St Jamas' Episcopal Church I FOR SALE—One Wool Rug, 10x13. FOR RENT — 3-room aperjmen it Townsend Club, No. 1, Notes ' Pioneer Methodist Church Oww K 3rd * Elliott Sts. Phone 149R. It* ' Clean and comfortable. Automatic ____________ ____ Townsend Club No. . 1 _ met and the Sunday, July 1, 1945. ( The Rev. Robert L. Greene. Vicai One Cea* a Werd InearHae WAITRESS wanted at the CoquDll. hot water and shower bath. Roa- meetmg opened in usual form with I 9:45 —Sunday School, with classes Sundays, 9;80 a. A Morning Prayer sonably priced^ Call Darrell L. the chair 30 for all ages. — .u« the nresident president in in the chair and and 30 No Adv. lam tl Hotel Coffee Shop. Experienced with Sermon. (First and third Sun­ Cox. Tel. 605MM. Mt2‘ members in attendance. I I 11:00—Morning worship. Rev. G. Woman Cook also needed. It-,' days, Holy Communion with sermon) TIMBER WANTED—Five-inch top ---------------- --------- »_---------------------------- j _____ Committee reports were given. W A. Gray will preach. FOR SALE—Saddle Horses, Brood Wednesdays, 10:00 a. m. Holy fir piling, long lengths.; Telephone FOR RENT—Small Apartment, nice- , Mare and Colts. * These of L- Kiltner w" appointed to arrange ‘ No evening service. ____ are T all [rn w Communion. ATwater 4841, quantity can supply. ly furnished, close in. Mrs. S. H. "good stock and gentle. Try them toT th* c,ub’’ *ntry *' ln ‘ the Ju,y ‘ * 3 7;00 Youth. Fellowship Groups. Thursdays, (3rd), 7:45 p. m. Bish­ Nledermeyer-Martln CoM Spalding Donated, 505 So. Coulter. Phone out before you buy. : The new pastor, Rev. Bennie Howe, See Mar. * 1 Parade op ’s Committee meeting. Bldg., Portland, Oregon. 17t7 72-M. It* garet Hughes, Coquille Playgound j There will be no meeting Tues­ will not be here for this Sunday blit ' ' time .. _ call .. at --- day or 180 - E. 2nd St. day, July 3, but there will be one will be here and in the pulpit on July ELECTRIC Solder Irons, for the FOR SALE—Modern two-bedroom Church of God Phone 223M, ton July 10. At that time salad will 8. / home shop. J. A. LAMB COM­ home, 8 yrs. old, 0» Coquille river. , Coquille, evenings. North Henry and Seventh Sts. It* ¡will served. PANY. Wash room, woodshed, garage, i Coquille.* Walter L* Greer, Pastor j About 50 persons attended the The Holy Name Catholic Church gas boat, boat house, dock and FOR SALE—School bus and con­ caravan last Sunday. The members I Mau al 8-80 a. m. every Sunday. NOTICE To Farmers — We have a Sunday. July 1 75 feet waterfront Small garden . tract for transportation of Non- . regret that Mrs. Schroeder and Mr. few used tires suitable for uae 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. in. Price 81800. Phone Bandon High students on Fairview-Co­ Ware are on the sick list. Mr. Shook on Wagons, home-made Tractors 11:00 a. m., Worship: sermon, 8R14. Its7-S quille run. Locate Bruce R. Purdy received the door prize. and other implements using car “The Power of an Endless Life." Press Cor. through phone 41M, Coquille. 24t2* and truck tire sizes. O. K. Rubber FOR SALE — “Farsasrs’ Bargains"— Mrs.’ Elzner and granddaughter, 7:30 p. m. Worship: sermon, t Welders. 8 32 AW Revolver — Sewing ma­ HOSE COUPLINGS -We ha^teTth Keys made for all locks. Stevens Anita Tedsen, arrived home from “Babylon’s Image.” chine — Shetland Pony — Horses Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore. tf Corvallis the fore part of last week. Every Thursday ends. FARR A ELWOOD. IS YOUR Washing Machine giving Mr. and Mrs. Archie Rackleff, of —Laying Hens — Walking Culti- . 6:30 p. BL, Children’s hour. perfect service. We service all NOTICE TO CREDITOliS Millington, were all-day Sunday vis­ vator Saddle Mar«. See FARR WIRE Bicycle Baskets, now in stock. 7:80 p. m., Prayer and Praise ser­ makes and carry a stock of parts NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That itors at the home of his parents, Mr. vice. A ELWOOD'S “Swap Board.” ! J. A. LAMB COMPANY. s * the undersigned has been duly ap ­ for most standard makes. Coquille pointed by the County Court of and Mrs. R. R. Rackleff’», also with Electric Co., formerly Washer Ser­ FOR SALE—Rye Grass, Rye Grass IT TAYS To Insure ln Sure In­ Coos County, Oregon, as Adminis­ a brother, Howard Rackleff. The Church Of The Nazarene vice Co., 385 Front Phone 17. tfs and Clover, and Canary Grass Hay. surance;” aee Ernât R. Smith, tratrix of the Estate of Anna M. brothers helped their father get his Ninth and Heath Lindros, deceased, and has qualified Geo. E. Hampton, Arago. Roxy Bldg. Phone 87. PITTSBURGH PAINTS — Watiipar hay all hauled and stored in the . as such. >___t 1 Rev. V. W. Anglin, Minister • NOW THEREFORE, all persons barn. Enamel, 81.40 qt Techide, water CROQUET SETS*-^ We have a few , KEM-TONE—AU , Colore. Qt. Me. 9:45 a. m. Sunday Bible School. having claims against said estate are We are having an unusual June. mixed Flat Paint 82 98 gal. STEV­ sets in stock. J. A. LAMB COM­ Gal. 82.98. STEVENS CASH hereby notified and required to 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship, Pas­ ENS CASH HARDWARE. S PANY. s HARDWARE. a present . the same, ■ together with The weather is seldom such that hay tor preaching on, Qualifications of j. ... _________ 1 proper vouchers therefor, to the can be cut dried and stored for the the Child of God who gets Things DO YOU Need a Washing Machine or PRESTO 4-quart PRESSURE COOK­ RELIABLE GIRL will care for chU- I undersigned at the office of J. Ar­ winter, as more often than not I 1 do you have one to sell? In either 23tfs 1 thur Berg, in Coquille, Coos County, “April showers” extend on into June. from God. ’ ER—One on hand. Place your I dren evenings. Phone 79. 7:00 p. m., Young Peoples, Meet­ Oregon, within six months from the case, let us know and will help you Very seldom is there much haying name in the pot' for drawing July FLASHLITE BATTERIES A HOT date hereof. arrange to sell or buy. This ser- ing- "x 7th*, you need not be present at Dated this 28th day of June, 1945. weather til after the Fourth of July, 7:30 p. m.. Evening Service. Spe­ SHOTS—Buy as many as you heed vice will be without cost to either Salma L. Caughell, at least not around “ this neck of the ! the drawing; mail your name in. cial music and pastor preaching. from FARR A ELWOOD. party. Coquille Eletfric Co., for­ 24t5 Administratrix woods.” FARR A ELWOOD. Midweek Prayer meeting Wednes­ merly Washer Service Co., 365 Friday night and Saturday guests MOTOR REWINDING, Repair Parte, NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL day night at 7:30. Front Phone 17. tfs PLAST1C-KOTE—The modern paint. of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bennett were MEETING at Dick’s Electric Shop. 430 W. Daily Vacation Bible School every NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in Long-lasting, “ Cellophane^ like, ’ ’ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Osborne and four Front Phone 118R. Work guar­ FOR PLUMBING repairs and Ser­ day 9 a. m. to 11:30 Monday through compliance with Sec. 111-908, PLASTIC finish. Easy to apply, anteed. tfs O.C.LA., to the legal voters of daughters, of Roseburg. vice-call 2-L. J.* A. LAMB COM- Friday, Mrs. Fred Ford, supervisor. easy to clean. Requires no waxing. Mrs. Libby Peterson, of Fortuna, ' PANY. a School District No. 8, of Coos County, DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk- siu of Orejon. thit the ANNUAL Is not affected by hot or cold State of Oregon, that, the ANNUAL, Calif., and her daughter, Mrs. Edd ers. Parts and Dairy Supplias. Ost ' SCHOOL MEETING of said District Corning, of San Francisco, arrived Assembly of God WE HAVE • Complete Line of water, fruit juices, etc. Safe for IV —A Ate* _ «m A a a AA— * aaetll Itale! a4 Ulesk» Cnkzxzxl • because it is slip-proof. | them at Pacific Feed A Seed 80. tfs will be held at the High School; to at Norway Sunday evening and are Feoffs, Seeds and Fertilizers. floors. Second and Heath begin at the hour of 2 P. M. o’clock Perfection Milking Machines W. R. Munger, Pastor Comes tn transparent, colors and " the house guests of Mr. and Mn. E. WHEELBARROWS—We have them on the third Monday of June, being and Pumps. Yes! We buy special finishes. Garnierik Refri- F. Brodie and Mrs. Brodie’s mother, the 18th day of June, A. D. 1945. Sunday School at 8:45 a. m. with either steel or with large This meeting is called for the pur­ Mrs. Vesta Soper. Mr*. Peterson is Wool. Eaton's Feed Store, deration Service. 8 Morning worship at 11:00. Ser­ rubber tires. J. A. LAMB COM­ pose of electing one Director and Coquille, Ore. tf Mte. Soper’s sister. mon: “Do Christians Partake of the the transaction of business usual at PANY. s CUTTLE BONES—A necessity for 1 Mrs. Alden Mast •nd children, of Body and Blood of Christ in the such meeting. . FOR SOILED or greasy woodwork, your bird. FARR 81 ELWOOD. Dated tfts 6th day of June, 1945. Myrtle Point, visited at the home of Lord’s Supper?” FOR SALE—New medium garden we have the very thing. Cleans R. T. SLATER, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. tractor, with attachments. Dr. J. Children’s Bible Hour at 2:30 p. m. * with a minimum of work. Be sure Chairman Board of Directors Haughton, last Saturday evening. Bunch. 23 tfs R. Intermediate and Senior Christ's ATTEST: to get a package of O-SO-KLEEN Don’t take chances on something Billie Mast remained over till Tues­ Ambassadors at 6:45 p. m. C. G. CAUGHELL, just as good! for your housecleaning. Garnier’s ADJUSTABLE WINDOW SCREENS 21t2 District Clerk day before returning home. Evangelistic service at 7:45 p. m. F. R. BolK Refrigeration Service. s —Several sizes on hand. FARR >■— __ , Lennis Kirk is leaving (he- Dal Sermon by Evangelist Eunice Munger. JIM t Night 106-L NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT A ELWOOD. Bible Study Tuesday at 7*:45 p. m. SLEEPING BAGS —Tents — Pack­ Notice is hereby gi iven that the King ranch at Norway and has boards — Tennis Rackets — Tennis DRINKING Bowls complete for VETERAN, returning to Coquille and undersigned has filed his final ac- rented Mrs. Rose Garrett’s place, Young People’s service Thursday count ln the matter of the estate Balls. STEVENS CASH HARD­ cattle. We have them in stock. to be employed in the bank, wishes of Loyd Earl Green, deceased, in better known as the J. E. Ford ranch at 7:45 p. m. WARE. s J. A. LAMB COMPANY. s Prayer for the sick at any time to rent. Needs two-bedroom Fur­ the Cqunty Court of Coos County, below Coquille, and is taking charge at one«. Oregon, on June 15, 1045, and sale upon request. nished House for wife and child. DRIVE IN and let us inspect your DAIRYMEN — The vacuum counts Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Airy, now “You are always welcome at the Write Box 847, Coquille. 83t3*s Court has set Tuesday, July 24, 1945, most In a milker. That’s why the tires for hidden defects before you at 10:00 o’clock A. M., at the County of Loe nAgeles, in company with Tabernacle.” Hinman gives you better perform­ take that trip. This service is free Court room ln Coquille, Oregon, as CAMP STOOLS and Chairs, be com­ the time and place for hearing ■ob­ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mereen of ance—faster, cleaner, safer, more and may save, you trouble and ex­ fortable when you go on a picnic. jections thereto and the final settle­ Camas Valley and their daughter, milk, more butterfat Ask to see pense away from home. Thornton First Church of Christ, Scientist J. A. LAMB COMPANY.. • ment and distribution of said estate. Marjory, of Portland, were Saturday Ceqaille, Oregon it. FARR A ELWOOD. Tire Service. tfs Dated and published first time afternoon visitors at the home of June 21, IMS. Sunday School at 8:80 a. m. HEADQUARTERS tor Crown Dairy Mr. Mrs. Airy ’ s nephew and wife, A BARGAIN in fun for everyone, if BINDER TWINE and Bite Ties Raymond Jasper Green, Sunday Service at 11 a. m. and Poultry Feeds at Pacific Feed J3t5 Administrator. and Mrs. A. R. Bennett you attend the Coquille 4th of July available for immediate delivery, Subject for next Sunday. “God." A Seed Co. tfs who Mr. and Mrs. Norman Halter, celebration—Our advice, don’t miss J. A. LAMB COMPANY. , k Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 CALL FOR BIDS left Norway some two months ago, it! J. A. LAMB COMPANY. a WANTED—35 M. M. Still Camera, Bide wUl be received for Janitor have at last found a place In Grants o’clock. FOR RENT—Downstairs Apartment •nd 16 MM Movie Cunera. Must and Bus Drive? position* with Falr- Free public Reading Room at 238 FOR SALE — Clean, large white Pass to rent and moved their house­ at 208 North Henry. Nice, large, I be in excellent condition. Lt. view School District No. 35,. on or W. Second, Roxy Bldg, open every Sacks, 81.25 per dozen. Thomp­ light rooms. Roomy yard also. Mrs. before Aug. 1, 1M5. We reserve hold goods out there last week. Virgil Arrell, Box 284, Coquille. the right to reject any of all bids. son Poultry Farm. lt*s Mrs. M. E. Bright oTNorway help­ da^ except Sunday and holidays from Jeanette Rule. lt*s 23t2s* ' Mrs. L. A. Chezem, ed Mrs. E. R. Wood of Myrtle Point 1:30 to 8:00 p. m. FOR SALE—Two saddle mares, one TRAILER HITCHES—We have a Chairman Board, S. D. No. 25, and Mrs. H. A. Jenks of Coquille all SOAP* DISHES—China dishes for 23t4 Fairview Route, Coquille. gentle for children. Phone 6-R-21, few in stock. J. A. LAMB COM­ day Thursday of last week with the Seventh Day Aventist Church S. B. Epps. 23t2*s wall mounting. FARR A EL­ PANY. • food and fancy work sale which the Sabbath School Sat, 8:4* a. m. WOOD. FÖR SALE—New' 5-room, modern GARDEN SOIL TESTERS —*know S. D. A. Church of Myrtle Point held Church 11:00 a. m. NOTICE TO FARMERS house, including 7 , lota, private at the Henry Schroeder furniture Prayer Meeting Thursday 8:00 p. m. what your soil requires to grow Plenty of old Tires for Brush Burn­ septic tank, drilled well, electric store. The sale brought in 8151.35. crops with this easy to use soil pump; %mile from Bandon on 101 ing. Take a load home. — O. K. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Neuhaus and f tester. FARR A ELWOOD. Highway. Kelly A Nelson, Ban­ Rubber Welders. 281 So. Taylor, Mrs. Minnie Lester, who have been don, Ore. 24t3*s across from telephone office.. s visiting the past week st the J. H. McCloskey home, left for their homes JUPES PAL SPRINKLERS — “Be- in California last Saturday. lieve it or not” throw a square . Mr. and Mrs. James Lewellen, of circle. FARR A ELWOOD. r:: Myrtle Point, were Sunday after­ noon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mc­ FOR SALE — Youngster's Saddle. - Luckey Bonney. Its Closkey. WANTED TO RENT—2 or 3 bed- AUTO KING Motor Oil, in 2 and 5 NOTICK OF FILING OF FINAL - room unfurnished house. Write ACCOUNT \ gallon cans, also In bulk, brings BARROW DRUG CO. Box 713, Coquille, or phone Overseas Edition of The NOTICE is hereby given that the your containers. J. A. LAMB 130-J. ^t2*s undersigned has filed her First and COMPANY. * Final Account in the matter of the WALLBOARD—New Shipment, 4x8 administration of the estate of ORIN FOR RENT—3 or 4 room Apartment; Ur De La Rhoe sheets, Hin. and %in. thick. BRACE MURRAY, Deceased, and nothing overlooked water and lights furnished. Call Gregg Hardware. * that th« County Court of the State Eyesight « of Oregon for Cooe County, has ap­ » . at 804 North Coulter. Wm. Peart. Specialist ELECTRIC MILK COOLERS — No pointed July 23, 1845, at the hour » no matter how large and elaborati 24t2*s Priority required. J. A. LAMB of 10:00 A. M. as the day, and the the reale upon which the funeral county court room in the county CASH FOR YOUR CAR — Highest COMPANY , court house at Coquille, Oregon, as arrangement» «re to be made That prices paid for all yean and models. the place for the hearing of objec­ Reception room jointly with WANTED — Auto Mechanic or helper, is our policy—that is our proud tions to said Final Account and the Bring your car in or write Cork­ Dr J - R. Bunch full or pert time; 60 per cent com­ settlement thereof. claim after many years of experi­ rum Moton, 114 North Rose Street, I .air4 Bulldlac rheoa St-J Dated and first published June 21, mission. Oscar’s Automotive & Roseburg, Oregon. - 21t4s ence A conference with us will 1945. Welding Service. 225 W. 1st, Co- MARION RUTH MURRAY, be to your sdvsntage. WATER PIPE — A good stock on «Prilte. 24tfs Administratrix of the estate of hand. Compare the price before ORIN BRACE MURRAY, Deceased. you buy. STEVENS CASH HARD­ WATER SYSTEMS—We stock com­ 23t5 Coquille Representative plete Electric Water Systems and WARE. a IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COOS Power Pumps for Every Purpose COUNTY, STATE OF OREGON MRS. L. E. HAMLIN FOR SALE—1 Jersey-Gumaey, Fam­ J. A. LAMB COMPANY. s In the Matter of the Estate of Bessie I. Zattlin, Deceased. ily Cow. Excellent producer. MS'East Tenth St. Coquille Handon INSURANCE SPECIALIST Notice of Final Account Phone 4R21. lt*s Notice is hereby given that Jonas F. R. Bail IIISH Phone 197L 1083 Phone 62M Night 106-L August ZattUn, administrator of the above named estate, has filed his tfs final account in the above-entitled Court. That said Court, by order ■OUT O SIGHT’ Mole Trap 81.65. ea. herein, has set 10 o'clock A. M., on I Stoneware CROCKS from H to July 24, 1845, as the time and the of Piano I Courtroom of the above Court in 4 gallon size. (✓UR MONUMENTS and Iltrh School TIE-OUT CHAINS. 30 ft, 81.19. | ' the Court House, Coquille, Oregon, , as the place for hearing of objections (redite ROPE — Hin. hay rope limited TURNER Blow TORCH, qt. size, to said final account and the settle­ markers are carved from stain- Given quantity just received. J. A. LAMB 85.65. ment thereof. Dated and published late granites by the latest COMPANY ELECTRIC Soldering Iron, 100- first time June 21, 1M5. Jonas August Zattlin, quarrying and fabricating proc­ watt, 82.45. 23*4 <__________ Administrator eases. We now have the finest STEVENS CASH HARDWARE, NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT values we have ever been privi­ Coquille, Ore. » NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That leged to offer you. We wel­ HINMAN MILKING MACHINES^ the undersigned has fUed in the County Court of Cooa County, Ore- 1 come your call. We are agents for the famous “low ion, his Final Report and Account as t vacuum ” Hinman milkers. Milk Executor of the Estate of P. W. SERVICE on 10 Inches. FARR A ELWOOD. Laird, also known ss Pinkston W. Phone 83 Laird, Deceased, and that the Court I —■ .... >• I------------------------- ■ ■ Wrecker Phono 600X , REPAIRS—We stock Genuine Mc­ has set Tuesday, July 3rd, IMS, at, Cormick Deering repairs. Check the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of j over your machines and order now. said day, at the County Court room in Coquille, Oregon, as the time and J. A. LAMB COMPANY. » plate place for hearing objections to st such PR78NV I . Agente for Oregon-Nevada-California Fa