A R ag * 4« 1 «né Notice of School Meeting Arago1 News items Alan Halter, Darwin Gulstrom and ' BUI Butler went to Corvallis to at­ tend the 4-H Summer School. Mrs Richard Christensen and two small children of Portland of Mr. and Mrs. J. D, Carl. Monday and | Lee Kellison came in from Suther­ Mr/. and Mrs W lin Saturday evening and spent the ZMra. Lola “ I week-end at his home in Arago. Mr and Mrs. i Mr. and Mrs. Tyrrell Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrerfce Bark low spent the week-end at their home in Arago. They returned to North Bend Sunday evening. Rev. M. D. Rempel of the Baptist church in Coquille conducted the regular Sunday morning church ser­ vice. Sunday School followed with an attendance of 94- There wUl be services again next Sunday, preach­ ing at 10 a. as and Sunday school st 11 a. m. t BUDGET Available (Cat ima Receipts from 1. Delinquent County School 3 Elementary 4. Mato I _______ , 4. High School Tuition ....... ?... 7. Elementary Tuition -__ ___ 4. High School Transportation 19. Transfer from Reserve Funt 9 General Fund 5,00040 4,900.00 «,000.00 1,450.00 10,000.00 1,900.00 1,000.00 >e 9,000.00 ----- --------------------- ----- ------- 9 14. Estimated Available Cash Balance or Deficit ......——... 4 38,390.00 24,714.M . . 94,71944 49.209.M 9 4»,24944 34,»»0.90 ----- —----------- ------’ 7 17. Estimated Total Receipts and Vailable Cash Balance or Deficit.......... .... ....--------- ------- ------- ----------- ..... 9 Item Elementary Schools for the Ensuing School Year in Detail 2,000 00 9 Give Yearly 225 00 337.50 90.00 4,000.00 490.00 479.00 40.09 50 00 125 00 90.00 90.00 128.00 100.00 100.00 290.00 198.00 101100 900.00 90.00 244 9447 12 00 190.90 250 00 900.00 790.00 900.00 45.45 9 30 00 50.00 - v High School 9 *9.047.50 0 1407 50 9 9 9,900.00 400.00 9 »0.00 4,379.00 9 4,929.00 Give Yearly 9,900.14 490.00 9 4,73244 9 5,34442 <> 4,09040 9 9 4,149.79 9 9,000.00 T »400.00 9 0. Total e W 5,200.00 9 940040 9 4,400.00 9 7,400.00 3.200.00 9 9,400.00 9 74OO.OO 9 5,540.00 Point to .... - 4 44440.00 . 990 00 . ... 20 00 ___ 75OOÜ 6(M) 00 . MOO Other 4 34.730.00 Total 9 94,000.00 40.00 9 »4.440.00 150.00 100 00 1,750 (Ml 40040 10040 9 »1,009.00 250 00 100.00 1,90040 400.00 100.00 4 27,790.00 9 82/440.00 9 53440 00 40.00 1,00040 9 42,712.24 10740 •0445 1.28» 84 «1901 0 35,373.53 country of the the» • Janitors' Fuel . .. Light an Water Ous of operation Mrs C. T. of Operation 9 4,140 00 400 00 900 00 ‘ 850 00 120 00 90 00 170.00 » 2,220 00 9 000.00 1,000.40 1,050 44 40 0Q UO.Otf 170 00 \ 4.570.00 9 9,230.00 4,300.00 , 1,000.00 1,900 00 1,900.00 200 00 200.00 340.00 \9 1140444 to IL A Ouy Harris 4,000.00 1,000 00 1,900.00 1.200.00 200 00 200.00 700.00 9 5,427.00 253.ny 1,482.28 1,537.42 198.35 213.20 79.00 9 1049094 9 yyyesy 9 9 10440 9 19400.00 ____ 4. Total LOnDOnKRW STABIUZCT of'Main 9 13.940.00 »00.00 29.00 900 00 24.00 (N Y> A««« 9 other ex of Auxiliary 4 149040 9 4,990.00 9 0,01047 9 0400.00 900 00 300 00 9 STOMACH 900.00 1400.00 9 750.00 2,900.00 *9 3,000.00 » 2,790.00 » 4,490.00 9 9,400.00 » 2.209.90 9 2.4M.95 1 400.00 Total estimateci expenses for the 1-4, 11-4, IU-7, IV-4, V-4, VII-4. VI1I-7, X-3, X _A1 9 9,19943 2,10440 9 1,415.71 I 1,124.47 0 1,000.70 »107.5M.M 700.90 9400.00 9 DISTRESS What'a Wrong with Thia Picture — 1,000.03 70040 400.00 4 Total Fixed » 9,109.90 490.00 HYPfSAC/D 4,12147 400.00 »0000 4,000.00 100.00 1,900.00 7,090.49 i wo. 00 M)(X) closely 4. Total 790.00 9 400.00 » 04,700.55 and OtaOA« Faa DEBT REEVKM—BOND INTEREST AND 0INK1 » 2,000.00 » 74.473.M 9 »9470.11 9 »7.410.03 9,249.00 • 18,499.04 cP 1. Principal on bonds (Include negotiable inter- 111-1014. O.CX A.)______ ___________ 9. Interest on bond« a. ------ 9 5,500 00 71940 9 9,900.00 972.90 9 12,900.00 1,397.to 9 •419.40 4 «.472 50 9 13,497.90 Total Schedule III—Debt Service-Bonds and Interest Sebedwle VI—ftummory of rTpcndiìfci. Fhaeoipta sad Available Cash 1 9 cea. and Tax U•ries ’ll ' r. Total AU Total 9 111,909.94 85,240 84 44,»40.12 9,000.00 indebtedness Amount of bonded indebtedness (include al) negotiable interest-bearing warrants issued under section 111-1014, O.CXJL) __________ 9 31490.00 Amount of warrant indebtedness on warrants issued and endorsed “not paid for want of funds" ................ -...................................... 114.34 Total Indebtedness (sum of items 1, 2, »>..< 9,000.00 9 »1,940.19 9 91440.12 • 45,325.12 4,219.00 9 48,315.11 •419.00 Dated June 19th, 1MB. Signed: C. G. Caughell District C Clerk R. T. Slater Chairman, Board of Directors by Budget Committee June 19th. 1MB. H. A. Slack C. A. Rietman Secete ry, Budget Committee Chairman, Budget Committee