THE COQUILLE P age four ZAHS I» * 8®«® TWENJY YEARS AGO ,®wa Ger- 'miles of the earth’s surface, . many has 70 millions 1....... — . people and 180,000 quare miles of the earth’s . surface. are offering nothing ; Our leaders --------- - ' _________ ________________________________________ 1____________ to remedy such condition, Just a H. A. YOUNG and M. D. GRIMES (Taken from The Sentinel of Friday, two cars went off the fill,' a quarter little more' charity, Please do not Publishers of a mile above the Hail street bridge. June 2«. 1925) •ReF'Ujat what the people need ever forgel 11. A. ÏOUNG, Editor tem^bred with charity, not At its meeting here Wednesday the No one was injured after a 2*'-foot i is justice temi. Subscription Rates drop. y: • — » 7 The Sentinle A 6000 V a LLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE. OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 28,4945. /I One Year ............... ................ Six Months............ - ------- 12 90 Cots County Good Roads Associa- * ™ #(J tion endorsed the 1980,000 bond is- " stäää «ss ‘““i ,u' ter’u. IdT.Sie. Th., rule U »per. ttve. Entered at the Coquille Postoffice as Second Class Mail Matter Office Corner W. Hr»» »nd W lllard 81 NATIONAL (DITORIAL_ I14lrfe-Qz/AT,ON k Special elections very »eldom bring out the vote that the merit of the measures submitted on the ballot justifies Last Friday's election was no exception to this rule and the 2700 votes cast was just over 20 per cent of the 13,000 cast in C qo » county at the last presidential election. I Timely Topics By HON R T. MOORE charity tempered with justice. X —Jas. Richmond, M. D. The preliminary organization of the“* _ _____ —------ ._7"' Coquille branch of the International Na(ionaj Safel.V (’HrtTCil «’! • . _ _ _ The directors for school district. Lions Clubs was perfected he»» yes- Urges Safe And Suae Fourth No. 8, have held two meetings during terday nooh ‘ at the hotel with 20 ______ r_________ ______ r planning on having yourself" a the past week to consider the plans _________ members. Twenty-five are required and specifications for the new grade before the charter can be issued. The time over the Fourth of July, with members to date are: Bob Stewart, more gas, V-E day and all? school building. , Geo. Johnson, C. J. Fuhrman, C. C. | Don't do it, suggests the National Geo. H. Chaney announced this Archibald, Fred Wimer, Lafe Comp-; Safety Council, whose headquarters week that one side of his camp on ton, John E. Ross, F. G. Bunch, S. MJare in Chicago. Instead, stay close Glen Aiken creek would be opened Nosier, N. C. Kelley, Geo. W. Bry-,to home, take it easy, and help pre­ July 10. Mr. Chaniy says that about ant, Wm. Oerding, A. L. Hooton, vent an avalanche of holiday a'eci- 30 men will be employed in the* camP Homer C. Gant, C. W. Gardner, Phil- dents that would delay, the knock­ lip Johnson, Wm. Zosel, Perry Law-'out blow to the Japs. With ai>—apppal-to- -‘'put victory Wednesday was the hottest day in rence, J. L. Stevens and Earl D. i first on the. Fourth,” the Council is Coquille this writer can recall in over Graham. __ o— .______________' asking every .citizen tb enlist, in a eleven year»' residence here. There The seats in the balcony of the nationwide campaign to aveit the are no registered, thermometrs in finished ' usual huge holiday toll thpt this Coquille but others varied from 99 Community Building were.------------ - ______ i.. Y year to 101 degreA. In Bigelow’s Con­ Wednesday evening. Accommoda- eur would waste manpower, ma- fectionery, where reflected heift from tlon« for nearly three hundred people 1 terial and time-deeded to speed final ’ ■ the street had an effect, the ther­ are thus provided. With these and victory. One hundred and thirty other na- mometer stood at 104. Jas. W. tbt bleacher seats on the main floor Laird's instrument, at his home north close to 1500 people can be accom­ ' tional organizations have joined the of the old Academy, showed 99 de­ modated at the Chautauqua, which ■Council in the holiday safety cam- 1 paign, designed to help public of­ grees The figure of 101 degrees started this afternoon. I If - ficials, traffic officers and safety was recorded by C. Vernon Smith at J leaders hold the Fourth of July Oc­ his Jiome on Sanford Heights. . .' . Mrs. Ralph Cake and daughter, cident toll down to a minimum. Back in 1905 or 190« there was a "Let's take it easy, put victory hot day which cooked apples on the Martha, are here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sherwood. She first on the Fourth and be back on trees came down With them^from Eugene the job on the Fifth,” says the Another miraculous escape from after the graduation exercises at the Council’s president. Miss Helen Sherwood serious injury in an auto acident was University. was one of the graduates. that last Monday afternoon when WHINNY to your Mate, take the I I I LET’S KEEP THE FOURTH A - ' DAY OF. FREEDOM! BUY AN EXTRA BOND! [ ★ )---------- 7 j J •J" ’M A at ♦ n ». l—.K , • 1 Parades Drill Teams • • 4 Bands Street Sports Square Dancing Contest In extending OPA another year, the Congress took the only course open to essential defense against I inflation. Though disapproval of OPA policiet >• general and vocifer­ ous, price controls must be kept for the time being. The piling up of Bit in your teeth, and head straight vast sums in savings accounts and “ the continuing pressure for higher government can be umpire but. it f