The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, May 24, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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    Business Session
Set For June 2
Council Session
Monday Evening
The fourth and last business meet­
ing for the fiscal year of the Coos-
Curry Pioneer and Historical Asso­
ciation to set for Saturday, June 2,
at one o’clock in the Coquille City
Hall, according to President A; H.'
across the lot
blacksmith shop
First and Front streets, and Elliott '
(Coquille Hi-Times)
ad^RaU streets, where Mf. Dolan ex- ' At S noon election in Room 11 on
poets to begin filling In bis lot about Monday, May 14. the Coquille High
July 1, wee that the sewer line might School Student Body elected Dave
be concrete-capped to prevent its Kline to the executive position on the
sinking any more in the rotten saw- student Council for the'year '4®-'4fl.
dust pile over which the line was, Kline, who nosed out hto rival by
laid. He said the line is in poor « „»rgin <4 20 vqtaa, scholastically
condition through that block and the I maintains a good throe average, has
council made a date to look the route | been a member of the “C” club for
and may order the laying of a the last throe years, and is quite
sewer line, which would run generally active in school affairs
around the edge of the old gulch, on
Also elected were Jack Buckles,
higher ground.
vice president, succeeding Dave
In thia connection, Craig Perrott Kline; Shirley Slater, secrotary, suc-
told the council this his father, E. L. ceeding Jeannie Grigg«;
Perrott, had told him that as a boy■ Grogpry, assistant treasurer, suc-
he had rowed a boat .from the river{ceeding Jerry Oerding; Melbourne
Kline To
Lead In 1945-46
[Highway Department this week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gasner
who sailed Donn* Kae from Coquille spen
from a California port on a troop'enJoy,bl® ' *v*'nin* M the George
ship five weeks ago, has arrived 1S*1®“00'1 Saturday evening. Mr. and
on the Philippines, he ad- 'Mr* Roy Detillion and Charles Detil-
vises in a letter to his parents Mr Ilion •t®PP®d in tor ■ »hort time’ later
and Mr. Alto. Clauron He wri£ |
Ch"»«“* with them to the
that bis camp, which
• temporary , To*n8e"d d*nce
. .._
one, is pitched in a beautiful palm
Mr* Jeo Kay ,rom Bandon suited
™ t£e. Their barrack, are large
her* laat Thuroday. Mr. Kay
JZ.emth accommodating forty™». W°?\Wlth Ral»h and °*ne
À. C. Schultz
important and interesting reports
He is much impressed with the T*‘hctheir lo“ln« °P«raUonaoveron
are to be continued by special com­
in the place. Evidently the
mittees' relative to the pr op o sed his­
wMthor haa not been ton warm there
Mrs. C, M. Hartwell attended the
torical and museum undertakings by
the Associations. Furthermore, time
the Coquille Pioneer church hall
is drawing near for the all important
evening, sponsored by the
annual get-together held in Coquille
and. Professional Women’s
on the last Sunday in July.
¡club of which Mrs. Hartwell is a
President Bender proposes to ap­
i member. Her guest mother was Mrs.
point special committees for this oc­
Ella Fonper from here.
casion who will make all possible ar­
Mrs. Lorena Willard of near Co­
rangements for one of the biggest and
war, yet they needs must buy them quille, who underwent a major oper­
best meetings the members and
now from the natives. And at what ation at the BeUe Knife last Wednes­
friends of the association have ever
day, is the former Lorena Kight, sis­
r •
up what was then a slough to the ■ Mitchell, business manager, succeed- price! If one is a convincing talker
ter of Walter, EUis and Andi Kight
This year has been one of the most Quick corner on First street.,
, tag Jack Stevens; Walter MacKinney,
of this place. We are glad that Mrs.
progressive since organizing. Mem­
At the request of J. A. Hannan, he succeeding Jean Plieth, as inter-«lass chase a cocoanut for fifty cents agd
Willard is making a satisfactory re­
bership roll has increased to a list was given an additional 30 days to rivalry chairman.
' t
Our best wishes have been
of 450 names, with many interested get the otf Boy Srout cabin removed
Appointments for the office were »Donald Sell, son of Mrs. George with her.
friends who are in accord with all from Myrtle Grove per*.
held first at a student council meet­
regulations of the association but
Upon the recommendation of Geo- ing In the office and additions were pany and it is understood he is still
neglect to hand in their names, in­ F. Burr, chairman of last year’s nominated at a general assembly on with him on that Philippine island.
Another of our boys in whom we
tending in good faith to do so very Clean-up committee, June
1 was set ¡May
are deeply interested is “Bud" Aasen, ■ On Thursday of last week G. W.
as the time to start the program and | Those nominated were:
Another evidence of growth is the the trucks will pick up the refuse a
President—Dave Kline, Bill Kist- eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Aasen Anderson, of Fairview, entered Belle
dm.. -
of Coquille. His first letters have Knife Hospital for treatment, while
fact that all necessary procedure for week or so later.
incorporating has been handled by J The street department was in-
Vice President—Maurice Williams, been received by his family and Mrs. Eva Shephard, .of Coquille, and
reliable legal service so that the as- ' ■ structed to set back in place the en­ DeWayne Vandergrift, Jack Buckles. friends since he landed “somewhere” Dorothy Eppling, of Denmark, en­
sociation is now a non-profit cor­ trance pillar of the city on Front
Secretary—Shirley Slater, Sally in the Pacific just prior to May 1. He tered for surgery
poration and may maintain a museum street, which a logging truck trailer Gable, Bernice Haga, Wilma Drake. wrote his mother that he was privi­
Sharon Funk, Bullards Rt., sub­
open to the public just as soon as recently knocked over. These pillars,
Asst. Treasurer — Laura Emily leged to attend a grand Mother’s mitted to a tonkilectomy Saturday.
such an enterprise becomes possible. two at each of the three entrances on Ruble, Joyce Munger, Marian Grog- Dey service there on that day.
Jimmy Clinton, son of Orville Clin­
Last week’s report had to be sent ton of Arago, entered for treatment
The association may also exhibit and the highways to the city, were one 'ory.
publish material relative to history of
Gant, in before the program of our Eighth Monday, as did Mrs. E. L. Hanson of
grade graduating class could be given j Coquille.. *
Coos and Curry counties, all of which
may be summed up as aq oppor­
Elmer Hook and Calvin Fults, of
Rivalry Chairman—Bill Those exercises were held Wednesday
tune educational field.
me Rackleff, Pat Yar- night i Superintendent of Coquille Coquille, underwent surgery Tues­
Whether interested in the asso­
schools, Carl E. Marrison, gave the day.
ciation as a pioneer, or because the
address. The class sang three songs,
Edith Mattoon was discharged on
history of Oregon appeals to those
"This to My Shining Hour,” “Leave Wednesday of last week and Santos
Me With a Smile,” and “Farewell to Bedoy and Rybern Workman were
who have escaped the hardships of
Thee.” Joanne Smith had the honor dismissed Saturday.
early days by arriving later, but are
glad to familiarize themselves with • has an otter at $150 fat the throe. It is
of being chosen valedictorian of the
On Sunday, C. L. Tuttle left the
I v af-
—J there but the city U..
class and she gave an Interesting talk hospital.
the h.nrlrcymimfi
background nf
of fh»ir
their yiaw
ac- swamp i land
has 1
All patients dismissed
Tuesday evening, this week, the
qwired home; in either instance both improvement liens of $23« against the ' budget committee of the Non-Hlgh on “Education of Handi-capped Chil­ during the past week were residents
dren.” Virginia Lou Corrie, saluta- of Coquille.
are eligible to affiliate with the as- iota.
school board met in the county court |torian, brought a brief message on
The council ordered that a fence
The support of every one inter- be built on either side of the road rooms ,to plan for the coming year. ; “Education.” *
ested is an asset and an inspiration
The class presented to Mrs. Lyla
to the association to “Go Ahead” and
1 •««■rirai luaira
in tax levy was-slight, due to the fact ¡M ioveiy Fostoria dish. They gave
make the effort to do the things
i lhe board entered the new year with ja coriag« fo each of the other three
which seem advisable and possible
cash on hand and with considerable. teacherss—Mrs. Cuma Russell of the
even though somewhat distant.
estimated receipts for delinquent
and glx|h grade«, Mrs. Ara Rus-
Please indicate interest by
i taxes and from other sources.
who has the third and fourth
June 2.
«>"‘P°a*d of the grades and Mr. Myrtle Kelly, who
member»—W. M.
the first and secopd grades.
In Justice Bull’s Court
cbalrTBan; A B Mrs. Mitchell presented each girt tn
George LeRoy Hultin was fined $21
1 ®TTrT^nlc®r
1 the class with a corsage and each
last Thursday by Justice Fred Bull
aeon, Sitkum; Ida Under, Eastside,1
wJth a boutonniere.
Ebe and
on a “combined overload” charge.
Equipment Now Available without Priority
the class together presented their
Allyn Rey Tychsen was summoned
Orders delivered in the order received :
by the state police on Friday to ap­
cu. ft. to 70 cu. ft. Reach-In Refrigerators
pear in justice court for having‘■an
things he had done for them during
improper license on his truck and no
Come in and inqtire about the
the year.
P.U. C. permit.
The school dosed Friday, culmin­
Charles Ogden Webster was fined
ating with a picnic for all, including
$3 and $4 costs on Monday for not
Wo can now get for you.
many parents, at Croft Lake just be­
having an operator’s license . '
We determine heat load and also of equipment
(Held Over From Last Week)
made the run down ' there with the
Five cases were brought before
, for Walk-Ins, Locker Plants, etc.
pupils. The day was grand and ev­
Justice of the Peace Fred Bull here
’ 420 W. Front St
eryone had a most enjoyable time.
by the state police recently:
Thus ended a most successful grade
Gilbert Ellis Holbrook paid $5
school year for-Riverton. Much credit
fine and $4 costs May 10 for oper­
Gilmore Service
Belle Knife Hospital
! Noh-High School
: Budget $128,210
V »
ating a car without lights; Lester
Jack Cardwell paid the same amount
the same day for a combined over­
route. 1
load; Della Wilson Nichols paid $7
f<*r having no vehicle license, on May
10, and Johh H. Cox was summoned
that day on a trailer overload charge.
On Monday, May 14, James Ar­
thur Pratt paid a fine of $1 and $4
costs for having no tail light on his
Anne Elvera Katherns paid an $11
fine and $4 costr in Justice Bull’s
court last Wednesday for having no
operator's license.
The same day LeRoy Ray Ellis paid
$7 for having no muffler on his car
and N. H. Chownlng paid $9 for vio­
lation of a basic rate ot-the-rond.
William Edward Deveny, arrested
recently by the state police for driv­
ing while intoxicated,
was fined
$150 and sentenced to 30 days in
jail. The jail term is to be suspend­
ed if he pays the fine and costs. His
driver's license was suspended for
one year.
Hunter, Lena B. Rogers, trustees, vs.
Gordon C Rasmussen and wife,
Beryl and Johii Haglund.
On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Shields from Myrtle Point had dinner
and spent the evening with George
and Lavina Shelton and family. Ben
is Lavina’s uncle.
Friday morning when bucking logs
for Ralph Smith, Ancil Kight had the
misfortune to cut his foot quite bad­
ly with his axe. It’s impossible to
Church Filled To Capacity For keep a good man down so true to
Baccalaureate Service
form Ancil was back on the job
Baccalaureate services for the Monday morning when he shouldn’t
graduating class of Coquille High were have been.
held at eight o’clock on the evening
Pfc. Edward Hatfield of the Air
of May 20, in the Pioneer Methodist Forces, and eider son of our janitor
Church, with the Rev. W. R. Munger and wife, came in Wednesday an a
bringing the message, “Life At Its short furlough to visit his parents
Best.” He took for his text the first and his wife, before being sent into
chapter of Second Peter. A record the Pacific. He reports at an em­
attendance was reported, since all barkation point on this coast some
the seat! were filled and extra chairs time this week.
were brought.
Mrs. Genevieve (Fetch) Williams
Especially well-received was the returned to her father's home here
music presented by the High School____________________ _ _ ___ _____
mixed chorus, accompanied by Ronald | time in Colorado with her husband, I
Williams. Invocation and benediction 1 Phil,
Phil, who
who is
to in
in the
the armed
armed forces.
force«. PJril
were offered by the pastor of the was moved to Las Vegas, Nevada,
host church, the Rev. C. O. Brown, from which place he is soon to be
Nor- Scripture was read by the Rev. sent overseas.
If Phil doesn’t re­
tfs Menno Rempel and prayer was of­ ceive a furlough so he can come here
fered by the Rev. Liston Parrish.
before going out, Genevieve plans
with be high school students for $40
pr mo? George Gunnell’s one-
yec; i.mtract on Ross and Catching
Inlets was extended to two years.
Ttx budget committee elected Louis
Linder chairman and Flossie Wilson
secretary for the coming year.
Circuit Court Coses
Probote Court Items
Harry A. Slack was last Friday
of the
$15,000 real property estate left by
Ben E. Bush. To appraise the prop­
erty the court named Li H. Hazard,
O. C. Sanford and Dr. C. A. Rietman.
Scofield Studio
Hub Buildinc
Special Discounts on
to go to him there.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lockwood
drove in from Portland Saturday
In a letter to George F. Burr, Marc night. Their presence here at this
Shelley writes from somewhere in time was due to the confinement of
the Pacific that he had hoped to see hli mother, Mrs. Mary Lockwood, in
his son, Marcus, st one of the ports 'the Be,,e Knife Hospital. She en-
— his .-------
vessel . docked.
1_____ tered there last Monday for a major
disappointed in this but did encoun- operation on Tuesday and her con-
tar Lynn Perrott, son of E. L. Perrott, dition is reported favorable, at this
of this city.
time. Lloyd and his wife stayed
Marc also sent Mr. Burr a small'whlle here •* th® home of hta ,lrter>
piece, almost ss light as paper, of a Mrs. Anc11 Kight They had to re­
Jap Zero plane which had been turn to Portland Sunday evening,
knocked out of the sky and com-' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Collier and
pletely wrecked.
! little Rosemarie and Johnnie from
■ - ■
Coos-River spent Sunday and had
"It Pays To Insure In Sure insur- 'dinner
with the George Sheltons,
ance." See Ernest R. Smith, office George i* feeling much better now
Roxy Bldg. Phone 87.
and is back on his job with the State
Geo. Burr Receives Piece Of
Jap Zero From Marc Shelley
Service Men ar« especially invited to call far a sitting.
Frozen Food Cabinets