. In the twinkling with mixed bouquets of flowers. of a thought our world can be per­ Mrs. Williams first showed her fection. Those secret, inner thoughts guests the many lovely things Jn her are our prayers for what we hope to hope-chest. One article which took be able to accomplish. Cherish them the eye of everyone was a most and cultivate them while you enjoy beautiful pieced and quilted spread, them. We are creating the tomor­ a gift from Mrs. Hazel Htidson. Fol­ rows today As ever. Pat lowing this, Mrs. Williams opened her the «bove »y"*** SttMa- many gifts and passed them around Former Coquille Young Lady H^ Mr. A, M Sl that all present might see. Before Will Be Wed In Everett £ D. McCune, Mr, K. P. L refreshments were served, a sister of « the bride, Mrs. Roy Johnson, showed Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Thompson,; cutters. Mrs. L. P. Fugetoon i the guests some souvenirs her hus­ Rte. 8, Everett, Wash., announce' E. D. McCune, assisted by M band had just sent her from Ger­ the engagement of their daughter, Hardenbrook and Mrs. G. B many- They consisted of a German Guenetee Elsie, to Chaster L. An- Home Service chairman, Mi bolt action 65 M. rifle with bayonet deraon, son of Fred Anderson, of Berg; Mrs. Earl Nosier, i to ***• ready <* *°“ attached, a sword with sheath, a Tampa, Florida. msde sixteen afghana, and I long slender dagger with sheath,' be- Miss Thompson attended school at Owen, who did Red Cross v several yards of beautifully Coquille five years, graduating with fore World War One. A couple of weeks ago I was driv­ ing slowly with watchful eyes on the road to catch the first possible glimpse of the young twin deer I told you about, when a large 'coon ambled across my path and mads hto way into the undergrowth. There are many rare treats in store for those who take an early drive along ijintey roads. Red Cross Chairman 5TABIUZCR “•ss? Fuhrman's Pharmacy the class ct USM. Mr. Anderson, re-1 The ioeal workers have s| ceived his diploma in Minnesota. f blood* donor groups, Hom« They will be married in July and ' overseas, hospital service, and have plan to make their home in Everett, ¡donated comforters to families who -------------------- —— have been burned out, as well as Norton’s carry a nice selection of for MMonlc Old _________ i?1 Folks' Home, the Children's Farm I Home at Corvallis, and the Veterans Auxiliary in Roseburg. Present at the meeting, according to a paper .pass'd tor each to were: Mesdames D.B, Kesner, ,WJ A. Thompson, Lillie Hartig, Cart E. Morrison, Margaret Glick, Lloyd Oddy, Pearl Robertson, Earl Avery, Virgil McNeil, Hattie Shelley, Henry Belloni, W. P. Laws, Edna Rake­ straw, Gertrude Lorenz, Blanche R. Smith, Helen Howe, Ida Owen, Ethel Shaw, Mary E. Hatcher, Lena Neely, Carrie E. Benham, Amelia E. Hill, Elsie Carlill, S. S.Hardenbrook, Blanche Broad, Ella Klingbeil, Laura Hudson, Eula Mclntae, Della Nosier, Catherine O. Norton, Birdie Skeels, Frank Homenyk, Al T. Erickson, Wm. Candlin, Alice Perrott, Anna Caugh- ell, R. A. Jeub, J. A. Berg, W. J. Mineau. L. P. Fugelson, Clarence Tuttle, Lula C. True, Mildred Mc­ Cune, Marion Lawrence, Mabel C. Kunz, Ruth Sherwood, George Oerd- ing, J. A. Moore and J. R. Copeland. Surprise Shower Last Thursday For Recent Coquille Bride Mias Colleen Ireland and her mother, Mr«. D. G. Ireland, were hostesses the evening of June 28, for ■ surprise miscellaneous shower, honoring Mrs. J. W. Burg. Mrs. Burg, nee Rheo Walker, who was recently married in California, was surprised at the home of her parents by the following guests: Misses Er­ nestine Batty, Marybelle Yarbrough, Norene McKeown, Betty Lou Don- Ited, Fairy Sue Perry, Jean Williams; Mesdames Jay V, Carter, S. H. Don­ ated, Gretchen Laird, Jean Bryan, R. L. Stewart, Betty Jo Courtright, Peter DeGeetar, Veryle Hurrel, Lor­ raine Rice. Glenda Moy, Lucille Walker, Dorothy Harris, Audrey Mattoon, Jerry Taylor, Clifford E. Kampf, Virginia Moss, W. H. Man- tell, Margaret Burg, O. T. Gant, E. L. Anderson, Walter L’itzenberger, K. L. Kistner, W. L. Lake, E. A. Those who were unable to at- nd but----- it ‘ presents ‘ were: Mes- imes Virginia Lettin, Anabel tarer, Virginia Wood, Kate Brady, s Stevens, Ruth Axtell and Miss- Maxine Johnson and Odette De «•for. ■*. _______________________________ Get a good book.at Norton’s Rental Courteous Service •W Free Parking I 8:39 A.M. to 9:39 P.M. OPEN WEEK DAYS QUALITY MERCHANDISE (rrooo COMB HRSrfl VENO WHERE IT COUNTS/ q Fresh Dillard Raspberries p * box 33c crate $3.75 TT Fresh Green Beans lb. Fresh Calif. Apricots 30 lb. box 17c $2.89 Fresh New Green Cabbage lb. 6c SWAN LGE. • REG. SUNBRITE cleanser 14c Sauerkraut Heinz Ketchup 30 b,ue P°ints Ige. bottle 21 C You Are Always Welcome At Dillards