■MBB ------ :--------------- ■' B BSS TWENTY YEARS AGO H. A, Same people do not appear to know the law in regard to capturing fawns. It is just as much a violation of the statutes to take a Kam as to ' *....... Entered at the Coquille Postoti Second Class Mail Matter Office Corner W. First and Wiltarg g NATIONAL 6DITONAU KMQK^^ iociation June started in with soaking rains here the first of this week and it ta still cool enough to keep the fumice «oing- ’ i (there is really no vice president) or presiding officer of the senate. He gets *5,000 pay increase (*15,000 I pay as vice president, *15,000 in­ crease for office help and a large, fine car and chauffeur.) His brother, as postmaster in Memphis gets *7,000, another brother as his secre­ tary gets *4500; Mrs. McKellar gets *3*00 as clerk of poetoffice committee. He milks the government of *44,300. If we ever needed anything in this UtRlUUy "ITWa ^heck on government theft. Government could not get more than the site value of.land which it has a moral right to. take because it produces it • Let us make our government moral. —Jas. Richmond, M. D. “When this tax is authorized by the people, the tax commission can then apply the income tax durplus to off­ set the property tax which then will not be collected. The levy is a me­ chanical device ne ce s sa ry under Ore­ gon law to authorise the expenditure of the existing surplus fund from in- come taxes.” « Farrell emphasised the fact that ------- --------- - ------- . r “It Pays To Insure In Sure insur­ ance?* See Ernest R. Smith, office Roxy Bldg. Phone 97________ -------------- -J._____ New High Chairs *3.95 Chests New or Used I Davenports Spring Filled. Good Condition. *27.59 & up Complete Beds 110.00 and up KS Used Furniture Bu" *“** famlly returned fro)T1 home and thus unable to vote °n •lecUon in the ,pec‘al electlon ___ .rrhtay. June 22, may vote by absentee spent considerable tijne in the ! __5 ballot any time up to June 17, five plant watching the manufacture and days prior (to election, Secretary of the building program is one that is needed to enable ovpr-crowded state institutions to meet demands on then facilities. In addition, it will provide sound employment projects during the post-war period. ___________________ --------- ;-------------------- > . - ' - — State Robert S. Farrell states. The traditional bone of contention Messrs. Stokes and Gltean. two “It has come to our attention that between the two major political par- deputy state fire marshals, who have there are a number of conventions ... — ... .. . . > a is___ s_____ U_ I- ties, ourtariff policy, again comes to been investigating conditions in Coos scheduled in Oregon during June and I county. Hid a conference with Mayor C. H. Lowery, who has owned and some of them may cause voters to be the fore in the formulation of post­ war plans. Recent test of strength 'Johnson last Friday evening regard­ conducted the cleaning and pressing away from home on election day,” They business, known as the City Clean­ Farrel mid. “Voters who will noiîhe on the question of extending tariff ing conditions in Coquille. adjustment powers for the president I made many recommendations but ers A Tailors, for the past IS months, home to vote on June 22 should ob­ sjipw^dlvteipn almost exactely on Stated that conditions here are better sold the business Wednesday to L. C. tain their absentee ballots now and Newman from whom he purchased it. party lines. Wlih the democrats in than they are over at the Bay. • cast them prior to the deadline, five control, this probably will mean low- days before June 22.” Mrs. Alex Sandon and tour children Coquille will be represented by eying of tariff barriers to foreign At the special election, voters will goods in the interest of promoting three women students in the Univer­ intend leaving next Tuesday by auto be asked to authorize a post-war world prosperity.- But there will be sity of-Oregon graduating class this for Ladysmith, Wls. They sre plan­ building program for new buildings strong opposition from industries month. They are Mary Donaldson, ning to remain there for a year, but and additions at the state institutions, foreign Helen Sherwood and Camilla Lorenz, as she has not sold her place on including institutions of higher edu­ competing directly with Combines a full dose of Blackleg Bacterin goods. If the sixty million job goal ' Miss Lorenz will receive a degree in Sanford Heights, expect to return cation. with a full done of the killed cultures of is to be reached all industry must music. Miss Donaldson and Miss Sher­ next summer. “It is important that voters under­ the causative organism of Malignant Edema be in full production. And cheap wood will receive degrees in Edu-1 stand they are not being asked to cation. • I The following is the list of those foreign goods cannot be allowed to authorize collection of additional Double Protection for the Price of One who graduated last week from the taxes in this election,” Farrell mid. destroy domestic markets. 10 Cents a Dose With Quantity Discounts «• __ a Sunday -A ______ Next at one o ’ clock, the ” 'Arago High School — Ethel Fish, Thf Ujiited Stqtes .has the highest "Oregon now has the *10,000,000 ?• — “ “* living standards in the world, made Wecoma Baths, at Bandon, will be'Dorma Lett, Mary Root, Ed y the. to finance the building pro- possible by mass production with formally opened to the public. Thta | Woodward, Christina Vetter, Bdward • gram in income tax surplus, but un­ high wages. A few key industries, te the new mlt water riktatorium Fredenburg and Harry Hickam. der the state’s constitution, this money J I JU ) l y/ .s. H il i' I — such as steel, coal, and automotive, cannot be expended unless the peo­ set the pace for the wage rates in* net be very r substantial in the face ple authorise a ten mill tax levy. other industries. Ura email-manu­ of -the prospective burden of debt. ■ , ..... — Uje. Oregon, 1s preparing itself for th factory of hardware, tot example, adjustment period by b operated in the Pittsburg area it must coming tax __ _____ pay wages in line with those of the making s' thorough study of the The city of San Francisco took over steel industry or it will get no help, state’s, tax structure during the com­ six lets on a tax title. The city Prevailing-ikfcor costs depend almost ing biennium. A committee has been leased these lots July 1, 1044, for entirely ditwage schsdulps in mgjor appointed jointly by the legislature $30,500 per month. If this value te and the governor to make the study. a value produced by government or industries. The major industries can often ab­ An appropriation of *20,000.00 has society and if taken by society or sorb te cost increases by im- been set aside for .the work. The government would pay every tax that jn machines or method*. personnel of the committee te of the te paid in the United States. The be done in the highest type and consists of men of ground the Empire State building smaller industries. Tariff protection experience and warted interests. Coco built on was leased from the Aston is therefore essential to the life of county te honored in the appointment (half of them in England) at nearly the latter because of their helpless­ of Geo. C» Huggins to a amt on the *l,000JMX> per year. This valile W ness against foreign competition. As committee. Mr. Huggins will repre­ produced by government and te going long as wt have present high wage sent school interests in which he has to a private family which produces schedules we must protect them had an active part for years. It te no part of this value and one-half presumed that the study will be com­ of it goes to England. against cheap foreign labor. A formidable array of industries pleted in time for submission to the Question 1*. How Would the taking have appeared in protest before the next legislature. of this value all over the U. S. affect If there te any serious weakness in the fear of want and why? ways and means committee. Their * i , ■ ■ c * combined strength may be enough to Oregon’s tax structure it te in the Let us see clearly what we mean over-loading of real property which force retention of at least reasonable by the above question (K does not protection by tariff. As one of the has to underwrite all of the major ' refer to a famine whore all would industries affected'will be lumber we public functions of the state. We want) The question moans the in­ are interested In the outcome of the lack meens.of levying upon the tran­ security of a job or means of making tariff battle. Before the war, Canada sient population in proportion to their a living. To do away with this fear, had substantial advantage in pref­ use of om facilities. Our real pro­ we must know that a job te open to erential rates to members of the perty tax tends to discourage home us at all times. Now let us review ____ owning and general business building British Empire. Our Douglas _ fir in-I the condition that must obtain to dustry dustrv was prevented nrevented from participa-1 n.rtWn«. because of the continuing threat of make that posible. ting in the benefits of the British deficits in income tax receipts throw­ First there must be some way to market. The English have no ambi- in« the.whole burden on real proper - make the job depend on ourselves tion to play Santa Claus to the rest W- A sales tax would remove this or what te equivalent to the sama Of the world. They aim to take care threat but the people will have none thing. of thetr 6wn industries first. Why <** It Second, the amount of wealth must With the federal government hav­ depend on ourselves and this would should we not adopt the mme realis­ ing first lien on income and with tic policy? secure plenty or want at our own The setting of a tariff schedule that I heavy federal levies a certainty, convenience. , * will afford protection where needed I great care must be used in distribut- Third, the government should have and yet not shut off the flow of ’ ing oher tax burdens as scientifically no right to take any part of the foreign goods entirely is no easy job. as possible. Rule of thumb methods wealth produced, by the individual. Prtfbably the descretionary power • are definitely out. The tax structure Fourth, no union, church or any just given to the president will add [ must be carefully and intelligently other organization should have the ite I built with due regard for economic flexibility to present tariff rates and right to take any wealth involuntar­ A facilitate necessary adjustments be­ effect. Sound fiscal policies in both ily. under any circumstance, only federal and. state governments are a fore harm is done. But cold logic voluntary. , dictates that we can not maintain must. Any regulations or levies that Magazines, Cardboard, Books, Newspapers, etc. Fifth, it must be-possible for peo­ our wage rates without a protective hamper business should be discarded. Pack tightly in cartons and tie securely in handy sised bundles. Use strong cord. Some one has estimated 'that to ple to move from place to place tariff, no matter how distasteful this freely. If one climate or soli does ■fact will be to free trade advocates. raise the capital necessary to fur­ CORD CAN BE OBTAINED at GEO. F. BURR MOTOR CO. The only controversy will be over ad­ nish jobs for 20 men would require not please the producer, it should be passible to move and not fear want. an individual Income at a million ministrative policy. To do away with the fear of want, I dollars per year for ten straight years, A start towards a general tax re­ so high are the present federal in- land of opportunity must be accessi­ lief program has been made by the! 'come levies. It does not take much ble and this means free land. If you Cans should be thoroughly cleaned and have labels removed. Cut out both ends. elimination of superfluous federal imagination to see what is happen­ have to pay for land it te to that ex­ agency activities, the re-organization I ing to our American free enterprise tent not accessible. It must be im­ Insert ends in can and smash flat by stepping on it of the cabinet, and the five-point tax under this sort of a set-up. The rich possible for anyone to hold land out Pack in boxes or other adequate containers. relief recommendations of ways and ! and the poor are automatically frozen of use and if the site value of land means committees in Congress. The in their respective positions and there were paid to the government, land Dirty, badly rusted, or unflattened cans cannot be accepted. published statement reveals that no is no hope of advancement for enter­ would not be held unless used. rate changes are involved but that prising young men. Ail financing on Question 17. Would It increase or If weather is clear, place cans and paper on curbing. If stormy, keep on porch. relief is offered in other ways. The a large scale must be done by bureau­ decrease the cost of government and I Packing Boxes can be had on call at Selvaage Depot. provisions affect corporate and part- cratic manipulation of the tax-payers why? It would do away with all of I nership levies mostly, the need for money. Private capital is fast dry­ your national tax officers and in­ adjustments in these levies being ‘ ing I up as a source of industrial de­ vestigators. It would do away with velopment. . The taxpayers must nearly all of your state and municipal CLEAN UP COMMITTEE deemed the most urgent. The lavish spending by government now take the risk that individuate tax men. A former assessor of this General Chairman ---- ...... .............. George F. Burr, phone 195 or 278J in pre-war days plus the enormous used to. The machinery of progress county told a crowd in Barrow's office ■ —• cost of war means that American is in danger of being hopelessly (I was one of them) that with the Advertising and Publicity O. L. Wood, Mrs. Geo. Chaney, H. A. Young tax-payers will have to hand over a clogged by government red tape. tax (Henry George) system here ad­ Transportation large portion of their income to the It te most timely that this tax study vised, he could do all the assessing tax-collector for generations. No one is being made in Oregon. Though in the county alone and not mbve out Instruction ..... Dr. <>• *• Bunch, So. Hoover St, phone 130M should be misled by statements that the work of interim committees is of his office. Your home would be relief to the individual or corporate seldom effective and almost never free from any tax men whatever. Phil Alburn, 71» W. 4th, ph. 17» Ed Parent, 390 E. 11th, ph. 151J tax-payer will be given through low- heeded by the legislature, this par- What a paradise this would be! W. P. Laws, 240 S. Division, ph. 92J Irwin Larson, 175 S. Henry ph. 92J ering of tax levies to former levels, tlcular study will be used as a guide Question 1*. Do you need a check It will be completely impossible to during the 1M7 session. Some of on government spending, and why? Stan Sherwood, 108 So. Coulter St., Ph. 28L do that and the people must prepare much of their time to this work, Th« following illustration answered for very high tax levels in compari- 1 Veleran members of the assembly will part of this question. In the late son to former days. AU possible re- insist upon adoption of the com- incident when Truman became presi­ CALL ON ANY OF ABOVE FOR INFORMATION AS DESIRED lief will indeed be given but it can mlttee’s finding as far as is practi- dent, McKellar (Pres, pro-tem of the a blest men in the state will give cable. • the Senate) became vice president I- RT.AWLEEAND MALIGNANT IDEM Clostridium Chauvei-Septicus Bieterin Fuhrman s Pharmacy We Are A Notion Of Liars—Tax System N-UP and SALVAGE WEEK Not later than lune 16 ——Instructions for Salvage— I I I I