The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 07, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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    Out-of-Doors Stuff
Bare Facts From
Bear Creek
Norway News Items
Mr. and Mrs. Noah Coener, of Suth­
erlin, were a week ago Tuesday and
Wednesday house guests of Mr. and
(By Lans Leneve)
Mrs. Glen Robison.
The American coot, known through­
Occasionally, years ago, a glass ball 1
M*»- L- D. Haughton, of Sweet
out the U. S. as the mudhen, has been
is picked up that was used for Home, was in over Decoration Dey
raised to a higher level. Its name
floats on the Japanese fishing nets. and visited at the home of her hus­
has been glorified—it is now known
Gradually the number increased. A band’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. W.
as “the white bill."
“Ducks Un­
year or so prior to the attack on Pearl Haughton. Clara and Billie Mast at
limited, Inc.," has changed the name,
Harbor these balls showed up by the * Myrtle Point have ata» been visiting
figuring that the new name will
hundreds and were picked up on at the home of their grandparents.
bring more consideration amongst
beaches from Crescent City far to the Mr and Mrs. R. W. Haughton.
hunters regarding the bird, and in­
north. AU of those floats were not
Mrs. Lura Morgen, of Bandon, was
cidentally more loads of chilled shot
being accidentaly lost from the Japs
its way.
. Washington, D. C., June 7—Veter­ nets and that's a cinch. We are con­ ■ l»st Monday and Tuesday house
•guest at the home of her uncle and
The new name—“white bill” puts ans being released from service are vinced that they were set adrift in
wife. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCloskey.
that the GI bill of ....
the lowly mud-dobber on a par with . discovering
—. the ovum
South Pacific for the express pur­
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker and
other wild ducks, so far as a name'1* 001 aH
waa cracked up to pose of testing currents for the VW
sons, Glen and Johnnie, came in from
goes and will ptace it in real game be. Proposals are now before con­ of floating mines to our coastal
Klamath Agency and spent several
class with new gunners, especially^ gress for amendments which would waters, or some such scheme having
days last week visiting at the home
__ many
for even now there are
new make the measure more workable a direct bearing on the present war.
of Mrs. Parker’s mother, Mrs. Ella
hunters- in the marsh i.rwi« Wh'o can_ and more acceptable to the veterans,
Since the War Department has Bryant, and other relatives. While
not distinguish the difference between!Men in thc arn,ed forces have uader- given publicity to the fact that Jap-
they were here Mr. Parker's parents,
a mudhen (excuse us, we meant'at0od tbat
federal government anese balloons are landing in the
Mr. and Mrs. John Parker of Ham­
“white bill,") in flight and that ofiwould <uarant«e loans tor homes, Northwest and are bearing bombs,
mond, Ore., and a son, Vernie, who
any other duck. And too, the new farma ahd business, and the bill so „
it is not hard to fathom the mystery is here on furlough from the South
name sounds more palatable when d«clar«a> but there is so much red of the mysterious object which ex­
Pacific war zone, came in and they
applied to the bird. For instance, par->Upe Evolved that scarcely more than pkxled over in Klamath county a
sons who eat caviar probably would * handiul of the veterans already dis- ' whUe. back and killed a woman and all returned together with the Frank
Parkers to Klamath for a visit.
not indulge in it if it were listed on c*>ar««d
exccss of 1,000,000) have,jfv« children.
It happened in a
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Claver and two
the menu as plain salmon or sturgeon | obtained loans.
| wooded section of the country on an
children, Howard and Betty, ar­
eggs, for caviar is a rather intriguing
Whi,e the loans are guaranteed. ■ old trail. These balloons are about
rived here last Saturday evening
name. However you may have my the veterans are discovering that it (33
in diameter and plenty large
from Houston, Texas. They are house
share of fish eggs and I believe that** almost impossible to negotiate the enough to carry the weight of a man
guests of his sister and family, Mr.
that goes with most fishermen who b>an. In the first place, the veterap or two and there is nothing to pre-
and Mrs. Curley Thompson, and are
have used them for bait
¡must find some person or instituti-]v,nt suicide inclined monkey-men
also visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
but oacx
wnite Dills: They:,,
» Qi mfOiiHe in thia n rnnciHorahlo 1__ u_ .
.... tome
. . . . •»
• _ Bert Claver.
S’ ÄS'
ST* One
m* * y ' if
ÄSE landing in our
forests during the dry
Saturday afternoon visitors at the
find^Ttohy when°cooked,T“
.’°a" “ “Pproved f°r a season and setting forest fires. Re­ home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bennett
member to report to the authorities were Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bunch and
1. th.
. guarantee by the veterans adminis- at once upon sighting a balloon. Do
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Jenks, of
wild duck durin» rZiT8*7
tration. Banks are as cautious in
not approach to within a hundred Rink creek.
feedin» rnnditi
e a n perl s an dealing with a veteran who has Just
yards of it and stand guard untU the
Clare Freeman, of Sweet Home,
sons. Ana while they may possess a '«' .. ..
i proper persons appear to take charge. came in Decoration Day with Mrs.
.4-— «
al T i
« Pacific as they are in dealing with
A short while back we weye al-
7. ? .
flaV‘>r’ hÜ may 60 —
in and .»V«
^'lowed to ««»mine a small piece of Lawrence Haughton .and visited her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
.«a«Mäl2tj"lteta.OinhITh. tabrte
_i from one of these Schroeder, 'till Monday of this week
,___ ,___
It looked not unlike a when she returned to Roseburg with
them in a solution of plain vinegar a"<? “ "?any *«terans have "°cr*dit; Piece ot ‘»nned buckskin and was of
her aunt and husband, Mr. and Mrs.
rating since they were called into light, but very tough fiber.
W. A. Warner, who finished moving
War Relocation
Authority is their househoold goods out to Look­
-__ —
- -------- to
----------- their
lne circulating
r «»location
, J Tn .P ‘
™«n- I ; ” old
in franked
ing Glass, where they recently pur­
ted by cooking mudhens in various they are out of luck.
m uauaea
_ - ■
. v*l°pes to the American people in chased a 74-acre ranch.
to discover some -___
v<,t«ran« ar* discovering that which they laud the virtue. of
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mullen
“ tody Hr*. ab.le to.
Japanme. They, like a lot of nm«-
were last Thursday evening dinner
And while we must confess that we requirements they do not need the
- ,
,P«P«rs and associations, would like' guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mc­
have never perfected anything «..«.I
that¡ veterans
“dminiriration to
to guarantee cram thc da8cendent. of the sons
sax 6»» 41*»» A«» »4 ■
J*» .t. I VeteranS
dUCk' one-half of the loan they wish to
heaven down
U)e Closkey.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Schroeder went
that one way we discovered makes negotiate.
¡American (white) public. But when to Langlois Sunday to try to find
a fairly good dish. Here it is, in
___ ___
Of course,
some _________
of the blame
for it comes to spending the tax-payers
case that you wish to give them a the mix-up can be laid at the door ' money on propaganda splurges favor­ some seed potatoes but fbund them
as scarce as “hen’s teeth" there also.
trial sometime:
the lending agencies, but even af-
ing the Japs, it is going it appears They visited at the home of Mrs.
Soak the birds over night, as , ter the veteran has talked the agency to us a bit too far. Money could be
Schroeder’s brother and wife, Mr. and
described above. Boil tender, strip ¡into being willing to make a loan, spent for far more worthy purposes.
Mrs. Ben Burgess.
all meat from the bones and chop up there te. still the questionnaire of
We believe that Harry Truman has
Everet Rossiter,
from Visalia,
finely. In seperate kettle boil pota- the veterans administration to satisfy, raised himself another notch in the
Calif., is working for Rufus Rylander
toes and fine chopped onion until and that is another hurdle to over­ estimation of the people in general by
as is also Glen Wolf.
well done. Mix this in proportion togcome.
“Me” FaiAlns
of tM^DI 'bHl, rtdansiniT
Mt. and Mrs. F. A. Denison came
and add beaten
___ feature'
___ respective posltion»P“£ta”
Mix into patties and fry in butter carried an appeal when It was en- j "ag holding a “favor job” under the in from Roseburg Decoration Day
until heated, through, then serve. I acted by congress but the actual'r-
- - -
-■ -■
- - with their grandson, Arthur Bart­
New Deal and Biddle distinguished
Try it once. You’ll no doubt be stir-1 mechanics of obtaining a loan and hhnself as being entirely inefficient lett, and spent part of the day vis­
^-curing th. guarantee of the gov- ! when he
SJbw entirely iting with the Rylanders and Ver­
non Triggs.
There i* one thing about mudhens' emment agency is developing many in hlg 8tand regarding the Montgom-
Tuesday afternoon visitors at the
» (excuse again)
. . and • that
-• . is
• the fact WX
¡flaws. Congress, of course, is will- ery ward
Ward case.
A. R. Bennett’s were Mr. and Mrs.
that when a duck hunter has tough, ing to remedy the situation as soon %
sad-eyed couple stopped at the
Redwood of Myrtle Point.
luck, or cant hit a duck on the wing,1 as it can figure out a fool-proof sys- rtore recently -we read where you
Sunday afternoon and evening din­
he can always sneak up to within; tem, which the existing taw most
your yeuow cat_ “ m M the lady."
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus
range of a white bill. And too, slow decidedly does not provide. Also. 'we lost our cat too, last week; the
to obtain 1 same way you lost yours. Some one Rylander were Mr. and Mrs. Will
flying white bill offers a good tar-1 in the
“ matter
-- priorities
Kistner, of Coquille.
get—they never fly high enough to building materials, on _ which the ran over him in front of our door.
Herman Tedsen and Mrs. Nicolena
be out of range, as ducks do. They : veterans are supposed to be No. 1, the We’d had him for nine yean. Tears
provide excellent practice for the Irian is not working out as expected coursed down her cheeks as she spoke. Elzner are leaving Saturday evening,
—too many regulations.
novice gunner.
' '*
I glanced at her husband. He too June 9, for Corvallis to be present
was misty-eyed. The husband has at the graduating exercises of his
However, white bills .will always
daughter, Anita Tedsen. The com­
Alarming statement as to probable been under the doctor’s care for
be mudhens to us and in the future,
mencement is to be held in the Men's
as we have done in the past, in exhaustion of oil reserves in the weeks with a bad foot.
Gymnasium Sunday evening, June
bringing any home we will conceal United States, current in the early
them in the innermost pocket of our days of the war, are refuted in a re­ rather he lost his leg than to have
hunting coat and sneak in with a sort cent announcement by the petroleum lost our cat.”
“Me too,” said her husband, and
of guilty feeling. Somehow, be it institute of America which shows that
meant it.
white bills or mudhens, we cannot these reserves are greater today than he
To some persons this, may appear
bring ourselves to the point where1 when hostilities began, and this
we can call it sport bagging a poor I despite the fact that a record total of foolish, but to downright ldvers of
old lumbering, slow-winged bird. We' 1,678,000,000 barrels of crude oil was pets it can be grasped. A household
derive a lot more thrill out of ahoot- drawn from the ground last year, pet can worm its way into the heart
ing tin ^ans. In comparison between I The more favorable situation is due of a person after close association
a duck and a white bill, it is the same wholly to the activity of American over a period of years. They actually
thing as seeking to kid ourselves into j oil companies in developing scien- become one of tbe family. Dogs and
believing that a bullhead is on a tific methods and discovering new cats are like humans, each poeseses
par with a trout, both in the taking fields. While a greater supply than a different personality, traits and
and the eating. No sir. it’s going to be ever before was made available for character, just like people and there
a mighty hard proposition to try and war and civilian wee, the year ended are never two exactly alike. So there­
convince old duck hunters that mud­ with a larger balance of oil reserves fore a lost cat or dog can never be
hens are white bills and are as good than when it began, amounting to a replaced to the entire satisfaction of
net gain of 389,000,000 barrels and the owner.
eating as ducks.
We should have liked the driver
Ducks have increased by the mil­ with known oil reserves in the United
of the car that killed the cat belong­
lions. And what has happened? The States now at an estimated total of
Since new ing to the couple mentioned above,
limit has been increased, the season 20,433,231,000 barrels.
to have witnessed their show of grief
lengthened and the use of live decoys fields are seldom developed fully in
as we did. And we should like the
restored, the latter being something
that should have never been allowed this estimate is below rather than driver of the car that killed our cat
in the first place. When game birds above the actual figures, ¡¡nd that to watch for a few hours the dead
and animate are plentiful is really the the reserve may be further increased (cat’s mate as he searches through the
time to preserve
their future, as a result of exploratory drilling house and yard, calling softly as he
searches. After each futile search
A shorter season, a reduced bag limit now in progress,
he looks at us with big reproachful
would be the proper move at the
eyes and in which there seems mute
present time, for that would Insure
Latest proposal is to furnish trans­
appeal that we aid him in his search.
ducks for years to come, for future portation and subsistence to men in
Yes, there’s grief reflected there
generations. There is no assurance the east Jo induce them to go to the
along with the reproach.
that disease may not strike the birds Pacific coast and work in ship re-
Perhaps if persons who run down
even next season, or that nesting
pets in front of peoples’ homes would
zones will have conditions interfering yard workers continue leaving the
take into consideration the fact that
with normal hatching conditions. west for “back home” in the hope of
the pet killed was one that a man
There are many things that can cut connecting
with a steady peacetime
would rather lose a leg than the
down the duck crop overnight. At jab Last year congress was asked to
slain animal, the drivers of such cars
the present rate it will be only the prqvide transportation to their homes
might be fnore considerate toward a
matter of a short time until the ranks for these shipyard workers, but this
family cat or dog, or even the old
of the birds will be cut to an alarm- situation is now reversed; the work­
red rooster.
ing scant number, and desperate steps
are leaving the west coast in
“Don't Be Saps—Deport The Japs.”
will be taken to preserve their re- iarger droves than had been antici-
maining numbers. The time to con- pated, and in the national capital the
To Insure In Sure Insur­
serve game is when it is numerous flight is reported as taking the form
and not wait until it is about extinct Of a stampede. It is assumed that ance.” See Ernest R. Smith, office
before taking steps to protect it. ship repair work will keep west coast Roxy Bldg. Phone 97.
That’s what has been the trouble in yards busy for at least two years, by
past years; poor management in game which time the demobilization of
t troops in the Pacific may be expected.
Pitman that's Dtffsrswt”
Phone 62M
Night ioe-L