The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 07, 1945, Page 7, Image 7

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    [next winter.
' Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Haberly, Billy
and David, of Myrtle Point, were
Wednesday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. O. H. Aasen. MT. and Mrs. Hab­
erly and Mrs. Aasen visited Mrs. S.
C. McAllister in the afternoon. Mr.
Haberly, who recently joined the
[Merchant Marines, left Friday for
vices Friday for Mr. Moomaw's , Catalina Island.
Mr. and Mrs. Melden Carl and
brother, Seif Moomaw, who died of
pneumonia, earlier in the week. Miss Douglas accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
Halter and Ben Moomaw returned W. E. Cross and Wallace of Coquille, I
home Friday evening.
to Broadbent Sunday'to visit at the
Mrs. Ward Evans, Pamela and home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bon-
Maureen went to Marshfield last Sat­ niksen.
Rev. Chas. G* Brown, of Coquille, |
urday to attend the wedding of Miss
Carol Youst.
conducted the regular Sunday morn­
Mrs. Allie Bartlett, of Myrtle Point, ing service. Sunday school followed
and Gus Schroeder were Sunday, with an attendance of 33. There will
callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. be services again next Sunday,
Ward Evans.
preaching at 10 a. m. and Sunday
Lee Kellison came in from Suther­ School at 11 a. m.
The regular Missionary meeting
lin Friday evening and spent the
week-end at his home in Arago, re­ will not be held on the regular date ■
turning to Sutherlin again Sunday this month. Instead the annual Sil-1
ver Tea will be held at the church, I
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Moomaw left June 13,. with Mrs. Stanley Halter
last Saturday for Eugene, where Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister in charge
and Mrs. Moomaw will attend sum­ of the program for the afternoon |
and Mrs. Werner Plaep and Mrs. J.
mer school.
Herbert Carl, Junior and Darwin L. Burtis in charge of refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. Tyrrell Woodward,
Gulstrom, Alan and Ronnie Halter,
John Leeper, Glendon Zeller, Ker­ Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow and
win Roe and Gerald Willson spent Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward spent
Sunday at the 4-H summer camp at j the week-end at their home in Arago.
They returned to North Bend again
Mrs. Avon Wilcox and Marjorie Sunday evening.
Mrs. Harrison McCracken and son,
and John Stearns visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller last Mike, of Eugene, visited at the home
of Mrs. McCrackens’ father, Allison
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fish, who have j Roberts, several days last week. Mr.
been at Parker, Arizona, during the j McCracken joined them on Saturday
past winter, returned to Coos county and they all returned to their home
last Thursday and are visiting rela-,in Etofene Monday
tivee here for the summer months., Rev. and'Wrs. W.
They plan to return to Arizona again1 Quille, visited at
Fairview News
A. C. Schultz
Gilmore Service
Thornton Tire
• Service
B FGoodrich
Franklin Gall Relief
Franklin Bliuol
Franklin Cathartic Capsule*
Franklin Capsule* for Flatulent Colic.
Franklin *Sdm Liniment
spent a couple of days last week a!
the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs Albert Lillie. He returned te
his ship Saturday •
Fuhrman's Pharmacy
H«>«Tirst UUllrw
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A community picnic was held at
the lake near the Seven Devils road
Sunday, June 3, honoring Mrs. Mar­
tha Frazier for the work she has
done the past two years as chairman
of the Riverton Extension Unit. Those
attending were Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Clausen and children, Max and Peter;
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Molthu, Careen
and Donald; Mr. and Mrs. Alton Mc­
Cue, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCue,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Clausen, Gary
and Patsy, Mrs. Clausen’s father,
Mr. Clark; Louise Frazier; Mr. and
Mrs. Thad Finley and children; Mr.
and Mrs. Chad Roberick and chil-
den; Mr. and Mrs. Willard Knight and
children, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Frazier, Marlene, Bobbie and Wes­
ley, Mrs. Frazier’s father, Mr. Luhdy,
all from the North Bank, and Joanne
Smith of Riverton.
Word, has been received that a
baby girl named Vicki Lynn was born
to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hartwell,
formerly of Riverton.
Miss Alice Church, daughter of
Wm. Church of the North Bank, was
home Sunday to visit with her fam- j
ily and friends, Alice is employed
at Willamette Iron and Steel Corp.,
in Portland.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Clifton White of Portland,
named Rodney Clifton, May 11. Mrs.
Mrs. White was the former Glenys
Gilbert and both, were graduates of
the Riverton High School, Mr. White
is employed at Willamette Iron and
Steel Corp., in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Alton McCue ob­
served their 26th wedding anniver­
sary Saturday, June 2.
fono funeral Oiome
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