THl COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL. COQUILLE. OREGON THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1945. Mrs. Hila Fonner and her; daugh­ Riverton News ter, Vernne, drove out to Portland Miss Billie Hepler returned from last Wednesday to look after some by CONGRESSMAN HARRIS ELLSWORTH her vacation at Klamath Falls sooner; of their business interests there.. than she had expected, due to the I They were accompanied by Lacrissa eBing Is Short. Another food sion, should the President die or be urgent need for her in the office of| Gwillim, who will remain with them return; also by Mrs. Thos. cation in which we are Jace unable to complete his term, would the Central Transfer in Bapdon.! until their -......... with « serious, if not critical, be the Secretary of State. President She is replacing Mrs. Stanley Tucker, I Hanly and Billy, who have gone is the .classification known Truman properly objects to this pro­ who resigned foilowing the return !there because of a special summer and oils. This problem is fur- vision which has the effect of giv­ of her Jiusband, recently liberated Ischocl course in whiqh Billy has plicated and JWie more ing him the right to name his own from a German prison camp. Miss been enrolled.^,- ing by the fadt that nqn- successor. He thinksvit would be Hepler came in on the bus Friday' ^ess Sergeant Howard “Pete” Hull fats and oils are also scarce, more in accordance with our form evening and took over her duties as^” with the 13ttl Air Force on. the lg s0 far as the average con- of government to have the next in cashier and bookkeeper in Mr. Wai-' ®p^ce Islands in the Dutch East £ concerned, a scarcity of line of succession be the Speaker of strom’s office Monday morning. This •Indles now- the House, since the Speaker is an is an important position and we con-/ Mrs' Adolph Molthu and little son, t bakeries are being closed elected officer and holds his position gratulate Miss Hepler and wish her Tommy’ sPent the evening at the | home of Mrs. Eli Brault last Sun- some permanently and some by reason of being elected by rep­ every success. mporary basis, because of the resentatives of the people. TRe election was held Friday, ac-: day. The legislation recommended by cording to schedule, but only twenty- I Robert Baumgartner, recently re- shortening. This is probably st Serious result of the pres- the President will very likely be en­ six voters were sufficiently interested j < tired from the Navy because of in- acted. There is, of course, small to come out and vote. .... All four'^ur*es sustained when the Japs orthge. rciing to Department of Agri- likelihood that anything will happen measures were voted‘down in this | ,bo”ibed. his ship- has been in Port_ /statistics, butter production to President Truman, but it is al­ district. Mrs. Adolph his final naoipn Molthu. and andi ¡land ----- this — past week getting >■>». .»<>> will be about 23 per cent less ways good business to be prepared. Mrs. C. M. Hartwell served on theldlscharge and Pensiqn papers fixed I 1941; lard production, while, —o— board as judges and Mrs. W. T. Al-'up' ,He is expected home this week. Uie same as 1941, will be 28. Sam Rayburn. Speaker Sam Ray- pine, Mrs. B. T. Hepler and Mrs./ Miss Betty Gibbs and Miss Char- nt less than 1944; tallow will burn of Texas, known to nearly all Lesfer Clausen as clerks. Mrs. Hep- ’ lotte Bogard enjoyed their Sunday per cent less than 1941; olive‘of the Members as “Sam,” is a shori , ler was the new member on the, in Bandon and on the Bandon beach. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Olsen and lit­ 1 be 5Q per cent less than 1941; ¡stocky man, nearly bald, and with'a board, substituting for Mrs. Steward tle Audiey and Bert were Saturday complexion In physical this time. oil vtiH be 40 Per cent less rüddy 941. Only corn oil and soy- build, and in his characteristic of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lockwood evening guests at the home of Basil’s il wjji show increases over the forthrightness, he resembles Win­ came in from Portland last Tuesday, sister, Mr. ami Mrs. George Shelton. At the annual school meeting of 1941. ........... - ston Churchill. He is a stern man called here because of the serious ons for the development of this’ in the Chair, but is kindly and fair, condition of his mother, which ne­ our Union High School district last I situation are contained at and has a delightful sense of humor cessitated her return to the Belle Monday afternoon, Cedric Cross was length in a report recently which he reveals many times during Knife hospital on Monday. The elected to succeed Lester Clausen by the Republican Congres- every day of session. Sam looks, talks mother,. Mrs. Mary Lockwood, shows on the board. Mr. Cross was elected Food Study Committee. A and acts like a real statesman. He a slight improvement, so her son and to the grade school board last week summary of the trouble is that is quite obviously of Presidential wife returned to their home Satur­ I also. Monte Russell, AMMl/c, U.S.N.R., reduction was sharply re- stature. , > day 'afternoon. former Rivertqjj high school student, by government price juggling; Jeannett Danielson, youngest is out in the Pacific somewhere production from beef cattle daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christo- ne toward zero because of the Watch For Fires | pher Danielson; underwent a major ‘aboard his ship, the U.S.S. Cumber­ md War Food Administration operation at the Belle Knife hospital, land Sound (AV-17), V-2 Division. The * Fourth i in handling beef production, On J—- . in Coquille. Monday morning. At .His mail goes in care of the Fleet ’ comes from fat cattle. Regu- Fourth of July vacationers, ex­ this time llcl her recovery is reported to Post) Office at San Francisco. The Misses Neva Dean and Mona have almost eliminated the pected to use the forest areas of ,Ore- i be quité satisfactory, les of feed lots, so cattle are gon in large numbers next week, will Mrs. Robert ___________________ Smith and little Don- Jo Lancaster, daughters of Dow [ to the market lean. enter forest lands when the red na, who have been visiting in Port­ Lancaster of Richmond, Calif., are ■e will be no actual relief from warning flag of fire is flying, accord- , 1 land for the past fortnight, returned visiting in the county here now. tuation until the late spring ing to Mrs. Stella Cutlip, chairman (hóVne on the bus last Monday. Mrs. They arrived in Bandon Friday and J. The only ray of hope now of the Coos county keep Oregon Smith reports a most enjoyable time came up here to visit their aunt, campaign to save kitchen Green Association. I visiting friends there but says on Mrs. Cuma Russell, Monday evening. Housewives are now sal- Intense heat of the past few days a few occasions the weather was They left Coquille about four years ago, where both girls attended this valuable grease at the has dried out the grass and fuel in pretty warm. f twelve to fourteen million timber areas to create a real fife Mrs. George Shelton substituted at school. At the time of leaving Co­ i per month. hazard, the KOG county chairman Farr and Elwood’s in Coquille last quille,' Neva Dean was majorette in pointed out. “I join with Governor week for Bruce Purdy, who is away the Coquille high school band. Idential Succession. 1 noted I Snail Fnroctor 'Rrvcrofc nnd Nearly everyone ’round about here etty 'busy getting their hay harvested. The weather man >een very obliging, although a imes he allowed the heat gauges n beyond an “absolute neces- point! Ivin McKinney, one of our high I students who attended Bandon THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1945. school this past term, was acci- lly shot with a 22 rifle and was eeklv Letter From Washington, D. C. fAGI FIVE — rushed to the Belle Knife Hospital Navy aboard the U.S.S. Samuel Lee for treatment Tuesday morning. His Cobb somewhere in the Pacific, condition is reported very favorable Mr. and Mrs. Jess Kay were up at ,this time. His brother, Tom, also from Bandon Friday and took time a Riverton student, is serving in the ! out to call on a few old friends. x Coquille Valley Sentinel le Wood New dent Of Rotary Aloha Allen - Raymorlrf Carver Belle Knife Hospital Notes Married At Myrtle Pt. Tuesday Three babies were bom at Belle this week. An 8y< Miss Aloha Dee Allen of Coquille Knife , Hospital . J and M/Sgt. Raymond Carver of Myr- pound wa* born to Mrs. Wood­ close of the regular weekly tie Point were unite! in marriage at row row Robison, Robison, Saturday, Saturday. He was Woodrow of the Rotary Club at the a quiet ceremony ill Myrtle Point, named nam 00 row Wayne. Ayne.. Mrs. Wednesday, President J. S. Tuesday morning, June 26. Miss Thelma Greer named her ten-pound irned over the gavel to Or- Maxine Johnson was the bride’s at- girl Sheila Leola. The baby was Wood, who will serve as tendant and M/Sgt. Harold T. Hall born Monday. The 7% pound girl for the coming year, of Myrtle Point was tlje groom’s born to’ Mrs. E. Padgett on. Tuesday All erable discussion of plans best man. The bride wore a smart has not been named as yet. Fourth of July celebration light grey pin stripe suit, large bl5ck three mothers are of Coquille. Mrs. Agnes Nygrene entered with sk and a special song was felt hat and orchid corsage. Miss to the Rotary candidate Johnson wore a light green suit with a broken hip Sunday, T. J. Post en­ tered for treatment, Melvin McKin­ n, Miss Ariel Crook, who orchid corsage. ney entered for treatment and lent and responded with a The bride is the daughter of Mr. Frank. Bowman for surgery. Is of appreciation, and Mrs. Ora Allen of Portland, Ore., Monday, George Smith of Arago d S. Weyler, auditor for the formerly of Coquille. The groom is route received treatment for his food-Products Co., of Kan- the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Carver • Mo., was a guest and re- of Sutherlin, yvho formerly lived in hand; Chris Danielson, Bandon, treatment; his daughter, Jeanette to his introduction by a Myrtle Point. Danielson, appendectomy; Dottie ■tumorous description of a Both young people graduated from with the “Geeks” Tuesday high school in their respective home Waterman, treatment; and Mrs. with reference to some of towns. The bride has been employed i Chas. E. Pullen, Coquille, entered for 1 treatment. 1 members. for the past three years as secretary ’ guests present were: H. C. in the office of County Agricultural j Discharged were: Saturday, Max­ rants Pass; Chas. Frazier, of Agent George Jenkins. The groom i ine Collier, Coos Bay, Sunday; Lola l; C. C. Farr and Albert and his best man are home on fur- I Slape and baby, of Sitkum, and Mrs. of Marshfield; Geo. E. Eden, lough for the first time in forty j A. L. Stanley; Monday, Leo Cary, 1S‘de. Calif.; Lou Pearce, Ed- months. Having enlisted at the same ; Gardiner; Mrs. J. Goodman, Langlois; Rte., ; Mrs. John Burges, McKinley Rte. bur p . Jones and J. D. Carl, - — ----- 1 time they have been together during Train/ and Wednesday, Mrs. Marion oin. Other guests were their entire service in Africa and i s- Army; England- England. Both young men will leave and baby, Coquille. is ii T* Oi ?• • late of the Merchant Ma- July 12 for Ft. Lewis.. Eugene; Gordon Lawrence The The bi bride, and groom left Tuesday Auto Parts Thieves Given „ of^F^ 3t Tu'e'ake; Thos. morning j for a short wedding trip, 90 Days In County Jail and o “g®ne: C- A- Fromm, They expect expeci^io nc.c July -uxj - 1 ¡4° return here James Robert Cook, 19, Clifford 1 bank' CW'S Wiltshire to meet a birther of Sergeant Carver, Alfred Cotter, 19, and Eldon Ray­ —L— I who will arrive here from San Fran­ mond Wilcox, 18 years of age, were cisco for a short viist with him. sentenced to ninety days in the 'y 01 God Has Then Sergeant’and -Mrs. Carver will jail when they appeared in lal ^»ce At Fairview leave for a few days in Portland. county Justice Court, June 21, on a charge -verend W. R. Munger, pas- of larceny. The youths had stolen wal Assembly of God, Mrs. Evan Alborn’s Brother auto parts. a baptismal service last Married At Medford Everett John Jackson was charged «‘ernoon, when seven per- with parking on a highway, June 25, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Alborn went to and fined $¡0 and $4 costs, He was the^Td in the North Tho^T 16 nVer near Fair- Medford last Saturday to attend the given until June 30 to pay the fine Benh baptlZed were: Mrs. wedding of Mrs. Alborn’s brother, and costs. and Mrs. Bonnie Donald M. Minear, to Zavive Lester. Mr, LFairVieW’ and D- D. [ The ceremony took place Sunday, “The Barn,” Bandon Dance Mrs Adeline Nelson, Julius ’June 24, at four o’clock, in the Med­ Hall To Open July 3 - 4 ford Baptist Church in the presence t n aret Surre11 and of a large group of relatives and The new recreational hall in the of Coquille. friends. Wayne Smith attended with city park at Bandon is to be opened the Alborns. . Evan Alborn >.Was an with two dance evenings next week 1 C°urt Items attendant. Mrs. Helen Hardy, well- —Tuesday and Wednesday. Bum L