fr AGÌ TEN D Arthur Erickson Is The New 9 Scout Master Of Troop 14 Personal Mention Lewis D. Wiltshire, who entered upon his duties as manager of the , Coquille Branch of the First National . Bank of Portland Tuesday of this . week, and family arrived here from , Portland this first of the week and, have moved into the A. H. Grimes house, several doors north of the turning to Coquille with her mother, Mr. and h^rs. Dick St. Clair bnd I Catholic church, on Coulter street. who is also visiting there. daughter, Betty, returned Tuesday , —.----- from a 2«-day trip down to Cali- , Prvt. Milton Rodgers, son of Dan fornia. They viiated in Alexander . Rodgers, is vlisting his parents while ' valley in Sonoma county and at I oh furlough. Prvt. Rodgers had his Willow creek. They were more than feet frozen while he was a. front line j happy to get back to Coos county's Arthur G. Erickson took over the scoutmaster’s post for Troop 14, Boy Scouts of America, Monday of thia week. Troop 14, is sponsored by the Coquille Lions Club. Mr. Erickson, a recently discharged U. S. Army sergeant, represents the State Farm Mutual Insurance. Co. in Coquille and his his office in con- nection with Dunn’s Real Estate. Mr. Erickson came from Los Angeles, where he owns a home but he says Coquille is home to him already. Ken Talley, former scout master, scout in Germany. He has been in comparative coolness. They met 110 and Lonnie Clark are assistant scout They with Mr. Eripkson a convalescent hospital and arrived degree weather just before coming masters. are planning a constructive program here Wednesday morning from San home. for Troop 14. Diego, where he was with his wife i ——— and family. He will leave Friday' Mrs. Myrtle Knowlton, of San Early this morning the members morning for Camp Carson, Color?Bruno, Calif., and Mrs. Mary Reeves, of Troop 14 and their leaders left • of Oakland, are guests at the Fred for a week-end camping trip to Croft1 Max Britton will be home soon on True home, called here because of Lake. .They will not only enjoy the furlough from Mass. He expects to the serious illness of Mrs. Anna Lund, fun of camping but have planned be released from the Army on the mother of Mrs. True, Mrs. Knowlton, some advancement work in first aid, point system. Mrs. Gluck and Perley Lund. Mrs. signalling, sanitation, and tracking. —— — Reeves is a close friend. " < .They also plan to do something in Mrs. Floyd Cooper is in charge of --------- , Preparation for the Fourth of July the Coquille Studios during the ab- ‘ ciair Alderson, a member of the parade in' Coquille next week, sence of Mr) and Mrs. E. J. Throck- SUte Police force here for nearly mor ton. Mrs. Cooper regularly doe» ftve years, received word this morn- Invitation By LXkal F.O.E. much of the coloring work for the 1 in, that his mother had passed away To Eagle Visitors On Fourth at Salem and he left at once for there. The Eagles club room at the corner of. Front and Hall streets will be Norman Hamilton, son of Mrs? Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Morrison who open Tuesday and Wednesday, July Bob Aitken, visited overnight the recently sold their cranberry bog 3 and 4, during the day and in the first of the week on his way to Palo near Bandon, expect to become Co­ evenings, for the convenience of Alto, California, where he will enter quille residents again in the near local and visiting members. Mem­ Stanford University. He was accom­ future. A deal for the purchase of bers only will be admitted. panied by his wife and baby. a house on Third street by them has not yet been closed but it probably Misses Norene and Madelene Me- wm t*. goon. * Keown returned last week from a j b _____________ very satisfactory ten-day vacation Going Buy Car Aeroplane? spent in San Francisco. gee me for Finance Arrangements. Mr. and Mr». Charley Frye, who had been in Texas for the past month leoking after their property down there, returned home Tuesday morn­ ing. F --------- F. R. Bell 1 Lenton Boyd arrived here Satur­ Phone 82M day evening for a thirty-day fur- 1 lough before going to a training sta- i tion in Oklahoma. His wife, Flo 'Boyd, lives here with her mother, Mrs. Rose Knight. Frieqds report Kenneth Dale Hooton is home from an officers’ training school in Missouri. Night 10«-L , office, tfs City Cleaners J |Vill be closed all day July 2, 3,4 ^MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY) Fuhrman’s Pharmacy THUR. FRI. SAT. J oUfLE OF 0U> SCHOOL CHUM-Pj, ___ ' _____ _ Working their way rtraBfeNk. ' ___________ L through } »chooll Ibeir CRIATEST I LaffbD'F1“'1 f There’s ACTION and ROMANCEwh«a< EAST MEETS WEST,.,’ and how the twain do mget! - - «aw^w' h# CPIGGY RYAN They Martha O’Driscoll Donald Cook Into Their Own Hands Took The „J* Law Ion Chaney lune Vincent In The Toughest Town CtalesDingle R k WL o ™. On Earth PHIL SPHilHV S_ J “COWBOYSIf law Matinee Sunday 1:45