following Surprise Shower Last Friday For Mrs. Carl Gilbert . Mrs. Carl Gilbert was the guest of , Maynard home. Each of the mothers present contributed a “Do” and a | “Don’t” by way of advice to the new mother. The maxims were entered in a loose leaf notebook for Mrs. 1 Gilbert’s safe-keeping. Shower gifts were received from Mesdames John Seeley, V. R. Mc­ Curdy, R. E. Harbison, Roy Abbott, Guy Mauney, H. R. Türkei, Alton Clausen, Kate Watson, H. S. Norton, Jennie Price, G. E. Stark, Georgianna Vaughan, Don Pierce, C. L. Tuttle, Frank Dungey, George Maynard and Tom Hawkins, the Misses Edna Robi­ son, Jottie Watson and Linda Clau­ sen. made on the same property, the Return From Month’s Vacation Trues selling it on contract to Mr Canada and Mrs. N. P. McDonald, who are, r managers of the Coquille Credit Bu- ! Mrs. Virginia Lattin and small reau. 'son, Bruce, returned this week from In addition to the above deals, a,a.month's vacation spent at various Bandon business building recently 1 points. in Canada, including an ex­ purchased by J. I. Franklin of that {tended period spent at the Radium city was sold through Mr. Oerding’s, Hot Springs health resort in British Bandon branch office to the McNair | Columbia. This resort is famous for Hardware Co., whose plans for pos- the medicinal value of the spring of session will be announced In the near ■ hot water flowing from the Canadian future. ' {Rockies, at a temperature of about Thanks For Patronage B. W. Dunn Closes Two Real Estate Deals This Week Burton W. Dunn /completed the sale of two Coquille properties this Mr. and Mrs- O. B. Finch purchased the property on East First street, be­ longing to the heirs of the late E. V. Hand. The Finches plan to move into the property at once and make it their home. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Noble pur­ chased the J. L. Stevens property on Fishtrap road, one-half mile south of Coquille, and have already moved into their new home. Jury Awards No Damages For Auto Collision At Bay The jury which heard the damage case of C. C. Broughton vs. Josephine Barnard for $161 in circuit court thia week, after hearing the testimony, re­ turned a verdict that both parties W. R. C. Held Regular were responsible for the auto colli­ Meeting This Week sion in Coos Bay last February and The Women’s Relief Corps met for refused to award damages. a potluck luncheon at twelve o’clock { and held their regular meeting at two I o’clock, with President Id» May Roth in the chair. Business wag. conducted as usual. Reports showed that several bouquets of flowers had been given for the sick, flowers had been donated for several organiza- | tions and seevral calls had been made on the sick in homes and hospitals. Graves of former members were decorated and flags put on their graves on Memorial day. Mrs. Roth and Mrs. Mclntee went See "Spike” Leslie for the best in Calling earn*. M TOT Í1.00. ' wonderful report of It. Much is being done for blood plasma and other work in connection with war | duties — Pres Cor. j :------------------ J .......... r Ï Refrigeratio! sales ’ same Equipment Now Available without Priority Orders delivered in the order received M eu. ft to 7* cu. ft Keaeh-ltt Refrigerators Come in and inqure about the Frozen Food Cabinets J We can now get for you. re determine heat load and she of equipment for Walk-Ins, Locker Plants, etc.