THS PAPlBTBi .. A LBTTXR FROM HOMI 'wtScA’V roil—iw, oom comm. » mum t W vmdat . tout j . im *. ------------------ ■pgs ------------------------- :------------ - i i i * r* Coquille’s Two Day Celebration One Of The Best Yet I n Tuesday's Civk And Good Crowds At The Thousands Witnessed ^««oonceContest Horse Show Was Jhe Queen Lou" Was Won By Boy Scouts Private Floats Make Street Sports And The Horse Show Best Yet Seen In Crowned At Monday Spectacular Parade Eating Contests Tues. Parade Wedne» Southwestern Oregon Evening Dance The crowd-packed Community Building was the soene of one of the * A splendid parade was viewed by spectators crowded along the streets from the Court House down the length of the bustpaes section of Co- Fire Dept. Show Thrilled Thousands Every seat in the grand stand at “Queen Lou,” who was the can­ the ball park was taken Wednesday didate of the Coquille Soroptimist afternoon before cne o'clock when club, was chosen to rule over the the Horse Show event of the cele­ city's July «th festivities and a right bration opened and most of the regal queen she was. She to Miss bleachers, on eithef side of the field, Lou Livengood and was crowned by were also taken. It was an excellent Mayor O. L. Wood at 11 oclock Mon­ show and many well-bred horses day evening tai the Community were in the park. Building. Tickets sold for the daqce Before events started Announcer and crowning were in excess of 600. Austin Dodge introduced, over the Jack Garvin of Station KOOS acted loud speaker, the officials and com­ as master of ceremonies in introduc­ mitteemen who had a part in stag­ ing the nine candidates to the au­ ing the three-hour show — Wayne dience and to the judges, all of whom Watson, the color bearer; Ellis De­ were from Coos Bey—Hal K. Shade, ment, Heinle Hall. Fay Holverstott, Flo Bagley W. J. Hunt. Cliff Gutoeth, L. L. Bonney, Lee The judges found it as difficult to Peterson, Lloyd Jenkins, the judges— make a selection as did the audience. Albert Powers and Al Geisa and the I with its hearty applause, for the secretary, Geo. H. Jenkins; Jack young ladies were called back on Sleek, timer; Perry C. Roper and J. the stage several times before the 01 dest House In Coquille Area Burns A.Dodge Announcing Greatly Appreciated Two Humorous Entries The Hone Show Parade Walter M. Laird, (he was hard to recognize in his humorous decorated outfit), attracted a lot of attention, both in the hone panada Wednesday morning and at the ball park in the afternoon, riding his white mule Another of the parade entries was Dick McCool astride his “Guernsey saddle horse.” , The bull was quite bridle-wise and Dick had no trouble keeping him in the line of march over the entire route. Oerding Office Window Attracted Much Attention One of the moat attractive window displays in Coquille for the Fourth apd one which attracted a greaj deal of attention was tha| of antique items shown in the Qeq. S. Oerding office fron|. ft» the follection was an organ JOO years old ■■■?-■t"1.1 .r—r—-e HolimoQ Say« 1«*M Hole« On Golf Course Filled The Coquille Valley Golt Club an­ nounced this week that a sum ef money has been raised by voluntary donations for the purpose of improv­ ing holes number six and seven of the golf course The work will be completed In about two weeks and will eliminate the loos of many golf bails. Golfers who went to Rose­ burg report that Coquille can well be proud of Its fine course. It com­ pares more than favorably with the course of the larger town. This lat­ est Improvement will put the local course in top condition. «r* Red Cross Unit Will A fire of unknown origin, just be­ fore five o’clock Wednesday eve­ ning, destroyed what was probably the oldest building in or adjacent to , , Coquille. It was located in the tim­ ber and brush, on the trail leading up hill from the eastern end of Fifth street. The fire department answered promptly but it was impossible to reach it with hose from a hydrant, and it was completely destroyed. As_ far as the Department men could ascertain the building was not oc­ cupied. The flames shot up into the air for more than SO feet and set nearby brush afire and the boys of the department called the County Fire Patrol to take over. This building was finished by 8. M. Nosier and his father, W. H. Nos- Purkey To Open North Bend Branch Clint A. Hart, who had been with the Mt. States Power Co. for l«Mi years, 16 of them as auditor for southern Oregon, In the office at Coos Bay, resigned that position the first of July and is to be manager of the Purkey Furniture branch of the Coquille store, which Mr. Purkey will open in North Bend. It to hoped that the 'furniture and merchandise will be here so that the new store on the bay can be opened Aug. 1, Mr. Hart has been here this week getting lined up on the operation of