*. f * ■ -A«r- . r rj V », ■> •’ Af " .yr' % r~. « i \ •«AGB THRU Lieut, and Mrs. Jack Clinton Coming Sat. For A Few Days Mrae^l1iaCk S' Clint°*’ J’ *.'«»<1 Mrs. Clinton are expected to arrive Saturday for a few days’ visit at the homes of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo L. Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Belloni. They are coming from Vallejo, Calif., where his ves­ sel. the heavy cruiser “Indianapolis,” 1« in dry dock. Jack has now been in the Navy for two and one-half years. . » \ \ Boung Two Coquille Young Men Have A Visit In London -------------- 1 T“ Cpl. Erwin Plaep To Be . Home Soon From Europe have joined during the year. The following new officers were in­ stalled; ' president. Georgianna Vaughan; vice president, Susie Fol­ som; treasurer, Bess Maury, cor. sec., Ruth Axtell; rec. sec., PAtsy Bark­ well; directors, Florence Barton and Lets Leslie. The retiirng president, I Leto Leslie, received a past preai- I dent’s pin. A gift was presented to Edith McNelly, who is leaving, and | plans for the Fourth were discussed. , Mrs. E L. Knox has received word The many friends of Cpl. «Erwin that her husband, Cpl. Lyle Knox, Plaep, youngest son of Mr. and'Mrs. while transferring from the Azores H. K. Plaep who live on the Sweet Islands to Iceland, had a short visit place just below Riverton, will be in London with Sgt Lawrence Hatch- interested to know that Erwin has er, also of Coquille. In fact, they 116 service points to his credit and were together when the official news that be is to be released from the of the surrender of Germany was service in the very near future. He announced. ¡is stationed in Austria at this time. Cpl. Knox is due to move to the Erwin attended Coquille high school Pacific soon and is hoping for a de- and his record with the armed forces ► lay enroute to get acquainted with in the eastern theatre of war is one Surprise Shower For Couple T/Sgt. Leander Faster To At Henry Ellis Home his young daughter, whom he has to be proud of. Be Mustered Out Soon never seen. Cpl. Knox is with a He has beerj in six major cam- A surprise shower was given fur T/Sgt. Leander Renter, who was at Medical Air Evacuation Squadron paigns, seeing action first in the Tu- Einar Anderson and Helen Smith at Riverton a few weeks ago, accom­ in Iceland and Sgt. Hatcher is with nisian. campaign in Africa. He has the Henry Ellis home on the evening been awarded six battle stars for of June 10. Guests invited ware: panied by his wife and little daugh­ a B-17 group near London. . a « f- ■ || ........ - ... those campaigns — after Tunisia Mr. and Mrs. Orville Newton. Mr. ter, to see his father, William Pantor, came Tunis, Pantellaria, Palermo, and Mrs W A. Couden, Mr. and Mrs. who was ill, Is to be mustered out W. L. Buoy Going To Hawaii Messina, Salerno, then France and Monroe Swindall, Mr. and Mrs. Oren of the service at Fort Lewis this For Nav/ Reassignment finally Germany iteseif. He has Chy, Mr*. Bart Ferry, Velma Coy, week. The senior Pan ter’a health re­ Wayland L. Buoy, MoMMl/e, U.g. been given the special Presidential Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Anderson, mains such that he is unable to N. R., left Shoemaker, Calif., last Citation, and also the special French Mr. and Mrs. Warren Davis, Dorothy carry on with the work on their I Friday bound for Hawaii, where he Citation. | iS. Belle Newton, Barbara Lee Swindall. big ranch and Leander is being re­ will be reassigned a ship for further Mrs Leona SwindalJ. Frank Ward. | leased from the service and will service in Pacific waters. He re­ of North Bend, and the host and move immediately to the ranch j Soropttmists Have Their hostess, Mr and Mrs Ellis. where he will assist his brother, Le- 1 turned fi-om out of the Pacific the Queen Candidate As A Guest land, who has found ft very hard to i ‘ last of February, after having served 'out there for over three years aboard A special guest at the Soroptomist SPAR Seaman Doratky K. carry on all the work there with .the palatial USS Dixie. He wag luncheon • Monday, was charming the present shortage of farm help. '■ I married to Mias Cherie Mae Hartwell Miss Lou Livengood, who was se- Standley Sent To Alaska Mr. and Mrs. Leland Pantor will 1 of Riverton during his thirty-day lected by the Soropttmists as their SPAR Seaman Durothy Eileen ■ live in their trailer house .on the and Mrs l leave qt that time and then went candidate for queen of the Fourth Standley, daughter of Mr ranch until the heqvy summer farm ‘■east to gthool. From there he was of July Celebration. Mias Liven- Edward P. Standley. HalUngstad work eases up, after which will recently, returned to Shoemaker, good was a Pepetor at Coquille High Apartments, Coquille, was in the sec­ probably build a new house. where his bride joined him, after the the past year and was also a prin- ond draft of SPARS reporting in closing of her school at -Coos Bay. cess at the May Festival. Her gracq- Alaska recently for duty at Coast Jake Crump HtiMs German She, • Mrs. Buoy will not return to Coos ful carriage and pleasing personality Guard bases of that district Souvenirs From Europe .county until about the middle of are desirable characteristics for a formerly was stationed at Portland , SPAR Standley is a ^aduato of ; Mrs. Doris R. Crump received an August. She has undertaken a big queen. Mrs Michener was a guest of her Camas Valley high school. Before ' interesting group of articles June 19 i administrative job in Oakland as from her husband, Pfc. D. R. Crump, Community Playground Supervisor, sister, Ruth Axtell. There were six­ enlisting November 10. 1M3, > who is with the Third Army policing with a faculty consisting of highly teen members present to hear the employed by the Woolworth Germany. “Jake," as he is better trained and specialized > men and annual end - of - the - year reports, [ P«ny at Portland , Physi- which stated that nine new members known here, sent twelve German women in the fields of Calima caros, M tur st M student flags, one of which lb fifteen feet cal Education, Crafts, in- long and ten feet wide, a German Council director, a swi others * steel helmet, a bayonet and a tong structor under Y.W.C.A., a much She is enjoying her work case. to take but hopes to be back in ti I _ ' Phone 222R, to Art flooton for your her beloved Coquella C *a^ip Fire t ’ st-outing group" of girls on a week s , outing electrical wiring and repair needs hb||faU at He is located -north of the ball park before her school opens thl on the Fairview road. tfs Coos Bay. , ..... ( * An Added Attraction r I 'J . 1 I » For Fourth Celebration if ■d Í will have We of the beat Fi I ‘ 1 Display Only % No Sale» 5 at Cooper’s Gardens COQUILLE STORE I I X. ------------- r “Where the Bridle Path Leads to the Halter” ----------- f------------------------------------------------------- — I I Let9» go ta.^ THE BARN • — 41 BANDON-BY-TtyE-SEA i Grand Opening Dances JULY 3-4 Sparkling Water •* £?» 1 IM X« Ntew Mmhia* iiiaks 1 ■ 1 .. ............................... Scfe Jht SunVallayBavarago “Get Corralled With all the Nifty Ponies” 1 „ Flavorode ---------------------------------- — I Whits Rock • Bum Garfin's Silver Spray Band y M-ftl o Edwards Coif— n« » an, 1-lb. )*r f Nob HUI Coifoo lick sad 1.11 fUvwte Croud huh I m ysa Ritz Crackers _ Kilchnn Craft Flour 1 Sperry Flour imm 1 ■ Pancake Flour------ m Cake Flour . Kellogg Pop M Albarn Corn Flakes Morning Glory Oats Bouillon Cubes *«. ,Jels-Rite, liquid pectin Parowan r.^.. mo .« JeUWaUm.M-m.^ Walnut Moats a. M. Seedl Raisins r«a Cider Vinegar m 10 «9 Ury» tsitety si flmn I 1-lb. bag Airway Cotfaa <■ Tot ban. Irsah IU tm 1-lb. bay Cocoa Oar NathM’i Broad 1-lb A« Canterbury Tea .5 tt-ikAs Oroaf» P»kM. Black Chorub Milk I t US roar deus.) yts) ■* »1.15 »1.18 • 19- • /*» • ! Q “ ______ !.. / Sauerkraut Juice Lbby's lies k* ]Qe Apple Juice Wwl IL» ax J1« Grape Juice <***' 38« Blended Juice ""rirt«’?* *.«H« Orange Juice r-Uo Go« Jte2«m jq . P m , Htohwoy ¿»‘S'. • J*0 2"” 13« CornRcUwaM ,«•“», liaaom 1$< nN * lay J-.ay IN, IN. BN W. (Tana iacisdsd) M Shredded Wheat AS JWrtllW MW J Lamb Stew 19c 17c Grade A Ib. - Grade B Ib. - « 2. smm un busk 3. MU MOM MM Kom-roM QA MUBKOAIM 5. M » mmh " OSOS t Lag of Lamb „ Grad« A Ib. 38«, B Ib 34« Loin Lamb Chops ossm Alb. 55«, B Ib. 49« Rib Lamb Chops A Ib. 43«, B Ib. 39« Shoulder Chops ?” A Ib. 37« B Ib. 35« Itoasf, Lamb Shoulder ’TS P“ A, B Ib. 34« ONI 6AU0M ftOCS aveiage ROOM AVWAM «UUR 7. 10VBMT COWM I Kom-TanaTlMS I PUSTK FATCM Aslowml5Grol | «sp*» cracks Í Fork Sawsago, Type 2 , VARNISH for FLOORS • FURNITURE « WOODWORK SNCIIIVfN.WfAUAN« r- 12« NECTARINES half Plum tbAE- • half r Peach - LEMONS Sunklst Thick Meated, lb. 9c. TOMATOES Ib. Ik 19c PLUMS Santa R om Ib. 19c Calif. GREEN ONIONS local Ib. 29c LIMES, Florida box of < for O Az* RADISHES ORANGES Valencias 5 lbs. 54£ Ib. 39« *• 20c local CELERY, green, crisp ,b 20c - ADWÇE TO YOUNG MOTHERS MAR-MOT VARNISH z Dry Carao I 1 MmurMtHwti lljg i Cantaloupe« (1 point) Neck, shank breast -fc* I 9 I you buy assis be sure . . . Safeway meets are luaranteed. You must be pleaaeri » gaMte eefc te <* 1; Coni c^X., N.2C-H« Carrots **”*• Tee brand Na tear. J« Light Globas I « 4 baby row (« caas. 1 >«».) l « I • ! i Í ® New Recreational Hall in City Park Beautifies and protect*. Resists € « chipping.scuflingandscratch- ▼ As 90 EO iVeoeewf • : lag. Will not tarn whita /I 4 « I Gregg Hardware 321 W. Front St 1 Phone «3 hl 1 ■• i S herwin W illiams P aints - I 1 / K « X b, > * r ,*dl P J z _■__ » ■J»