» —1 I M Two Service Men Guests At Rotary Mrs. Anno E. Bonnell « Legion of Merit To Stauff Son-in-Law Buried Today Don Ch . as recently .. e , who was ------- ,----- . re­ Funeral seavices are being held at I Mrs. Harry R. Turkgl received a leased from a German prison camp, two o'clock this afternoon, at .the letter from the Washington, D. C., was a guest at the Rotary luncheon Schroeder chapel, for Mrs. Anna Star Broadcasting Station enclosing meeting at the hotel on Wednesday, Elizabeth Bonnell, 80 years of age, a copy of the following news release Don had to bail out -from a crippled who passed away Tuesday at the regarding her husband who is also B-24 bomber over Austria in Jan­ state hospital in Salem, where she the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, uary and in speaking of the Ger­ was taken a* couple of week! previ-'Stauff: 2 , . i :• | mans said, "We did not like them oualy. and they didn’t like us.” Rev. Chas. G. Brown will officiate 12- — release—Passed lur News for mow Publica However, in talking about the at the service and interment will be tion May 26, IMS, Advanced Head­ R®d Cross he said, "If they ever ask in I.O.O.F. cemetery, No. 2. quarters, Ninth Air Force, Germany: fcr anything, don’t hesitate to give Mrs. Bonnell had made her home For organizing and training a unit ae they are doing wonderful work with her son, Wm. Bonnel, on Rink whloh was instrumental in the Ninth and probably ninety per cent of us creek for several years. I Other sur-;Air Force’s suuccessful efforts wouldn’t have come back if it hadn’t vlving children are Mrs. Margaret agnjnjt th- Luftwaffe, Lt Col Harry been for the weekly Red Croat pack­ Brockwey, of Coquille; Mrs. Bertha ■ R. Turkel, 8046 P street N. W., Wash­ ages of food and supplies." , ------- ----- Barnett, of Silt, Colo.; Mrs. Thelma ington, D. C., was recently -awarded Maurice Williams, who is an in-j Barnett, of Rifle, Colo., and Bert the Legion of Merit by Lt. Gen. structor in the Army Transport Ser- Bonnell, of Payette, Idaho. She is Hen S. Vandenberg, Ninth Air vice at Palm Beach, Florida, was' also survived by one sister, Mrs Force. also a guset. Maury has done quite Louisa Brahm, of Fortuna, Because of. the nature of its work a bit of travelling since being in 26 grandchildren and several and composition, the unit is still on , the Army and has flown to Aus- grandchildren. the secret list. ! tralia. South . America and Africa A former State Department em­ and says that travelling by air sort ployee, Col. Turkel drafted com­ of spoils one for other means of mercial and taxation treaties for 12 years prior to entering the Army week to come from Washington, three and a half yeara ago. He spent , D. Cn and he had to stand In the a year and a half with the Ninth i vestibule as far as Pittsburgh before .The June eighteenth annual school Air Force in Africa before coming meetings will be different from those he could get inside the car. to England and the continent. Evan Alborn gave a talk on the held in other years ip one respect. During the capture of Cherbourg, In past meetings the clerk of the questions to come before the peo­ Col. Turkel was with the 30th As­ school board has been elected but ple in the speciial election June 22. sault unit of the British Commandos The principal feature that he brought hereafter the clerk will be appointed and was also a member of the . Task by the new board. Four districts, out was that the ten million to be Force which took Paris on Aug. 25. voted on for the state building pro­ Myrtle Point, Pleasant Point, Laurel Later assignments have included staff I Lake and Four Mile, are voting on gram would not increase property work with the First . Allied Air­ taxes but would simply authorize the matters of consolidation. Zone two. borne Army, plus a jouj with the Including Eastside, Allegany and state to use'that amount from the 45th Infantry Division up to the time surplus from the income taxes al­ Sumner, will elect a director. The it captured Nurenberg. only name on the ballot Is that of ready on hand. Some discussion was had on the the present incumbent, Mrs. Ida Lt. Col. Turkel was wounded on Linder of Easteide. Only voters of program for the 4th of July cele- Armistice Day. He was home once those three districts are eligible to batlon. ’ '-'r-'. since Oct., 1043, after fifteen months vote for that director. For the first time in months no in Africa and where he was at the In nearly all districts "the budget Rotarian guests were in attendance. time of President Roosevelt’s visit. Other guests than those mentioned for the school year will be voted upon, however, the law allowing the above were Donald B. Stickney, of assessor to make an extension of Powers: Melvin Giles, Stan . Sher­ time. wood. G. L. Tyler and Rev. Liston The Gravelford district is now a Parrish, of CoquiUe. suspended district, since it was de­ The Pacific offensive will be en­ cided, by a vote of twenty to four to ___ send the 'children to Myrtle Point dangered by shortages of the lumber Year Old Carrol Adamson on a bu, o>erilted by Mrs. R. G. it urgently needs in great quantities A very important event in the Baker. Mrs. Baker has had a bus unless losses of manpower and ÿital life of little Carrol Jean Adamson on that line transporting the non- equipment tn the West .Coast lumber was the lovely lawn party given at I high students. A new bus is being industry are stopped. Col. W. B. the home of her grandparents, Mr. | purchased to handle the Increase of Greeley, secretary-manager of the s_ — - • A. - Kyle, on 1. ___________ West Coast Lumbermen’s Associa­ and Mrs. A. the occasion passengers. tion, warns in Seattle. of her fourth birthday yesterday. He cited recent War Department Pictures were taken of the beautiful George E. Oerding Sells statements which projected the war’s cake and of the small guests, to be sent to her father, Roy E. AdanJon, Nod C. Kelley’s Country Home greatest lumber demands as rising The country home owned’ by Ned from the sttack on Jspan. and point­ SC3Ac, who is serving in the South Pacific. Favort were preiiy DaBicetB C. Kelley and located two miles ed out that logging trucks idle for of candy, sticks of gum. colored pen­ ■ from Coquille on the Fairview road lack of tires and the manpower cils and writing pads for each young­ was sold' by George E. Oerding, a losses which the lumber industry has Coquille realtor, to Mr. and Mrs. suffered in common with ail other ster, Ralph Collier, of Myrtle Point, was Gilbert W. Zaddach. who will move Pacific Northwest war industries, are unable to attend but sent «Tgift. Cake into their newly purchased home in two prime factors of the IMS drop and ice cream were served to Judy the near future. The house vacated in West Coast lumber production. and Dickie Thrift, Joan and David by the Zaddachs will be occupied by To date the Industry’s record ia clear Geisa, Phyllis Ann Johnson, Phyllis Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wilshire and of failure to meet any military de­ Ray, Sharon Karentt, Colleen Ja>- family who come from Portland to mand for West Coast lumber, Col. cobaon and Carral Jean. Mrs. Tommy Coquille, where .he will become man­ Tree ley declared. ager of the First National Bank. Mr. Thrift assisted with the serving. Kelley recently purchased a house in Utmost efficiency on the part of town on Eleventh street, where he milk producers throughout the na- Don’t take chances on something is making his home. Mr. Kelley is tion will be required this year to a retired insurance agent and Mr. moot consumer demand*, according just as good! Zaddach is an employee of the state to government authorities. The IMS F. R. Bull national milk production goal is 120.5 62M Night 1M-L of Oregon. billion pounds of milk, which must be met with fewer cows, as well “I’ll Be ffrirtrg Yea,” Starring Ginger Bogen, Joseph Cotten, Shirley Temple less labor and equipment. Going to Buy Car or Aeroplane? Norton s carry a nice selection of See me fpr Finance Arrangements. records and sheet music. tfs - F. R- Ball Phone 82M - Night 1U6-L “It Pays To Insure In Sure Insur­ tfs ance.’’ See Emeat R. Smith, office Roxy Bldg. Phone 07. IPhone 322R, to An Hooton for your electrical wiring and repair needs. We have a good stock of ornamen­ He is located north of Qi® b“u P*rk tal Hair Combs, and Pearl Chokers. on the Fairview toad. Schroeder Jewelry. School Clerks Not Elected This Yeqr THE SAME CAPABLE DIRECTION, COURTEOUS SU PERVISION AND SYMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING PREVAILS IN EVERY GANO SERVICE (jano funeral CHornt V T€l£PHOn€ 100 ' JUteULMU S€W/C€ • TOQUI LLC Lumber For War Still Vital Nee# ■ Weather” won’t come through your roof if you seal the surface with Standard’s tough coatings. Use Standard Asbestos Roof Coating fog a top-quality job... Standard Roof Paint best results, prime with Standard Utility ard Priming Solution. Renew shingle r