The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, May 24, 1945, Image 1

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C. H. 1 Commencement Tonight
Coquille High School May 24, 1945
B.P.W. Mother-
Lewis Wiltshire
Returns To Coquille Daughter Banquet
As Bank Manager Monday Evening
Council Session
Mondoy Evening
Second Child Bom
In Coquille Died
Tuesday Al Bandon
High School Band
Mayor O. L. Wood and five coun­
Wayne Smith, Director
cilmen were present for the regular
Rev. Liston Parrish
semi-monthly session of the city
Salutatory Address
... .. ...... Vera Bishop
council in the city hall Monday eve­
at which time it was decided to
Violin Selection
Ronald Williams i
Guy Drew, three months and 13
Announced this week to the ap­
Valedictory Address -
. Phyllis Litzenberger pointment of Lewis Wiltshire as new annual Mothers and Daughters ban­ acept the offer of Ted Grubbs of days pdst 83 years of age, whose
Coos Bay and purchase a grand home was in Bandon, passed away Mt
- .
. .
. * -
Girls Glee Club manager of the Coquille branch of quet last Monday night. May 21, held
the First National Bank of Portland. by the Business and Professional piano for installation in the Com- the hospital on Tuesday.
Commencement Address
.... Dr. James Millar
Building. The city will pay
The funeral services will be held at
Mr. Wiltshire to well known in Co­ Women's Club in the Pioneer Church
Field Representative, Oregon Council of Churches
the Bandon Baptist church. Schroe­
quille, having served as assistant hall. The two long tables running 8750 for the instrument.
A letter from the Stqfe Board ot der Bros, in charge, at a time to be
-'............................... -
Ariel Crook manager of the bank here from No­ almost, the full length of the haU
stated that the milk control set after word to received from a' son.
Presentation of Class -
Principal E. R James vember, 1937, to June, 1941, at which
candle arrangements, hand-colored department had no legal authority to
The deceased was born in Coquille
Presentation of Honors
... . Superintendent C- E. Morrison
land office of the bank for further menu place cards and dainty hand­ prosecute milk dealers whose prem­ Feb. 9, 1872, the ion of Devid and
Presentation of Diplomas
- -
R. T. Slater
training in the Loan Supervision de­ kerchief favors created an interesting ises and equipment to not as sanitary Mary Willard Drew, in a log cabin
Chairman, Board of Education
partment. After a year’s training in and attractive effect at the places. as it should be and the city authori­ near the site of the CoquiUe Hotel,
The ladies of the church, assisted ties will take the matter up with and had lived all his life in Coos
that department he assumed thp posi­
tion of manager of the First National’s by several pretty young girls, served Hans Selfors, Coos county milk in­ county. He was the second baby boy
to be born in Coquille.
Livestock-Kenton branch in Portland the splendid chicken dinner, which spector.
Two buildings, the old Shores store
Besides his widow, whose maiden
—a post
he has held until the was genuinely appreciated and com­
room on First street just vacated by name was Sylvia Doak, he to sur­
mented upon with favor.
present time. -
| the City Cleaners, and the house at
Mrs. Leia Elrod, chairman
of the
vived by one sister here, Mrs. Maude
Mr. Wiltshire’s banking background
qualifies him well for the position as sate of bonds and war savings stamps, ^e re8r ot Safeway, were reported Bean, and by eight children, eight
manager of the bank in this growing with her committee had available by th* rire chlef “ unsafe and he grandchildren and two great grand­
Commencement exercises for the
The following men were ordered to
condemnation, children.
The children are: Mrs.
1945 senior class of Coquille High
He started with the corsages made of beautiful garden recommended their
report for their pre-induction physi­
will be held in the high school gym­
First National as a messenger in May, flowers decorated with ribbon and The council members will look the Roy Granj, of Coos River; David
cal examination on May 22, by Ceos
properties over before taking action, Drew, C.CM, V. S. Navy; Mrs. Val-
nasium this (Thursday) evening at
1928, and worked his way up through saving stamps.
County Local Board No. 2, in Co­
The* City Cleaners, who recently more Bullis, Mrs. Tam Yarbrough,
eight o’clock, with Dr. James Millar
the various departments of ths bank
and has had positions in several livered the address of welcome. Mrs. Purchased the building just west of Mias Mkxine Drew, all of Beaverton,
of Portland, who to field representa­
John Craig Perrott, Coquille.
tive of the Oregon Council of Church-
branches of the bank throughout the F. L. Rover, 'tea representative ' their old location, were given • per­ Ore.; Mrs. Lewis Lloyd, of Bandon;
Lowell Ireland Giles, Bandon.
.. es, delivering the graduation address.
state, including Pendleton and Nyssa mother having two daughters pres- mit to build a concrete addition to S/Sgt. Claud Drew, of the U. S.
Carl Wm. Perry, Bandon.
Army, and Pfc. Robert Drew, who to
in eastern Oregon, therefore giving ent who are club members said a
Five of the class are already in
Francis Jewell Davison, Coquille.
with the U. S. Army in Italy.
. the service of the United States and
him a wide acquaintance and experi­ few words in response to the presi­
David Henry Ward, Portland.
ence in the banking business through­ dent's address. The program chair­
' cannot bo present but the 48 who
James H. Stoop, Roseburg.
man was Viola Newton, with Georgia
out the state.
will be present make a good-steed
Thomas F. Stevens, Coquille.
Mr. Wiltshire fills the post relin­ Richmond and Bertha J. Smith on
class. Following to the Mat cd those
Donald August Rolund, (address
quished recently by E. T. Stelle, who her committee.
who will receive diplomas:
Following the salute to the flag
has been elected to the position of
Robert H. Brown, Bandon.
Secretary and Manager of the First and repeating of the club collect,
Ida Lae Millqr passed away at
George E. DeOs, Bandon.
Federal Savings and Loan Association Kioto CarUon sang two numbers: "I
12:25 Wednesday, May 23, in Co­
John Robert Axtell, Coquille.
Heard a Forest Pray” by Jerome and
in Eugene, Oregon.
quille, after a long illness.
Edward J. Haumschilt, Portland.
Ford E. Watkins, who has been as­ “God Gave Me You.” Ruth Beyers
Miller was born in Kentucky, May 15,
Woodrow Jones, Dallas, Oregon.
sisting at the Coquille branch of the led the group singing, accompanied
1892. and was 53 years and eight days
Emil T. Thompson, Bellingham Wn.
First National will remain here un­ by Inez Rover. Hazel Hanna, in a
at the time of her death.
She had
Everett P. Thompson, Seattle.
til Mr. Wiltshire arrives. Mr. Wilt­ droll mood, gave a so-called “Educa­
Melvin T. Smith, Vancouver, Wn.
shire’s wife and two children will also tional Reading.”
and had lived in the state of Oregon
John H. Gamblin, Albany.
Mias Phyllis Hanse, talented pian­
move to Coquille as soon as a home
for 48 years. Survivors include her
John W. Zander, Albany.
ist, played an engaging number fol­
can be obtained.
husband, W. F. Miller, one eon, Fred
Benjamin C. Shoemaker, Washing-
J. O. Berglund will continue as As­ lowed by an encore. Bertha Smith
Miller, of Coquille.'Snd three daugh­
u. D. C.
(Continued on page three)
sistant Cashier of the local bank.
All CoquiUe merchants are invited ters, Mra. Iva Skimerlin, Arago; Mrs.
Wayne George Schroeder, Eugene.
by N. P. McDonald, manage» of the Hazel Barklow, Myrtle Point, and-
Floyd Alfred
Neoma Barklow, Coquille, Bullards
Retail Credit Association, to
the next meeting of the amo
Tbu gotte getta streddh
Brother» are: Thomas Cornwell,
which will be M4 in ti*s
die, if
want to get s
Shop at noon next Monday, May 28. Coos Bay, Gano and Ray Cornwell.
Harold K, «™, ou«-™.
R. W. Rice, service officer of the good grub gratis at the big barbecue I At that session Walter Jenson, of CoquiUe; Alfred Cornwell in the .
Dallas Benjamin Greer, Snohomish,
Harold Train
picnic next Sunday noon. May 27, at
V.F.W. post here and who is also a
.Portland, district secretary of the armed forces, and Wylie Cornwell,
Gerald Ulett
the Coquille ball park.
'Pacific Northwest Associated Credit Scottsburg. Sisters are: Mra. Mary
member of the American Legion, is
Xetand Wats
After all riders have been served
Patrick, Arago; Mrs. Laura Allen,
quite enthusiastic about the Veterans’
Robert Kelly
the free feed, the publi£ will have an
Coquille; Cerilda Cornwell, Co­
Rehabilitation Center, which he vis­
opportunity to see the prancing pony ’
Ronald Williams Grand Jury .To Convene
Cteo KighA
Nine grandchildren survive
ited at Eugene last week. He says
Joanne Williamson Next Monday Morning
parade and preview practice of just .
James Kimsey
Funeral services will be held in the
a really wonderful rehabilitation of
a few of the stunts similar to the
Georgia Knight Wallace Willis -
Gano Funeral Home at 2:00 p. m. Sat­
Judge Dei King this week ordered veterans work is being done there. coming events at the Fourth of July
Phyllis Litzenberger
urday, with interment In the upper
Veterans of either this war or the
_______ ....-i.—' . y•- . .
Fishtrap cemetery.
house next Monday morning. May 28.
If you have any suggestions on
The members of the grand jury, service must go out there to do so, how to improve this form of enter­
Funeral Services Here Today
which» was drawn in March, are transportation and meals on the U. of tainment for your community this
For Mr*. B. A. l4nn
George Arnold, Goo. W. Hoffman, O. campus being furnished.
year, please tell the committee.
The testa the veterans undergo
Funeral services are being held at
Lolo T. King, all* of Myrtle Pbint;
J. L Smith, Chairman
In the May issue of The American Carolyn F. Gray, Mildred M. McCune, show what each is best fitted for, but
two O’clock this afternoon at the
Veteran, a publication distributed Alice Robb, all of Coquille, and C. he can still make his own choice of
Schroeder Chapel here for Mrs. Anna
what particular line he wishes to
solely to service men, there was a W. Wolcott, of Coos Bay
Penn of Myrtle Point, who pasted
prepare himself for, and Mr. Rice
most interesting article devoted to
away Monday at the Mast Hospital.
thinks a discharged service man from
the story of the origin and promotion
She had lived there for 10 years. The
Promotion Day At The
this war, or a veteran of World War I
of the idea of the Buddy Poppy. It
body is to be taken to Salem for cre­
can make no mistake in going out
stated in part that,
‘'The poppy Christian Church Next Sunday
movement got its impetus from the
The Bible School of the Christian there to consult at the center. He, as
She was born in Indiana and is
poem, “In Flanders Field,” written by Church will observe
__ __ _ Promotion
_ service officer, will be glad to give
survived by her husband, B. Ancel
Colonel Jahn McCrae of the Cana- [ Sunday, May 27, during the Bible them any information or help arrange
Penn; her son-in-law, Norman W.
dian forces before the United States School hour. Those who have com- for their getting out to Eugene.
Boles, timekeeper at the Kline camp,
Mr. Rice has seen action in this
entered the first world war. Imine- pleted their
• will
— receive
and by three grand daughters. Jier
Executive Secretary of N. W.
; dlately after the Armistice, the idea their Promotion Certificates and be war in the South Pacific and was re­
daughter, Mrs. Boles, passed away
cently discharged from the Veterans
Associated Credit Bureaus
of selling replicas of the original advanced to their new classes.
last year.
Flanders’ poppy took hold in some
The boys from the High School Hospital in Portland. This fall he ex­
of the allied countries.” •
class will present a dramatization of pects to take a two months’ re­
brings a real message of interest to
Another paragraph informs us, “In "Paul Before Agrippa,” with the fol­ fresher course at U. of O., and then
anyone interested in credit A Coos
February, 1984, the VFW registered lowing characters: Paul, Tom Boots; will go east to Minneapolis, Minn., to
Bay born and raised young man, Mr.
the name, 'Buddy Poppy’ with the Agrippa, Jim Kimsey; Festus, Walter take the vocational course offered to
Jenson to known to many Coquille
U. S. potent office, and a certificate McKinney; Roman Guard, Wallace vets at the university.
A fine program was arranged Tues­
people who will want to hear him.
was issued on May 20, 1924, granting Cross. The part of hemice is yet
In his letter to Mr. McDonald, Mr. day evening by representatives of
the VFW all trademark rights in the to be chosen. The public is invited Charles Dant Passed Away
Jenson wrote that the Coquille the Coquille Veterans of Foreign
name of “Buddy" under the classi­ to this service which begins promptly In Portland Last Monday
Credit Association won second place Wars and American Legion posts for
fication of artifical flowers.
The at 9:45. ‘
The many mends, in Coquille of
in its recent campaign for members Memorial Day observance next Wed­
VFW has made that trademark a
Chas. Dapt, 87-year old lumberman
for the past year, Calgary winning nesday. It will be presented in the
guarantee that all poppies bearing Rainfall Still Considerably
who was the head of the large Dant
first, but Coquille’s increase was Washington school building at 10 a.
that name and the VFW label are
A Russell concern in Portland, were
greater than the Spokane and-Great m,. and Sheldon Sackett, editor of the
genuine products of the work of dis­
saddened on Monday when they
Falls increase, those cities coming Coos Bay Times, will be the princi­
Fifty-eight hundreds of an inch beard that he had passed away just
abled and needy veterans. No other
in third and fourth. The increase for pal speaker, with other features
organization, firm, or individual, can of rain the past week brings the total after returning from a fishing trip
the district, Mr. Jenson wrote, was which have not yet been announced.
make legal use of the name “Buddy for the weather fiscal year up to to the Deschutes river. He to sur­
Members of both the service posts,
Rev. Ray Ames begins a two over 300 new members.
slightly over 52Mi inches, about. 12
vived by his widow, three sons and weeks series of Evangelistic meetings
Other matters to be taken up at from Myrtle Point and Coquille, as
Every Buddy Poppy offered for inches short of the average for the i two daughters.
at the Baptist Curch on Sunday, con­ Monday noon’s session include the well as veterans of previous U. S.
sale in Coquille, May 25 and 26, valley. There was .18 of an inch
Besides his many other holdings, tinuing for two weeks. Mr. Ames annual report of the membership wars and enlisted men will take part
will be one made by disabled Veter­ measured last Friday; .18 on Sunday; he was the owner of quite a block of has wide experience both as a pastoi
drive and a discussion of the as­ in the program and parade.
ans of this area. Veterans are paid .10 on Tuesday and .05 Wednesday. stock in the Coos Bay Lumber Co
Following the program, the proces­
and as an evangelist. He has been sociation’s post-war program.
for making them, and the proceeds
sion will- form on Second street,
Field Representative for the Baptist
of the sales are used to provide homes
Raymond L. Halter, accompanied
march first to the river bridge where
Patrons of the O. K. Rubber Wel­ Seminary in Portland for some time A Youth-For-Christ Crusade
for disabled veterans and their fam­ by his wife, came to Coquille for a ders were met by an unusual notice now and is taking time out from
flowers will be sprinkled on the
ilies, and to care for all needy veter­ few days last week to visit with his on the locked door Tuesday, May those duties for this meeting. The Starts May 27 At Local Church
water in memory of those boys in
ans. A Buddy Poppy corsage will mother, Mrs. Alma Halter. He has 23. A picture of a beautiful fish services will be at 7:30 o'clock week
A Youth-For-Christ Crusade, at the the service who died at sea, and then
lend an air of distinction to your been working for the past three years topped a warning message urging day night and the special children’s local Assembly of God, Second and to the three cemeteries where the
lapel white it helps a buddy. Try one. on the B-29 bombers at Seattle, them to beware of a contageous meetings will be at three p.m. Ev- Heath Sts., will begin Sunday, May graves of deceased service men will
Wash. When he left he Fort disease. Rogue River Fever.
The eryone interested is invited to come 27, at 7:45 p. m. The lively singing be decorated. Everyone is, of course,
and spirited choruses will be led by urged to attend the program and ap­
Clarence A. Barton, former Justice Lewis, where he has joined the shop was closed while Mr. and Mr*. to these meetings.
Miss Wilma Munger, just returned pear in the parade.
His «wife will re­ Springer had a fishing party, honor­
of the Peace here and who to now in armed forces.
the Army Intelligence branch of the main here for a few weeks longer.
Mrs Willis McAdams
and li­ from Central Bible Institute, Spring­
ing their helper who is entering the
Mrs. Flora E. Dunne left on Wed­
bava field, Missouri. There will be spe­
service, came in last Sunday and to
months old Kenneth Arden
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fitzgerald
this week, with Mrs. Barton and an
purchased the Berlyn Billings home cial music and a young people’s or­ nesday this week for a two weeks’
visit with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Le­
Army friend of his and wife and two returned home Thursday. May 17,
at MS West Sth St Mra. McAdams chestra.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Leslie
When she
The guest speaker will be Rev. vine, in Eureka, Calif.
children, spending a vacation at the from a vacation spent at various last Friday for Portland, where__ is the daughter of Mr. and Mra. W.
Barton cabin on Bandon beach. points in Utah. While there they vis­ entered a hospital* and was to remain B. Leweilyn, whose home was burned Eunice Munger, of Montana, whose returns she will move her house­
Clarence, whose post to in Portland, ited their son, Capt. Duane Fitzger­ ten days for observation and treat­ at Bridge a short time ago.
Mr. messages will be of special interest to hold equipment out to Monroe where
young people. Services every night she recently bought a place and
recently returned from
several ald, and his wife and new son, in ment "Spika” returned home this McAdams is overseas with the
where she will reside.
‘San Lake City,
except Monday at 7:45.
months spent in Texas.
Fifty-One In C.H.S.
Graduating Class
Those Who Left
For Examination
Mrs. Ida Miller To
Be Buried May 26
Credit Association
Lunch May 28
Get> Horse
Rice Advises Vets
To Consult At Center
Buddy Poppies On
Sale May 25-26 .
To Speak At Baptist
Church Meetings
Memorial Day
Program Arranged