T— • Dolls, Aeroplanes [At Playground ] d , Aeroplanes and dolls were the or- r der of the day at the city park play- n I ground Friday, June 22. The boys it brought all types of aeroplanes from it paper to wood to metal, while the >f girls brought dolls of many different o sizes and degrees of comeliness. The d children gathered in informal circles and the boyi selected the four pret-' Jtlest ^plls. To Janet Louise Swin- a ney. wdht first prize for her »T “Goldilocks.” while Marcia Mauney (.took second prize for her “Phoebe.” 1» “Fuzzy Wuzzy" was the funniest doll. y , He is June Smith’s teddy bear. “Little Liberty IK fO 1 IM, A! 1 r IN THE 1 PACI rii r —— from California, leaving their at Gold Beach. Hub Building Wedding Photographs Brides and grooms are invited to call or make an appoint ment tor a setting at any time for the best home-made aeroplanes. Duane Simmons had the smallest, Hubert Bond displayed the best plas­ tic models, and Donald Beal had the best metal model. . The large group of youngsters had a very satisfactory day, anti-climax­ ed with the finding of a baby spar­ row which had to be cared for properly. The next important fea- * 11 m it 11, • ~ ■ t ~ lure win ur tt t artrss-up fl uHjr. ten the wooden pipe« would split Margaret Hughes, supervisor of the i when forced together. playground, is the American Le­ gion’s candidate for Queen of the Fourth of July celebration. Smith - Anderson Nuptials Last Friday Evening Einar Anderson and Helen Smith were united in marriage at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ellis at nine o’clock on the evening of June 22, with Rev. Liston Parrish, pastor of the Church of Christ, officiating. Mr. Anderson is from Bellingham, Wash­ ington, but is stationed at present at the Cape Arago Light Station.' Mrs. Anderson is from Oakland, Cali­ fornia, and is the granddaughter of the late Judge and Mrs. Helen Sperry, who were former “Coquille residents. ' . S ■’* x JUNE 29 • 30 THE SCREEN S MERRIEST MUSICAL MASQUERADE I For real sleeping comfort ask to see the 'Serta 7A' Box Spring and Mattress Double Spring Box Spring and Staple Felted Mattress Z 7 per set > J Blue Tapestry Davenport and Chai Fashion-Flow pre-war construction. Furniture furniture Think eì Parkey Dillard Market ------------------- . FEATURE ND. TWO —____________ Out Where the Wild Wolves Howl ■ (. . . . and the Girls Howl Bagk!) UNDER WESTERN SKIES Courteous Service Coquille Unit Red Cross Notes New Potatoes New Cabbage Large No. l’s Solid, Fresh. Head APRICOTS buy for canning Now. crate $2.75 plans for a new year’s work under the supervision of the new chairman of production, Mrs^F. C. True, will ' be discussed. For both work room and home sewing bath robes, kit bags and scruff slippers will be cut out and ■ ready; also material for baby quilts will be available. For the knitters, Mrs. Wm. Candlln will have yarn for sweaters and regulation sox. The prize winners of the Red Cross af- ghan will be determined at 4:00 p.m. The Unit regrets to know of the critical illness of Mrs. Anna Lund, mother of Mrs. F. C. True. Mrs. Victor West is reported home from the hospital and gaining rapidly. Mrs. K. P. Lawrence has returned from California. Those having completed sewing or knitting in their homes are asked to please bring it to the work room . on Friday as another shipment will . be packed and shipped soon. «ús« Dillard - Raspberries crate . - . ' . $3.75 Sunkist Oranges 00 size dozen . 47c THE DILLARD MARKET WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY BOTH TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY NEXT WEEK, JULY 3 AND 4 FOR" a H asty . TA57Y BREAKFAST — COLD WEATHER TIP!"—”* MINK YOU« VITAMMS ^IN6«0HpS ZJQc Ba'Zjcn/.-i EMMREICH COFFEE Kitchen Klenzer Also the Greatest Film To Come Out of This War A wonderful Scouring Powder > ITLft.,. 4 cans To the Shores of Iwo Jima for .... . And a Beautiful Water Glass Free You Are Always Welcome Al Dillards HARROW DEVO COMPAXT •v